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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Bo I can't lose her,I would die with out her. Kath and I have waited a long time to have a baby to lose him now. 2 HOURS LATER.. Luke couldn't sleep so he got up ,He saw Bo asleep on the couch. and Michael sleeping in the Chair. Luke quilty left the room. IN THE NEXT ROOM,,,, Jessica was on the phone to Rebecca and Kyle (Kathy's Parents) and she told them about what was happing with the baby and Kathy and she also told them how Luke was handaling it. andKyle said we will be there in a few hours. and then she hung up with them. AT THE HOSPITAL... Luke walked into the hospital and then he wwalked into Kathy's room. he sat in a chait that was right next to Kathy's Bed he took her hand and then he started to sing to her their song Softly(by Lonestar) " I remember that kiss in a cold world,Oh Girl Sunlight fell from your lips,Tenderly you shattered me. Some how you touched me like noone eles. Slipped into my soulLike a Prayer. Baby with the sweetest Kiss you came alone and stole my breath, tore down my defeness with a whisper oh you showed me how love can be. you broke threw to my heart. Softly Baby Softly you 'er like God in this world,fragile,beautiful. there;s so much trust in your Eyes, t hey make me remember blue skies and sunshine. I wanna be what you see in me. I wanna love you the way you love me. Baby with the sweetest kiss You came along stole my breath,tore down my defeness with a whisperOh you showed me how good love can be. You broke threw my heart softly I don't wanna be that strong, If it means being alone. I Wanna stay with you where I be long. And let you show meJust how good love cand be. You break threw to my heart, Softly Baby Softly Softly Baby Softly." Luke Said Baby Don't leave me, Please come back to Me. Then he put his head down on the bed and he cried, and then he prayed. Then he fell asleep.
  2. Daisy put the phone , she walked unto the kitchen with a sad look on her face. and Cooter Said Daisy what's wronge ? Ijust got a call from Jessica and she said that Kathy has a high feavor and she could lose the baby if it doesn't come down. and she said that Luke is really upset So I'm on My Way to New York to be with them. MEANWHILE IN NEW YORK... AT THE HOTEL.. Luke walked into the room Bo looked at him and said Why don't you lie down and rest Me Michael and Jessica will be in the next room if you need us.and Luke said Ok. Luke went and layed downand he couldn't rest all he could think about was Kathy and his son. and then he prayed. and then a peace came over him.and then he slept. AT THE HOSPITAL.. The Doctors and nurses where tring everything to get Kathy's feaver down but nothing was working. and the doctor said I need to call her Husbandif we don't get this feaver down he moght have to make a choise between his wife and child.The doctor went to the phone and called the hotel. AT THE HOTEL... Lukewasawaken by the phonehe picked it up and the doctor told him what was going on. Luke said thanks doc then he put the phone down down. Then He yelled NOOOOOOOOOOO . Then he started to threw things. Bo and Michaelran into the room and saw what luke was doing Bo walked up to Luke. Bo Grabbed Luke and said Luke Calm down What happened? Luke told Bo and Michael What had happened
  3. In NEW YORK.. Luke walked into Judds room and Kathy was still asleep on the couch he walked up to her and he touched her and her forehead was burning up and he couldn't wake her . he called the doctor in and he checked her out and said we need to get the feaver down. Luke told the doctor that she was 5 months pregnet. The doctor said Son if we don't get this feaver down she will not wake up. So they put Kathy on the curnery and took her to another room. Luke Said Down and put his hands in his Head. and he starts to cry Bo walks up to him and said Kathy will pull threw.and so will your son. Bo Said Bo I don't know what I would do if I lose her. I just love her with all my heart and soul. I think I would die. Luke said. Michael and Judd was tring to confort Luke as well. Then he made the dection to call Daisy and tell her what was going on.
  4. MEANWHILE IN NEW YORK.. Kathy and Luke where in the room with Judd while Bo,Michael and Jessica took Beth to the hotel to freshing up and then they where going to get some food and bring some back to Kathy and Luke. Kathy was sitting in the Chair when she had a strange look on her face. Luke walked up to her and said Sweetheart are you ok. Kathy looked at Luke and said I'm fine I just felt a little dizzy is all. I just think the baby is tell me to get some rest. Well you Just Lie down right here on this couch and rest Luke Said So that's what Kathy did and in no time she was asleep. Luke walked over to Judd and he said Brother Your nephew is giving Kath a hard time here. and then Luke saw Judd's hand move and then he looked up and saw that he was awake. Well if she wasn't worring about me andeveryone eles my nephew wouldn't give her a hard time He's telling her to stop the worring.Judd Said. Luke smiled and Said I know but she loves this family so much. But I finily got her to lay down and rest. Luke went and got the doctor. and then he called the Family in Hazzard to let them know what is going on and to check up on things.
