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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. In Town... Hughie and Bosshogg was in the courhouse and Rosco walked back into the courthouse Boss said How did you know that Michael was a Duke? Well I kinda had my suppions cause he looked so much like Luke Duke. But when I hurd him say he got a letter from Hazzard .I saw him put it in his locker and when he left I went to his locker and I read the letter and it said that he was a Duke So I planted some money in his locker and I told one of his co-workers that I thought I saw him take a bribe. and then the next thing i know his boss was asking him to open up hi locker. and he found the moneyand he fired him right on the spot. and all I did with Luke was I took some money out of your bank and i went to the farm when they where all at the race and I planted in the house and Rosco did the rest.Hughie said.
  2. In Town... Hughie and Bosshogg was in the courhouse and Rosco walked back into the courthouse Boss said How did you know that Michael was a Duke? Well I kinda had my suppions cause he looked so much like Luke Duke. But when I hurd him say he got a letter from Hazzard .I saw him put it in his locker and when he left I went to his locker and I read the letter and it said that he was a Duke So I planted some money in his locker and I told one of his co-workers that I thought I saw him take a bribe. and then the next thing i know his boss was asking him to open up hi locker. and he found the moneyand he fired him right on the spot. and all I did with Luke was I took some money out of your bank and i went to the farm when they where all at the race and I planted in the house and Rosco did the rest.Hughie said.
  3. back at the Farm... Now we know that Hughie framed you. Hon, Kathy Said. Ya we do. but we have to figure out how he did it and how he found out that Michael was a Duke.
  4. back at the Farm... Now we know that Hughie framed you. Hon, Kathy Said. Ya we do. but we have to figure out how he did it and how he found out that Michael was a Duke.
  5. but I ain't dumb. Any Dukes on the Hazzard Net come on. Then he hurd on the other end You Have Lost Sheep here What's up Crazy C? So Cooter told The Dukes what Rosco had told him. and Luke said Ok Crazy C thanks. Then Luke Put the cb down. and then he looked at his in-laws and said I'am sorry I got you all into this. Rebecca said You didn;t get us into anything son. and Hughie just made a mistake if he thinks he can get rid of us. and he threned a Judge and they could get him up to a year in Jail.
  6. but I ain't dumb. Any Dukes on the Hazzard Net come on. Then he hurd on the other end You Have Lost Sheep here What's up Crazy C? So Cooter told The Dukes what Rosco had told him. and Luke said Ok Crazy C thanks. Then Luke Put the cb down. and then he looked at his in-laws and said I'am sorry I got you all into this. Rebecca said You didn;t get us into anything son. and Hughie just made a mistake if he thinks he can get rid of us. and he threned a Judge and they could get him up to a year in Jail.
  7. Rosco lookedout the window and he seen Juily and Ross over at Cooter's he has to let the Dukes know what Hughie is up too. So he told Boss he was going over t o Cooter's garage to pick up his car. So he walked out of 6he courthouse andstarted to walk over to the garage, Cooter spotted him and said what can I do for you Rosco. Well Cooter I Have some news for the Dukes and it's very important that They know what;s going on. So Rosco told them what was going on . and then Cooter went to the cb and sai breaker 1 breaker 1 I may be crazy
  8. Rosco lookedout the window and he seen Juily and Ross over at Cooter's he has to let the Dukes know what Hughie is up too. So he told Boss he was going over t o Cooter's garage to pick up his car. So he walked out of 6he courthouse andstarted to walk over to the garage, Cooter spotted him and said what can I do for you Rosco. Well Cooter I Have some news for the Dukes and it's very important that They know what;s going on. So Rosco told them what was going on . and then Cooter went to the cb and sai breaker 1 breaker 1 I may be crazy
  9. Mean while in town .. Rosco walked in to the court house and he had noticed Hughie's car out frount . he started the tape recorder. and he put it back in in his pocket. then Boss and hughie came out off the office Hughie I don't beleaive Luke got bailed out why would the distrect judge post his bailBoss said Well Uncle Boss he got himself a good laywer and I mean she the best in Chicago. Hoghie said. How can Luke Duke afford a laywer from chicago? Boss said. He can't the Laywer is his mother -in -law and his father -in -law is a judge he sits on the bench in Chicago.Hoghie Said Great Hughie how can we get these falsed charges to stick if Luke's in-laws are helping him. Easy Uncle Boss we get rid of the in-laws. Hoghie Said.
