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Redneck girl 01

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Status Updates posted by Redneck girl 01

  1. Well that was real nice of her

  2. lol...thats good...oww sounds like that would have hurt...gosh that would git monotonous registerin every year...How come ya didn't git to go?

  3. So did ya kick their butts? you have to register every year fer school? Cool Honor Choir...now will you git to go on a bunch of trips? I know at my school they go on a bunch of trips.

  4. I know what if feels like to have the work piled up...I guess I will find out when I start school gin in bout a month...Im kinda excited bout goin back...how come ya git in a lot of fights?

  5. Ya aint been on in a while but I figured I'd wish you a Happy birthday anyways so Happy Birthday!

  6. Ya aint been on in bout a year but I figured i'd wish ya a Happy birthday anyways! so Happy Birthday!

  7. Howdy Howdy! Wanna chat?

  8. Howdy...I gotta go...remind me to ask you what you said no to...lol...

  9. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? He he he your online!

  10. Hey y'all I found a video of John n Tom I guess they did when CBS turned 75 and it's on youtube but I thought it was really cute so here is the link(srry if it aint posed to be there) but check it out n let me know what ya think...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46KJdjoSJvo

  11. Hey My daddy's got that on his phone...now I gonna have my bro put dixie on it...lol...So do you have people call ya just so you ca hear it ring? lol

  12. Sounds cool....Dixie or Good Ol' Boys? There's 2 Dukes of Hazzard ones...lol.

  13. Thats cool...what colors yer phone? lol...So what good ring tones you go on it so far?

  14. Your welcome...did you have a good birthday?

  15. your welcome, did you have a good birthday?

  16. Yea pro boxer! *pow!* Grr they aint got the lil emotions thingys...they have a boxin one.lol. Ehh mines ok...I've had better...anyways school is fun! Its just depressin it starts in like a lil over a month...lol...Why you dreadin goin back?

  17. Howdy! thats cool...which one did you enjoy meetin the most?

  18. What 3 cast members did ya meet?

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