  5. I don't know Bo will proble thinks it will be ok. cause we need honest Law men in Hazzard. but as long as you know that you will be also taking orders from Bosshogg.
  6. Luke laughed, and then he told Daisy how Judd was. Luke How's Kathy feeling? Kath is fine, Oh I don't know if Juliy told you but Kath and I are having a son and we decited to name him Jesse Kyle Duke. That's great Luke, Uncle Jesse would have loved that you are naming him after him. Man I miss that old man. Daisy Said. So do I Daisy.Luke said; They said their good-byes and hung up the phone. Then Luke went back to Judds room.
  7. IN NEW YORK... Luke was in Judd's room while Kathy was talking to Judd's doctor. The doctor told Kathy That is Judd,if Judd doesn't wake up soon he will have brain damage. Luke was in Judd's room and he was talking to Judd. Judd it's me Luke I'm here and so is Michael, Bo ,Jessica and Kathy so please come back. Kathy walked into the room and she said Luke we need to talk. So Luke got up and walked out of the room with Kathy and she told him what the doctor told him and Luke said oh no we need to get him to wake and I need to call the farm to see how everything is. Then he walked to the phones and he deiled the farm and it rand a few times and then someone answered it and they said Duke Farm Daisy Duke speaking. Daisy Said. Daisy what are you doing there?Luke said.
  8. Michael walked up to Rosco and told him about Judd. That him Jessica, Luke ,Kathy, and Bo where going to New York to be with Judd. They were leaving in the morning,and that Juily,Josh,and Jason was staying with Ross. Michael said "I would appreciate it if Rosco would stop by once in a while to see how things are". Rosco iooked at him and said"Ya sure I will, gee gee".Then he walked into Bosshoggs office. NEXT MORNING.. Kathy,Luke,Bo,Jessica,and Michael put there things in the General Lee. Luke told Jason and Josh to stay out of trouble while he was gone and that he would be calling everynight to check up.Michael and Jesse said good -bye to Ross and told him to be good for Juily Jason and Josh. Bo told Jason that they are going to leave the General Lee at the airpote ant the Keys will be in his pocket. Josh Just said oh Man. Bo Just laughted. and then they all left. 4 HOURS LATER. IN NEW YORK.... First they checked into a hotel. and then they went right to the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL...... They all walked in and walked up to the nurses desk and Luke Said Hi I'm Luke Duke I beleive you have my brother here Judd Cane. The nurse looked at the computer and said Oh ya he's in the ICU. You got to the elavtor Press 3 and as soon as the doors open the ICU is righ there and the nurse will give instructions there. Luke looked at the nurse and said thank you and then they Headed for the ICU.
  9. Luke was on the floor playing cars with Ross. Kathy was sitting on the couch. when she said Luke. Luke looked up at her and she said our son Just kicked. Luke got up and said Do you thing he will do it again. So Kathy took Luke's hand and Placed it on her stomach and they waited for a while and sure enough he did kick again and Luke felt it Luke Smiled and said Wow.and Kathy let Ross feel the baby kick too. Ross was real excited. MEANWHILE AT THE BOARS NEST.. Jessica was enjoying herself. and listening to Garth Brooks. He sang the thunder Rolls and the Dance, AND when he started to sing we're two of a kind working on a full house Michael asked Jessica to Dance.
  10. Luke Walked over to the phone and picked it up and dailed the airport and he asked them when was the next flight to New York. and the lady said Tommorrow moring. and Luke Said Ok I would Like 5 tickets. and my name is Luke Duke. ok Sir I have your tickets they will be here waiting for you when you get here. the plane leave at 9:00am. and Luke said thank you and then he hung up the phone. and told the rest of the family. and then Michael looked at the time and said Jessica we got to be going to the Boars Nest Garth Brooks is preforming tonight. Jessica asked Luke and Kathy if they where going Kathy shook her head no. Luke threw Michael the keys to the General Lee and said Have fun. Michael just looked at him and said ok and them they went out the door. with the others right behind them.
