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Elly May Duke

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Everything posted by Elly May Duke

  1. Lily: Yes he does. . .I hop someday he's a great mechanic Jesse: Yeah . . .Martha and I have some bad news tho about our little one (Really. . .I know it's funny, but then when my dad wears a baseball hat. . .his hair looks a lot like Cooters)
  2. Daisy: Doc. . .I just. . .this is all so hard for me. . .*sighs* What can we do for him now?
  3. Jesse: Right good looking boy there (Yeah. . .here's something creepy. . .Cooter. . .or least I think. . .looks a lot like my dad)
  4. Enos: You tell Miss Lulu about what I asked you?
  5. Daisy: Doc, really we need to know. . .what can we do?
  6. Jesse: Yeah. . .real happy for you two what is it?
  7. Daisy: Do you think I have problems Miss Lulu?
  8. It wasn't long before they got the news that Lily and Jake's little one had come.
  9. Enos: *wrapps an arm around Daisy* Well Doc. . .if he won't ever be able to walk. . .then what can we do for him?
  10. Jesse: Course I reckon that can wait a while.
  11. Daisy: Thanks Lulu, but I really ain't been. . .I really haven't wanted Uncle Jesse to tell anyone about Macy and . . .I've been trying to run from my problems.
  12. Jesse: Well I reckon we ought to get that spare room all fixed for starters. . .other than that I don't know either.
  13. Doc: *shruggs* I don't know Daisy, but the chance is like five to ten percent that he will.
  14. Lulu hugs Daisy Daisy: Well what do you have to say to me?
  15. Doc: Well he seems to be okay now, but I'm really not sure. . .Andrew is a case that . . .I swear I've never had a boy so. . .well like he is.
  16. Doc: Well you see there is some stuff that we were trying to drain and we had hoped that that's what it was going to do, but then of course it didn't work that way.
  17. Doc is able to take care of it quickly as Andrew is still pretty much asleep and Daisy looks back to her son.
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