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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Dukefan your the greatest cousin in the world
  2. Devon said "yes, i was going to go to Hazzard when the meeting was finished"
  3. Daisy sighes and tries to the the ropes un done but its no use
  4. Mikey says "then why didnt he come with you, you were alone when you came to Hazzard"
  5. Daisy says "im fine, i just wish you and Enos would stop fussing over me, and you havent cared about me till now"
  6. Gabreial passes Daisy to Jake and Jake makes her sit down
  7. Gabreial grabbs Daisy around the waist and puts a gun to her head "no i dont think we can"
  8. Daisy said "everyone except Julie, thats why im here, to help her, i know i left the Rangers because of that unfortunate time between us, but i have to help Julie"
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