  11. Kathy hurd the General Lee pull up and stop. and the next thing she was Luke come in followed by everyone eles. Luke walked to Kathy and he Gave Kathy a Kiss and Kathy gave him the numbers Luke Said Thanks Baby. then he went to the phone. and deiled the Number of the hospital.it rang and Luke Said Ya, I Would like to talk to a Beth Long. I'm Luke Duke.So The Nurse Patched him in to Judd's room. Beth answered it and said Hello. Hi I'm Luke Duke Judd's brother. How is he?Luke Said. Oh Hi Luke, Not good he just fell into acoma this morning. I really don't know what to do. and I don't have any Family to call.to come an be with me.Beth Said. Luke said You do now. Me and my Wife Kathy will be leavin on the next plane( looking at Michael and Jessica and the rest of the family) and maybe a few others. and then he hung up. and then he told the rest of the family what was going on. Juily said I will stay here with Ross if you don't want to take him. and we will stay will Juily Jason and Josh Said. Thanks Guys Michael Said.
  12. Well I don't think Kath and I will be going. Luke Said. Why? Michael Said. Cause Kath really don't care for Garth Brooks. So If you and Jessica wants to go We will Will watch Ross. Now if they get Tim McGraw Kath would go. She has all his cd's.Luke said. BACK AT THE FARM.. Kathy was making some salad to go with the fish they the boys are going to catch. Jessica was putting a pie in the oven, When the phone rang. Kathy picked it up and said Hello Duke Farm, Dr Kathleen Duke Speaking. Kathy Said. Hello is a Luke Duke there. A Women's voice Said, No he Ain't here But I'am his wife Can I help you. Kathy Said. I'm Beth Long and I have been dating his Brother Judd. and I called to let him know that Judd is in the hospital .he got beat up pretty bad in a boxing fight and he's un councous Beth said as she started to cry, Kathy Said ok where are you guys right now. WE are in New York. Beth Said. Ok give me the number where you are staying and the hospital and I will have Luke call Kathy Said So Beth gave Kathy the infomation and then Kathy hung up. and then she walked over to the cb and said. Pretty Lady to Lost Sheep #1. AT HAZZARD POND. The boys where getting ready to come home when Luke hurd Kathy on the cb, he reached into the General and said You have Lost Sheep# 1 What's up pretty Lady.
  13. Cool Bo Said. Michael got his fishing stuff together .Luke asked Josh and Jason if they wanted to go fishing too. and they said Sure. so Luke went into the house and Told Kathy and Jessica that they where leaving for Hazzard Pond to go fishing. And Then he kissed Kathy and said we will be back in a few hours. and hopefuly we will have some fish for supper. Kathy said ok I will call my parents and let them know about the baby. That's a good idea Sweetheart. Luke said and then he kissed her again and he walked out the door. and then 3 minutes they hurd the General Start up and head down the road. Kathy walked over to the cb that was in the kitchen and turned it on in case the boys need to get a hold of them. Then she walked to the phone and dieled her parents number. she let the phone ring then someone answered it and said hello Judge Kyle Jorden Speaking. Hi Dad It me Kathleen. Kathy Said. Oh hI Kathleen what's up?Kyle Said. Well can you put me on speaker so Mom can hear this too Kathy Said. And Kyle said ok hold on. and then he said ok Kathleen you are on speaker and your mother is here. Ok are You sitting down? Kathy Said. Now we are, Now what's going on Kathleen? Rebecca said. Well we went to the doctor and we had and Ultrasound and the baby is fine. and we are having a boy. Kathy Said. Well congradulations ,Kathleen. Kyle Said. We are having a Grandson. that's great. Rebecca Said. then they talked for a little whil longer and then they hung up.
  14. Hi Happy Birthday Tom ,I hope you have a wounderful Day. Love Ya
  15. Mean while At the farm.. Luke was outside with Bo working on the General Lee Then Luke relised that he still owed Ross a fishing trip So he went up to Ross and said Hay Ross I still owe you a fishing trip don't I. Well what do you say when your Dad gets back we all go fishing and we will take the General. Ross got all excited and he ran into the house and told his mother and Kathy. and Jessica said Ross calm down you need to get your fishing thing together. Have Uncle Bo and Uncle Luke help you ok. and he said ok and he ran back out the door. So Have you and Luke picked out a Name for the baby yet.Jessica Said. Ya it's eather going to be Jesse Kyle Or Kyle Jesse we haven't decide which way to go yet but we do want those names so that way he can be named after Uncle Jesse and My father.Kathy Said.
  16. Luke just smiled and he did a YEEHAA.The Doc Just smiled. and he looked at Kathy and Said You are done now you may get down and go and get dressed. So Kathy got down went in the Bathroom and got dressed. and then she came back out. then they sat up ananother appoment for next month and then her and Luke headed back to the farm. and then they walked inti the house. Bo and Michael was reading the paper. Tina was in the room getting ready to leave and everyone eles was at the table. Luke looked at everyone and said Hay I have some news We are Having a Boy.Everyone got up and cogradulations.and then they told them that he was healthy.and he has a stronge heartbeat.
