(It said to download somethin in a zipped folder and then I would read your email. . .just weird cause I never got one like that before) Luke: *looks to Uncle Jesse* Think I did the right thing?
Luke: We know you'd never want to purposely do something like that to her Enos. . .I really don't know what to tell you. . .Uncle Jesse says she can go, but we're worried. (Poor Enos)
Luke: Listen Enos. . .about your date with Daisy tomorrow. . .She's been having a thing where she throws up after she eats and doc is not sure why. . .Just wanted you to know. . .I know she's worrying about it awful
Louis: Yeah. . .they're the reasons we moved. . .heard about the new deputies and figured we'd give this town a try since it seems to be running more law abiding.
Louis: Well. . .I heard that there was a new Sheriff and Comissioner around here. . .we're from one of the surounding places and We decided that our family might be safer here. . .specially with your husband and well we've heard a bit about a couple boys named Bo and Luke.