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Status Updates posted by HossC

  1. Hola Carlos. Hay un nuevo miembro de la Argentina. Yo no quiero que los echo de menos.

    New from Argentina

  2. Hola de nuevo. El foro se divide en diferentes categorías:

    New Hazzard Citizen's Guide = Ciudadano de Nueva Hazzard Guía

    Dukes of Hazzard Movie = Dukes of Hazzard Película


    Hazzardnet Forums Announcements = Foros Hazzardnet anuncios

    Latest News = Últimas Noticias

    General Discussion = Discusión General

    Community = Comunidad

    Dukes of Hazzard PC and Video Games = Dukes of Hazzard Juegos para PC y Video

    Collectibles and Memorabilia = Coleccionistas y Coleccionables

    Fan Fiction

    Cast/Characters = Reparto / Personajes

    The Show = El Show

    Vehicles = Vehículos


    Puede enviar imágenes como archivos adjuntos ('Attachments') o utilice un sitio como photobucket.com

  3. Hope you give my trivia crossword a try - I have credited you in the post.

  4. How's it going?. You only just caught me - 2am again, and I've got work tomorrow :(.

  5. How's the upgrade going?.

  6. I believe you dropped a subtle hint in the trivia thread last week ;).

    Happy Birthday Roger.

  7. I can't really answer that question. If I'm just looking for a particular image, and I know where to find it, I can have a screengrab posted in under 10 minutes. With the patrol cars I may have to go through several episodes before I find one good picture. Along the way I might find other scenes to grab for other purposes, and also some of them need a fair amount of research.

    I plan to complete the Patrol Cars in Pictures thread ASAP, but that may still be a couple of months. It will include all seven seasons as well as both reunion movies. I don't have the 2005/2007 movies and don't really have any interest in them. I know I did the race car decals, but that was because I had assumed that the use of mainly stock logos would make it a relatively easy job. If I'd known the amount of work involved, I probably wouldn't have done them.

  8. I can't remember the Leap of Life decals - I'll have to watch that episode again.

  9. I could probably do the "44" and the MB Carver decals, I might even be able to do some of the small logos - I'll have to cross-reference with the other episodes they're used in.

    Any chance you could credit me and HazzardNet alongside the pictures you posted on the VoVillia Corp. website?

  10. I did see your message last night, but it was nearly 3am here, and don't usually reply at that time of night.

    I can take the badges off the patrol cars easily enough. What is it you need?. Is it just a side view, or all views?. Do you want it plain white?. What do you have planned?.

    I assume that you have downloaded the race car decals, so I'll delete them later today - I can reload them in the future if needed.

  11. I don't have any plans to do any vans at the moment. Their signage was mostly something similar to Arial. What other vehicle decals are you talking about?

  12. I don't plan to upload any other artwork for the Petey Willis vehicles, Carnival of Thrills cars or the MB Carver #44 car - what you see now is what I'm giving for free!

    I'll keep an eye out for the Allied Security truck and let you know if I see it, but I've got too much else on to go looking for it.

  13. I don't see the point in doing the Reunion decals when the center is the same as the Roseville logo. I can't get any better quality screengrabs to show me the detail that's currently missing, so I wouldn't be able to do a very good version.

  14. I doubt I'll get a chance to look at any of them for a week or two, but to answer your question:

    Allied Security Decals


    United States Marshall Decals, Tri County Bonding Company Decals, State Revenue Service Decals

    Coming soon

    2005/2007 Hazzard County Police Car Gold Star on Doors Decal

    Probably not, although I have red/blue decals for the white car

    #107 Racecar From Duke Vs Duke Door Number and Gold Trim, #32 Racecar From Carnival of Thrills Door Number


    Bo's #44 NASCAR Trunk Words if Possible to Make Out

    Coming to that episode soon, will decide when I see it again

    Waylon Jennings Nashville Country and Western Museum Cab Door W Decal and Trailer Decals

    Unlikely, a load of work without many good views to work from

    Petey Willis's Truck and Racecar Decals, Cooter's Race Car Decals (Luke's Love Story & Duke vs Duke)

    If I get enough time to do a Chevelle I'll do both the race cars (unlikely to be soon)

  15. I doubt that I'll do any other government cars, but I'll probably do the state car and the Happy Birthday car.

  16. I have no idea who is accusing you, or what they are accusing you of. Your last post in the What If Cars thread seemed to imply that you had been banned and that it involved me somehow. I do not appreciate being implicated in this way, especially when you haven't even been banned. I don't know who posted the warnings on your page, but they are under your name and not from any of the moderators or any other member.

    Maybe in the future you might consider originating your own artwork rather than reposting mine with minor changes. That way no one (it wasn't me) can accuse you of stealing. I plan to carry on doing Dukes related artwork for fun, and post it when I feel like it. When I do post another car outline I don't want to see a dozen variations reposted with every police livery on them - it's not a good way to repay me for the tens of hours I have spent working on your requests.

  17. I haven't seen that picture, but I'll have a look and post anything I find.

  18. I just tried to reply to your PM and got a message saying your inbox is full. Let me know when you clear it out :).

  19. I posted a couple in the thread you started a while back:


    If you want something different, let me know.

  20. I posted the best shot of the Colonial City badge and there nowhere near enough to go on. You've already had the Springville badges, but I'd have to design a whole new car outline to post them in Fan Art, and that's not on my to do list at the moment.

  21. I saw it, but it's really late here. I will get to it first thing in the morning :)

  22. I saw your picture earlier, although apart from putting a different county badge on it I wasn't sure what else the project entailed. What is the end result going to be?

  23. I should be back at home tomorrow night - I'll have a look then, and look out the screengrabs you wanted.

  24. I think "Hatchapee County" and "Finchburg County" were Zurich BdXCn. The "Sheriff" on the Hatchapee badge was bastardized from the nearest match I could find (can't remember what is was). The "Sheriff" on the Finchburg badge and all the text on the Osage badge were done from scratch.

  25. I thought you were using IE 7 to post, but wanted to upgrade to 8. You never said that 7 didn't work!.

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