  17. NEXT MORNING.... Frankie went to get the prisoners and to Take them back. all the chargers they had on Luke was Dropped and Frankie Said that she would talk to Michael old boss and tell what really happened.Boss Hogg once again wiggled his way out of going to prison he told Frankie that he had no Idea what Hughie and Alabama and her brothers where doing at his cabin. and with out proff Frankie had to take his word for it. Then she left Hazzard after saying good bye to her sister. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy Had a doctors appoment and Luke went with her.the Doctor was doing an Ultrasound and they Hurd the Baby's heard beat and Luke asked what was that and the doctor said that was your son or daughters heart beat.Luke just smiled and said that fast. The doctor said yup that fast. Everything looks fine. Oh would you like to know what you are having a son or Daughter. The Doc ask. Luke looked at Kathy and Kathy Said Ya we would like to know. So the doctor looked and said it looks like a Boy yup you are having a Son.
  18. Ya speaking of that we better get on the cb and tell the girls we are ok and that we are coming home. Luke Said as he walked to the cb and he picked it up and said Lost sheep to pretty Lady come back he wait for a few minutes then he hurd Kathy's voice saying this is pretty Lady Lost sheep. Is everyone all right? Ya we are all fine. Tina did a great distraction. He hurd the girls Laughting on the other end. We are on our way home Lost sheep Out. He put the cb down Tina put her shorts and shirt back on and walked over to Luke and said Hi Bro. Luke smiled and said Thanks Tina I owe you one. No you don't I owed you now we are even. plus I knew if I didn't do something Kathy would have. So Lets head for home. The Boys helped Rosco get everyone into the patrol cars and frankie said she will be at the station to pick up her prisoners in the morning.
  19. So Tina asked if she could borrow Dixie. and then she headed out. Meanwhile st the Cabin they was at a stand still noone willing to give up. then they saw the jeep coming this way right behind the Jeep was a toe truck, Alabama said what is going on here. Tina stopped the Jeep and walked over to Alabama's brothers ( in the bikie) and Said can you help me please. the boys was looking at her and Luke Gave Bo the look and they went for them. And Frankie weny for Alabama.and Michael went for hughie.
  20. Cooter Said Ok Don't do anything Stupid I'm on My Way. Meanwhile At the Farm.... Kathy and Jessica was listen to the cb and Kathy Said I wish I was out there. but I know If I showed up there Luke would be upset.I just wish they would say something about how Luke and Bo are. Tina seen how worred her sister was and said I will go and help them not tell me where they are and How to get there. So Kathy told Tina how to get there. and then she asked her sister how she was going to help and her sister lifted up her shirt and Kathy and Jessica started to laugh. Ballader: You see fokes, under her shirt she wore a binkie top and you know if she has the top on you know she has the bottems on. Her plan was to got to the cabin and distract the bad guys and Hughie while Bo and Luke can get a way.
  21. Bo and Luke walk up to the Jones boys and one of them said It's the Duke Boys. Bo said oh you remember us how nice. Luke Just gave Bo a look. and then they started to fight. Alabama hurd the ruscas and she walked towards her brothers. and she sees Bo and Luke fighting with them. she walkes up to them with a gun.and said hello Dukes Boys and they stopeed fighting.and Bo and Luke But their Hands up. Frankie noticed this and she told the others to stay she would handal this.
  22. Bo And Luke and Michael Pulled the General Lee up in a clearing close to the cabin. and they got out and they saw Hughie and his men outside tring to get their cars undone. Michael hurd Ross laughting. and he also hurd one of the guys say will you shut that kid up. Ok Michael you go around back and get Ross me and Bo will keep everyone buzy. Once you get Ross you bring him back to the General Ok .Luke Said. Then they headed out.
  23. The rest of the Dukes hurd what went on the cb. and Josh decided that thay might need back up so he left the Boars Nest and headed for the cabin also.
  24. Kathy and Jessica was at the house They where both worried about Ross. But then they hurd a little vouce on the cb Uncle Luke Daddy you got your ears on. then they hurd Luke Say Ross this is uncle Luke where are you at discripe the place to me. Well Uncle Luke there is and old cabin and a steem outside the cabin. Luke looked at Michael and said thats bosshoggs cabin up on bear ridge. Then Michaeal got on the cb and said Ross you go back to where the bad guys had you and you stay there until me and your Uncle Luke gets there ok. Ok Daddy I will. Ross said. Then there was nopthing. Luke turned the General Lee around and headed for the cabin.
  25. So Luke ,Bo,And Michael got in the General Lee . Luke asked Kathy to stay here. and to stay calm and then he kissed her.and then they headed out to the Boars Nest.
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