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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Adam said Don't bring the Ewings in on this in my mind the Ewings are just as bad as the Luthors and I won't have my daughter exposed to eather family.and Kaityln agrees with me.(looking at clark) go for it cousin.
  2. at the duke farm... a car pulls up and Uncle Jesse and Bo walked out to greet who ever it was.The car stopped and the car door opened. A women with rea long hair Slim. about 5Foot 8. Stepped out of the Car and Bo couldn't keep his eyes off her. The women walked over and said Hi Im Tracy Kathy's friend. Uncle Jesse smiled and said Oh Ya I have talked to you on the phone Kathy and Luke.....9HEARING THE GENERAL LEE'S HORN) are home Uncle Jesse said. Luke stoppes the General Lee and Kathy gets out and she runs to Tracy and Gives her a hug . and Kathy said I would like you all to me Tracy. Tracy this is Uncle Jesse and Bo. You all ready know Luke. Tracy smiles and said Nice to see you again Luke.
  3. Luke looks at Charle and says not now Charlie I have to lisen for your father. (looking at Jesse and Adam) I want you both to be ready to go into action when I give the singale and they both said Ok Dad. MEAN WHILE in the cabin. Bo was Doing his best to be Johnathan's Ghost.he had Lex convenced he was Johnathan. Bo saw Clark and he was getting weeker by the moment.he had to do something. Lex why are you doing this to My son? Lex looked at him in a strange face and said Mr. Kent things have changed between your son and I. and then Luke snuck in and he snuck over to Ckark and he moved the kriponite and threw it away. and then Clark got his strenth and then he got up and he loked at Bo and said Thanks Uncle Bo Lex looked at him and that's when Luke gave the single and in came Jesse and Adam. and Lex looked at Adam and said you wouldn't want to hurt your btoyjer-in-law we are family. Adam looked at him and said Well Clark and Lois are my cousins So where does that leave you?
  4. Meanwhile at Scott's house Leventa and Scott walks in and Lou-Ann gives her a dirty look. and Scott said Now mom just because you have issuses with Mrs. Duke please don't take it out on Levi. I really don't understand why you have issuses with her. Then his father walked in and said The reason she has a problem with Kathy is because Kathy got Luke and she wanted him she tried everything to break them up but it never worked. Cause when a couple is ment for each other there is nothing in this world that can break them up. and He looked at Levinta and said wilth a smile and said if you are anything like your mother I know you will fight for the man you love and if Scott is the one for you I will be proud to call you my daughter. Scott looked at him and said Dad we just started to date. you might scare her off. BB looked at his son and said no I won't scare her off. The Dukes are strait forward also. Then Levinta told his dad about his brusied ribs. and that her mother showed her how to take care of him. and she wrote out a percription for pain. BB just smiled and said well if your mother showed you how then we will leave his tending to you. and then he walked off. Scott said Levi I want to appolise for my father. Leventa said No you don't have to he's right. Us Dukes are strait forward. and I'm glad he said what he did. Now I'm not nervice anymore. Scott just smiled. Mean while in the cabim Clark had found Lois and Lex and Lex was ready for him he had placed Kriponite around Lois and Clark couldn't get close to her. and then Lex walked out and Clark fell to the ground. Meanwhile Adam and Jesse find the Cabin but they call in and Luke said stay where you are at we are almost there. And Jesse said Dad Clark can handle anything. Bo said Jesse Clark has a weekness and Lex knows what it is. and that weekness could kill him if he is expose to it for to long. Then Luke got an idea and said Bo you look like Johnathan . and Bo said oh No Luke Luke Just smiles.
  5. 2DAYS LATER Kathy was at home spending some time with her handsome husband. When the phone rings. Uncle Jesse answers it. and said Duke farm Jesse Duke speaking. Oh Mr. Duke I'm Kathy's friend Tracy. Is she around?Tracy said No her and Luke went on a pinic they don't get much time alone. Uncle Jesse said. Oh well I just entered Hazzard and I need directions to your farm. I told Kathy I would Call.Tracy Said Uncle Jesse told her how to get to the farm, and she said thatnk you and hung up. Uncle Jesse went to the Cb and called Luke and Kathy and told them about Tracy and they said they where on their way home.
  6. Meanwhile at the farm. Luke was having a meeting with the family. Bo was there also. Clark wanted to go after Lois himselfBut Luke said Clark you know it might be a trap. Uncle Luke that is a Chance I have to take. If Aunt Kathy was taken you would do everything in your power to get her back. Clark said. Luke said Sure I would . and at that moment Clark took off. Bo looked at Luke and said I feel that its a trap. we need to find Lois before clark does. and then they all got in their cars and started the hunt.
  7. Ya i WILL call Uncle Michael.Clark said. and he picked up the phone and called Michael and Michael said He will put his depudies on it. But he couldn't handle it personaly because he was leaving town. But he will check in with his depudys and see how things where coming. IN Hazzard Luke looked at MIchael and said what's going on and He told Luke what had happened and Luke said oK AND then he said Ok (looking at Kathy and Leventa. and said come on and Leventa said Dad I will drive scott 's car to the farm LUKE sAID nO lEVENITA you have no lience. and Scott agreed. Adam said Dad I will drive them to the Farm and Luke said Ok. Met us there and we can get serch parties out looking for Lois. Until Ckark gets here.
