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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. my teacher says that all the time
  2. idk, lets just post back in forth in Life Goes on its getting interesting, or we could go to the chat room and chat in a private window
  3. idk but since im playing Daisy its a good thing i have Enos as a boyfriend, YAY!!!
  4. Vance said "i cant believe this, what did we do?!"
  5. well im not sure about the playing Luke part, but i know i wish we could start already
  6. you dont know the half of my moody strikes, anyway, not sure
  7. Daisy comes out of Jebs cell and meets back with Mcgee
  8. but by then Coy and Vance were half way to the farm by the time Rosco and Boss set out, they were going to surprise Daisy, Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse
  9. Daisy smiles "its expesive, and i dont want you spending your needed money on me, ill save up for when my birthday comes around"
  10. Daisy sighes and yawns "its geting late and im worried about my Uncle and Micheal"
  11. KITT said "there about as tall as Micheal and there both platnum blonde"
  12. Daisy said "please tell me, you cant trust me, i wont tell a soul, please Jeb"
  13. Daisy came into the airport lobby and saw Enos "Enos i am so sorry" as she got to him and hugged him
  14. Daisy said "ill be sure to stick around for the wedding" and she went home to pack and caught a plane after explaining to her agent who agreed and supported her decision
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