  10. Mean while in town .. Rosco walked in to the court house and he had noticed Hughie's car out frount . he started the tape recorder. and he put it back in in his pocket. then Boss and hughie came out off the office Hughie I don't beleaive Luke got bailed out why would the distrect judge post his bailBoss said Well Uncle Boss he got himself a good laywer and I mean she the best in Chicago. Hoghie said. How can Luke Duke afford a laywer from chicago? Boss said. He can't the Laywer is his mother -in -law and his father -in -law is a judge he sits on the bench in Chicago.Hoghie Said Great Hughie how can we get these falsed charges to stick if Luke's in-laws are helping him. Easy Uncle Boss we get rid of the in-laws. Hoghie Said.
  11. Ya I Can.Rosco said.So Rosco put the recorder in his Jacket pocket. and said well I have to go on patrol. and then he said good-bye and he left. Baladear:Well Luke has a good plan. If you think that everything is going to go accorting to plan then you forgot this is Hazzard County.
  12. Ya I Can.Rosco said.So Rosco put the recorder in his Jacket pocket. and said well I have to go on patrol. and then he said good-bye and he left. Baladear:Well Luke has a good plan. If you think that everything is going to go accorting to plan then you forgot this is Hazzard County.
  13. Kathy let Rosco in as Luke went upstairs to their bedroom. 2minutes latter Luke came back downstairs and went to the kitchen and set something on the table.Rebecca, Kyle and Michael smiled cause they knew what Luke was up to . My son-in-law is brint.Kyle Said. Luke smiled. and then he picked it back up and he handed it to Rosco. Rosco said What's this. That is a small tape recorder. It all ready has a blank Tape in. All you have to do Rosco is get Boss and Hughie talking about how they framed me and Mike. you see these two buttons here.(Rosco shakes his head yes.) when you get ready to record you press those 2 buttons down at the same time like this. You think you can handle this Rosco. Luke said.
  14. Kathy let Rosco in as Luke went upstairs to their bedroom. 2minutes latter Luke came back downstairs and went to the kitchen and set something on the table.Rebecca, Kyle and Michael smiled cause they knew what Luke was up to . My son-in-law is brint.Kyle Said. Luke smiled. and then he picked it back up and he handed it to Rosco. Rosco said What's this. That is a small tape recorder. It all ready has a blank Tape in. All you have to do Rosco is get Boss and Hughie talking about how they framed me and Mike. you see these two buttons here.(Rosco shakes his head yes.) when you get ready to record you press those 2 buttons down at the same time like this. You think you can handle this Rosco. Luke said.
  15. Bo and Michael filled in Luke and Kathy what was going on. It was a good idea to have Ross spent the afternoon with Boss in case the slip the infomation that we need but that ain't going to do us any good we need proff we need Rosco. Luke said ROSCO. Bo and Michael said together ..Ya Rosco. Luke Said So he walked over to the phone and called Rosco and asked him to come over and he said he was on his way. 20 MINUTES LATTER...Rosco knocked on the door.
  16. Bo and Michael filled in Luke and Kathy what was going on. It was a good idea to have Ross spent the afternoon with Boss in case the slip the infomation that we need but that ain't going to do us any good we need proff we need Rosco. Luke said ROSCO. Bo and Michael said together ..Ya Rosco. Luke Said So he walked over to the phone and called Rosco and asked him to come over and he said he was on his way. 20 MINUTES LATTER...Rosco knocked on the door.
  17. Kathy was at the Jail visting Luke. and Luke was holding Kathy's hand threw the bars. when Hughie came downstairs and he started to laugh and said how sweet you better get use to doning that honey cause Luke is going to the state pin. Luke looked at kathy and said Kath stay calm. but Kathy din't listen she walked up to hughie and said first of all I ain't your honey and second of all You framed Luke everyone knows it. Well prove it if you can. Hughie Said as he went up the stairs laughing. Kathy yelled I WILL. Then she walked back to Luke and sat down and they started to talk. MEANWHILE UPSTAIRS.. Hughie was still laughing as he was coming up the stairs. Rosco looked at him and said what's so funny? Luke's wife she thinks she gonna get proff that I framed Luke and get him off So very funny.Hughie Said as he went out the door. Kathy's mother went to the distrect Jutge and told him what was going on and said that Luke was framed but he needs to get out of Jail to prove that he's incent. So the Judge set bail for $1000.Rebecca paid that and then she went to the courthouse and told Rosco to Let Luke out his bail has been paid So Rosco went and got Luke and Let him out of the cell. They walked upstairs and there was Rebecca Luke said Thanks and Rebecca said Not a problem thats what lawyers do.
