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Jami Lee Hogg

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Everything posted by Jami Lee Hogg

  1. Sirens ( They go off almost during the night. especially during the summer. I have personal knowledge of this. I live next to a firestation. But my house has been here longer then the station its self)
  2. drag'n fly
  3. harry potter
  4. What happen to the fan of the month?? Did we stop doing it??
  5. salt water
  6. insanity
  7. candy;)
  8. I'm sorry, but watching a bunch guys hit a ball then run to bases is boring to me. But I love to watch little kids playing baseball their parents and coaches crack me up.
  9. pumpkin
  10. My prayers are with you and your family. It's never easy to watch a family member laying in the hospital. It has to be one of the hardest things to do knowing that there is nothing you can do for them. A few years ago I went through something like that, but in the end I had to choose to either keep my family member on life support or to take them him off. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I would never wish what I went through on anyone.
  11. boss hogg
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