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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Kathy smiled at Dusty and mouthed Thank you.Then she leaned in Luke. Luke Put his Arm around her. Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby, I would like to go for a walk. Luke looked at her and said Ok. and he got up and they left the Boars Nest. and went for a walk. MEANWHILE AT THE HOTEL JR use he cell Phone to call someone. and JR said so how is he, That's great No, you keep him. I don't want anyone to know that he's not your, Don't worry I will make sure you are well taking car of. BACK AT THE BOARS NEST Kathy and Luke was walking. and then Kathy Stopped and she looked at Luke and said I have to tell you something. Then She took his hand and placed it on her stomach and said Luke we are going to have a baby. Luke looked at her and smiled and he did a YEEEHAAA. IN THE BOARD NEST Dusty hurd Luke's Yeehaaa, Then she knew that Kathy had told him about the baby.
  2. Kathy read the note and she smiled and then she wrote Yes, but don't say anything . I haven't told Luke Yet
  3. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD Luke and Kathy was getting ready to go to Smallville.Jessica came and got Leventa and Jacob. Jessica said it will be great to have a baby in the house again. Bonnie and Bylanda are in collage they are studing to become lawyers
  4. Kathy walked out of the bathroom. and she walked back to the table. Luke looked at her and said. Sweetheart are you all right? Kathy smiled and said sure.
  5. Kathy was in the bathroom and she was getting sick. and she though she had never felt like this before. and then she smiled and said Oh ys she has when she was pregnetthe past 2 times. BALLADER:Wait a minute fokes Kathy is pregnet. and I thought she was only pregnet one other time. Is she not telling Luke Something.
  6. JR looked at Lucy and said you are right. I Have something on Kathleen Duke that she will never find out til I want her to. And then JR,Bobby Marcus and Lucy walked out of the Boars Nesr.
  7. Bo said Ok No hard feelings.have a safe trip back to Dallas. Kathy didn't feel all to well her stomach was bother her. and she felt like she was going to get sick. and Kathy looked at everyone and said excuse me. and she ran to the bathroom. Luke had a worried look on his face.
  8. Just then Bi walked in with Mary Jo Tomson. and he saw Kathy and Luke Dancing and he smiled. and then hewent to a table and Daisy walked over to them and Bo said A beer and a Pepsi Daisy. and Daisy smiled and said ok Bo and she walked away. Luke saw Bo and they walked over anf Luke said can we join you? Bo smiled and said sure. Then Dusy and Rosco walked over and Bo said Sit and they sat. and Daisy brought everyone their drinks.
  9. Luke stopped Dancing and he reached into his pocket and took out the rings and said with a smile on his face I think these belonge to you.Kathy held out her left hand and Luke placed the rings on her index finger. Kathy looked at the rings and said they are never coming off my finger again.and then she kissed him. Luke smiled and kissed her back. Lucy walked over to Rosco and said I would like to drop all chargers agaist Bo Duke.
  10. Ok your Aunt and I are on our way we will be there in a few hours we will use the spencer Plane. and then he hung up with Reba and then Kathy called Jessica and asked her if she could watch Leventa and Jacob and she said Sure and then Kathy said Thanks and then they told Leventa that she is going to spend some time with Uncle Michael and Aunt Jessica and she was thrilled.
  11. Luke told Reba what was going on and Luke asked her if she wanted him and Kathy to go down there They could asked Lulu to watch Leventa and Jacob?
  12. Luke smiled and said well Mrs. Duke do want this dance. and Kathy smiled and said I would love to dance with you. and them someone put Softly on the Jukebox and Luke and Kathy Danced to it.
  13. Kathy looked at Dusty and she smiled and then Kathy walked over to Luke and she smiled and said Sorry. and then she kissed him like she never kissed him before. and Luke looked at her and said Sweetheart you are forgiven. and then he kissed her again. and Luke YELLED I LOVE YOU LUKE
  14. because he knew that if anthing happend to any of the Dukes Aunt Kathy would do anything thing to protect them and then he came up up this sceam. But I couldn't stand it anymore exprelly seeing Aunt and Kathy and Luke say them mean things to each other. Aunt Kathy Luke you know you are ment to be together and everyone in this room knows it Including Uncle JR. So please say you are sorry to each other and Kiss and make up.