  18. Kathy was at the Jail visting Luke. and Luke was holding Kathy's hand threw the bars. when Hughie came downstairs and he started to laugh and said how sweet you better get use to doning that honey cause Luke is going to the state pin. Luke looked at kathy and said Kath stay calm. but Kathy din't listen she walked up to hughie and said first of all I ain't your honey and second of all You framed Luke everyone knows it. Well prove it if you can. Hughie Said as he went up the stairs laughing. Kathy yelled I WILL. Then she walked back to Luke and sat down and they started to talk. MEANWHILE UPSTAIRS.. Hughie was still laughing as he was coming up the stairs. Rosco looked at him and said what's so funny? Luke's wife she thinks she gonna get proff that I framed Luke and get him off So very funny.Hughie Said as he went out the door. Kathy's mother went to the distrect Jutge and told him what was going on and said that Luke was framed but he needs to get out of Jail to prove that he's incent. So the Judge set bail for $1000.Rebecca paid that and then she went to the courthouse and told Rosco to Let Luke out his bail has been paid So Rosco went and got Luke and Let him out of the cell. They walked upstairs and there was Rebecca Luke said Thanks and Rebecca said Not a problem thats what lawyers do.
  19. MEANWHILE IN TOWN.. Rosco locked Luke up. and then Hughie and Boss walked out of the office and they where laughing. and Boss said well it looks like you won't see your child for a very long time. Boss you know Hughie framed me. Luke Said. I know no such thing.Bosshogg said. Rosco was real upset about this. cause he knew Hughie when he's don't with the Dukes he will put his attion on Boss Hogg and he won't let that happen.
  20. MEANWHILE IN TOWN.. Rosco locked Luke up. and then Hughie and Boss walked out of the office and they where laughing. and Boss said well it looks like you won't see your child for a very long time. Boss you know Hughie framed me. Luke Said. I know no such thing.Bosshogg said. Rosco was real upset about this. cause he knew Hughie when he's don't with the Dukes he will put his attion on Boss Hogg and he won't let that happen.
  21. What did Luke mean when he said that he was framed and we know who did it? Jessica said. He ment that Hughie framed Luke some how and we just have to get thee proff that hughie did it. Oh Michael what where you talking about you got fired because you where suppose to of taken a bribe. Bo Said
  22. What did Luke mean when he said that he was framed and we know who did it? Jessica said. He ment that Hughie framed Luke some how and we just have to get thee proff that hughie did it. Oh Michael what where you talking about you got fired because you where suppose to of taken a bribe. Bo Said
  23. Kathy's Mother said Don't worry Kathleen he has the best laywer around . Me. Luke looked at Kathy and said Kath you need to calm down think of our child. Now everything will be fine. we all know I was framed and who did the framing. Luke said as he kissed her. Then Rosco took Luke out and but him in the patrol car and headed for town.
  24. Kathy's Mother said Don't worry Kathleen he has the best laywer around . Me. Luke looked at Kathy and said Kath you need to calm down think of our child. Now everything will be fine. we all know I was framed and who did the framing. Luke said as he kissed her. Then Rosco took Luke out and but him in the patrol car and headed for town.
  25. Luke was talking on the mic to Bo and said Bo that was a great move now all you have to do is keep first place 1 more lap and you have this race. Luke it's easer said then done. Bo Said. Balladear: Ain't this Race getting exting. Now only if Luke Knew what was waiting for him when he got home. Last Lap: Bo Duke Is Still in the Lead, Then we have Jeff Gorden right on Bo's bumber. Come on Bo Michael Said. Jessica was even cheering for Bo.. The cars where coming to the finish Line and Bo crossed it first and everyone in his pit went wild. 2 nd was Jeff Gorden. 3rd was Richard Petty and 4th was Dale Earnhardt. Bo did the victory lap and then he went to his Pit and everyone huged him. Then everyone got in their cars and headed for the Farm. AT THE FARM... Everyone got tout of their cars and went into the house and then they started to talk about the race. and then they hurd sirens. Luke looked out the window and said it's Rosco and Enos. They all went out to meet them . Rosco got out of his car with a sad face and he said I have a search warrent to serch your propoty for the bamk money That was just robbed. Luke looked at Rosco and said go ahead Rosco and search you ain't gonna find anything. So they went into the house and Rosco found the money . and he took out the cuffs and said I'am sorry Luke and he cuffed Luke and Rosco Said Luke you are Under arrest. Kathy Statrted to cry and said Rosco you know Luke didn't steel any money.
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