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About Lifelonghazzardfan85

  • Birthday 11/03/1985

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  • Biography
    howdy! noticed my names a little long to type out, so y'all can just call me steve!
  • Location
    Martinsville, IN
  • Interests
    photography, discovering music, the dukes, the colts, and so much more...
  • Occupation
    college student

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  1. well thanks! yeah i didnt forget about anybody, just got busy busy! Had to go out and do something with myself, was feelin pretty lazy there for a while good to be back though
  2. Hey everyone! I havent been around these parts for a long time it seems like. Busy life got in the way, graduated college and started a new job. Just wanted to stop by and say hey, and that I would be on much more than i was. Good to be back!
  3. I was wondering what y'all would want to see in a dukes movie if it featured all the original cast in one last hurrah on the big screen. I would want to see the biggest scam to come through hazzard, one that maybe even concerns residents outside hazzard county, something perhaps on the grandest scale...A Dukes save the world kind of plot I guess. I feel like it would have to be something that would set up everyone leaving afterwards. Daisy falls in love, Cooter starts thinking about politics, Bo and Luke realize their dreams, Rosco saves the day. I just see it making everything come full circle. Your thoughts??
  4. Ohh i didn't even think of a hazzard fantasy job. Nice rog! I would have to say being a mechanic in Cooter's garage would do it for me.
  5. haha yeah, it is kinda long huh. I guess y'all could just call me steve! thats a lot shorter!
  6. WTF indeed. Though it would be nice for a new dukes game, its hard to cater to the audiences of today, a lot would have to be in order in my opinion for them to even consider making a new game. A new audience would have to be established, people would have to be reintroduced to the dukes again (and not the big screen versions), which would mean, they would have to start the showing the dukes on tv again. The new game would have to be somewhat different, perhaps a Grand theft auto style gameplay. Free roam i guess. Definitely something to keep the gamer attached. And like sheriff said a new publisher would probably have to pick the series up. I for one would love to see it happen, but with the way the economy is right now, im sure other big name games are getting pushed into development instead. But I'll always stay optimistic which is what you should too! I'm gone!
  7. Hey there I was think would you like write a post on one of Round Robins doesn't matter which one now.

  8. haha yeah, thats who i need to call is the love deputy!
  9. so im just browsin through the forums like usual, and i stumble upon what i think is a simple valentines day thread, and i was completely blindsided! tooth fairies, magic wands, the 10th reindeer... Sounds like a typical hazzardnet holiday to me! Well im on a mission for a date tonight, happy valentines day everybody I'm gone!
  10. welcome to hazardnet dogma! hope you stick around for awhile, its pretty nice here!
  11. Hey would you like leave a post on "Ashley and Jack's Baby" there's Brian Lee Davenport he's from New York City and sometimes can be a smart alleck at times as well.

  12. I will have to agree with you on the scenery, it was much different then the rest of the series, it was all still kind of raw then. And i almost view Jesse like he's my grandfather in a sort of way. I try to go by the values he bestowed upon everyone, i honestly think its made me a better person

  13. I know what you mean about those two part shows. I liked all 3 of them. My favorite character is Jesse and my favorite episodes are the first 5 because of the scenery. Even though it is a long way from me (Georgia compared to Pennsylvania) the scenery looks like where I live.

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