  15. JR just looked at Luck. and said Lucy sit down. Lucy looked at JR and said No I won't let this happen because of me Aunt Kathy belongs with Luke and you know it. you just can't stand anyone being happy because you are not happy. Lucy walked over to Luke and Rosco, Kathy and Dusty stopped at the door. and Lucy said Bo never hit me. it's all Makeup. Uncle Jr made me do it.he wanted aunt Kathy to leave Luke.
  16. Fine Duke then Kathy ounched Luke in the gut and he doubled over. and Then Kathy took off her wedding rings tring not to cry. and she threw them on the floor next to Luke. and her and Dusty sharted to walked out the door Dusty looked kathy and whispared just hold on Kathy. Lucy couldn't stand it anymore and she stood up and said WAIT.
  17. So Ross and Lana went in the house and they told Luke and Kathy whatbhad Happened. Luke said are we ever going to get rid of the Ewings. Kathy smiled and said No Luke Remember Adam. Luke smiles and said he's one Ewing I don't mind having around. We better call Reba. and Luke went to the Phone and called Reba
  18. Lucy was about to stand up but JR said st down. Luke looked owards them and he whispars to Rosco and said keep it up .Kathy saw Lucy and what JR dID. Luke said ya I.m a hick and proud of it. I thought you where too. But I guess I was Wrong. Kath we are threw.
  19. Lucy looked at her Uncle J.R and Her Uncle Bobby. and said we need to do something. we need to stop this before it gets out of hand. JR looked a Lucy and said you sit right here. and don't move. this is going great. Lucy thought she needs to do something. Luke looked at Kathy and he winked. Kathy was having a hard time keeping a strait face. Ya I agree with you Rosco If Bobby was such a great chatch why did you leave him Well I left Bobby because of JR he was alway butting in our relationship. Kathy Said. And what makes you think it will be different this time? Luke said. cause Luke Jr is getting what he wants. and when Jr gets what he wants he tends to be more agreeable. and Besides he's right you are a bunch of hicks.
  20. Luke said Kath if you really want a divorce and go back to Bobby FineI will give you one. But I ain't going to make it Easy. Kathy looked at him and said Luke come on.You know I will have the best Lawyer on myside. J.R and Bobby was watching them and JR were smiling. Lucy looked at Kathy and Luke and she thought I need to do something before this gets out of hand.
  21. AT THE BOARS NEST Luke pulled up the General Lee and he looked at Kathy and said ready sweetheart? Kathy looked at Luke ready as I will ever be. and he kissed her and said lets get this over with. and they got out of the General Lee and went in the Boars Nest. they saw Bobby and J.R AND Lucy at a table. they walk in and Luke whispared are you ready. Kathy smiled. Kathy said YOu know Luke now that I think of it J. R Is right I will be better off at southfork then I would be on the Duke Farm.
  22. IN HAZZARD Luke pulled the general up to the farm. Kathy smiled and said home. and Leventa yelled YEEEHAA home my own room. and they all got out of the General Kathy got Jacob and carried the sleeping baby into the house. INSIDE THE HOUSE Kathy put Jacob in the bassenet. And Leventa ran up to her room. Kathy looked out the window and saw Luke walking around the farm and she smiled and said home
  23. Take sides Dusty I want you to be with Kathy and Rosco you side with Luke.. and they all got in their cars But before Kathy got in the General She grabbed Luke and she kissed him and she said Remember I love you. Luke smiled and said I love you
  24. Dusty I want you and Rosco to Play along be at the Boars Nest. and Just take your q from Kathy and Luke.
  25. Luke handed Kathy Jacob. and then he said good-bye to his oldest. and Luke said Son you need anything you call. Jesse smiled and said Ya Dad I will. Then Luke Hugged Sarah and then they went out side and they got in the General Lee. Kathy put Jacob in his car seat and then she got Leventa ready to go. and then she turned around and then Luke pulled the General Lee out and headed out to the road.
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