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Status Updates posted by HossC

  1. I try to skip through every episode - that's why it takes so long.

  2. I use Photobucket. They've increased the sizes you can post for free since I signed up.

  3. I was going to pop it back in, but if you think I should "leave ih ouh", I will ;).

    North Dubliners eh: what are they like?!

  4. I wish I'd known about the car show a bit earlier - I could've tried to find some people to share the petrol costs. Are you going? I'll just be at home tomorrow seeing if they manage to have enough dry weather to hold the British GP. With changeable conditions and a mixed up grid, it should be a good race,

  5. I'd keep checking ebay, but they don't come up very often. This thread has some links with more information.

  6. I'll be travelling most of tomorrow, but I'll try and get a look before the weekend.


  7. I'll see what the mods want to do - maybe leave a few with a link.

  8. I'm doing OK thanks. It was good to see your name popping up on posts again. How's life in the "Great White North"?.

  9. I'm glad that you got to watch Dukes over the holidays. I hope you're settling in OK at HNet. Did you find an original Xbox to play your game on yet?.

  10. I'm hungry myself - if you hang on a bit, I'll join you. How long d'ya think it will take for the 3,500 mile trip?.

  11. I'm not ignoring you. I put in many hours on the race car logos last week, and this week I'm catching up on other stuff. I'll try to get some patrol car pics to you over the weekend.

  12. I'm pretty sure I don't have a screengrab of Allied Security - I did look. I'll let you know if I come across it in an episode.

    As I said in my last message, I do not plan to post/upload any more artwork relating to the vehicles you enquired about.

  13. I'm working on the race cars from the 2005 movie at the moment. Every time I think I'm nearly there I find another car or another logo to add. I send something by the end of tomorrow.

  14. I've already called you a Jackeen in your go-cart/woodwork thread - I thought I'd better be nice for once :).

  15. I've been away from home for a while, and using my brother's computer to go online. I should be home by the end of the week, so I'll have another look then.

  16. I've been proofreading all week, but it's about time I added some more patrol car pictures - there's only 2 seasons left to do.

  17. I've downloaded your RAR file and had a quick look. As you've discovered, it's not easy getting clean screengrabs. A large number of the decals are regular brand names, so they should be easy enough to find. I probably won't get a proper look through them until next week.

  18. I've never managed to work out the detail on the bottom of the Roseville badge, so I'm not sure whether you'll find it usable.

    I am going to concetrate on finishing the Patrol Cars in Pictures when I have the time. If I find any more logos that are possible for me to do along the way I'll let you know.

  19. I've only ever done the Aerodynic lightbar from multiple angles. Also, I've only got the front/rear ends of the Furies - I never did the Coronet/Monaco.

    You haven't told me what you want them for yet either.

  20. I've posted a picture in the thread you started earlier.

  21. I've watched the scene a couple of times and no county is given. All the balladeer says is:

    "The most reinforced person in Hazzard was Ms. Mabel, the Mobile Madame."


    "Ms. Mabel's party girls roamed Hazzard in a fancy RV camper."

    After they hear that the cops are on the way Bo says "You were going to move outside of Hazzard County, anyway."

    The cops are obviously not from Hazzard becasue they have to stop at the Hazzard county line. Their cars are the same off-white as the Atlanta cars (probably the same cars), but I think they have a Hazzard-style star on the doors. You never get to see the badges, only the 'Sheriff' sign on the trunk.

    The scene at the end is in Hazzard.

  22. IIRC they were just a single note, powered by an aerosol type can of compressed air, similar to the type you can use for airbrushes. There's a few on ebay (search 'bike air horn'), but they're all single note horns. The Dixie horn sets all use 5 separate horns. They seem to be €25-35, but I've no idea if they'd work on a bike - maybe you should visit a car accessory shop to see if they can help.

  23. Insomnia, or just up early?.

  24. It depends how big it is. I remember people having airhorns on bikes when I was younger. Is it a car horn, or is it made for bikes?. If it's reasonable compact, and not likely to get stolen, I'd say go for it.

  25. Just click on my username (or whoever you want to message) and you can leave a visitor message there. Thanks for you artwork comment.

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