  8. BACK IN HAZZARD Kathy was on the phone talking to her best friend on the phone. Kat, I have had it with men. all they want is one thing. Tracy said. Oh Trac all men are not pigs. Kathy said. Oh that's right you have a good one. there are not many good ones left. Tracy Said. Kathy said there are a few. Why don't you get away from the city and come to Hazzard and visit for a few days. Tracy said now that is an idea. Ok I will be there in a few weeks I will call you when I get in Hazzard. ok i have to go see you in a couple of Days Bye. Kathy said Ok Bye.. She put down the phone with a smile on her face. Luke came out of the room. and he put his arms around her and said. why are you smiling What do you have planed? Kathy turned around and klissed him and said Oh Nothing.
  9. AT THE BOARS NEST Kathy looked at Leventa and scott from Luke's arms and said I think our baby girl had found the one. Luke looked at her and he smiled and said I don't know Kath, you know who his mother is. Kathy looked at him and said No . Luke smiled and said Lou-Ann. Kathy started to laugh.well he must take after his father then. Luke said Yay he does. BB was one of my best friends. What he saw in Lou-Ann Henderson I don't know. what BB sees in her. They walked over to scott and Leventa and Kathy asked how was his mother doing? Scott looked at her and said She has been sick Dad has tried to get her to go and see you but she won't. Kathy said there is alot of bad history between me and your mom. tell her to come into my office tommorrow at 1:30pm. Scott smiled and said Ok And I will make her go. Thanks Mrs Duke. And then they saw Mike and Jessica walked over and and they told Luke That Bylinda Just had her Baby it was a girl and she Named it Jessca Ann Mongermy. Her husband Jermery just called them.and Michael said Luke I wouldn't ask but can we use the Spencer plane to go to pENNSYLVANA to see our grandaughter. Luke didn't say anything but he did get his Cell Phone and called the piolat and told him the details and Then He closed the phone and said The plane will be in Capital City in an hour. then he would have to refuil and then you all can leave. Jessica hugged Luke and said Thanks. Luke said anything for family Kathy said How is Bonnie?
  10. Kathy Smiled as she watched Scottand Leventa. and then she saw luke coming back. And Luke got off the carrage. Kathy walked over to him and she went into his arms and kissed him. and he looked at her and said wow, What did I DO TO DESERVE THAT? Kathy smiled. and said nothing. I Love you Luke Duke. MEANWHILE BY THE General Lee. Scott and Leventa was watching her parents. Scott said wow. Does your parents always do that? Levinta smiles and said ya they do. How long have they been married? Scott Said.Leventia smiled and said 29 years. Scott Said Wow, My parents have been married longer then that and I have never seen them do that. Leventa smiles and said My Parents have always showed their love for each other like that. and if they stopped all of us kids would start to get worried. Scott said because you are use to seeing your parents like that. I think it's awesome. Levinta said so do I . and I hope to find a love like theirs some day. Scott just smiles.
  11. meanwhile in hazzard. Kathy had wrapped Scott's ribs. and as she was wrapind Scotts Ribs she had a smile on her face. Leventa looked at her mother and said Mom what's the matter? Kathy looked at her daughter and said this just reminded me of a memory about your father. Mom please tell me. I love to hear you talk about dad. Kathy smiled and said this happened before you and Jesse where born. You see I had an ex and he didn'y like it that I was with your father and him and your father got into a fight and after the fight your father walked away and Zack was got cold but when he got to the General Lee He collaped and I checked him and he had 3 broken ribs and his chest area was all black and blue. So I took him to the hospital and they confermit and they wrapped him up and I took him home and took care of him. Scott looked at her and said So Mr.Duke you had a Bad Ass ex too. Kathy smiled and said yes I did and Luke took care of him just like you took care of tom and Now Leventa will take care of you. Right Levinta. Levinta smiled and said yes mom. Levinta and Scott didn't go on the hayride.
  12. OUTSIDE Leventa saw that scott was in pain she said Mom something is wronge with Scott. Kathy walked over to him and said where do you hurt? Scott looked at her and said I'm fine Mrs Duke. Kathy smiled and said Now Scott I'm a doctor and I know when someone is in pain let me take a look. So Scott showed her where he hurt. and SHE SMILED AND SAID YOU HAVE A couple of broused ribs. but you should be fine in a few days.
  13. Leventa told Reba what was going on. and Adam told her where Rosco was he was in the Boars Nest in the office. She went to find him. Kathy said Luke calm down and then Luke smiled and said Sweetheart I'm fine now(looking at Adam) come on let's get this Hay ride going.
  14. Kathy said I don't know Rosco is Pretty tuff and stronge. Kathy pulled the Jeep up by the General Lee and She ran over to Luke and she said Hay Baby calm down
  15. Kathy and Reba got in the Jeep and headed for the Boars Nest. and they left
  16. Kathy was about to answer her when she hears. Super Adam to pretty lady come back. Kathy walked over to the CB AND sAID yOU HAVE pRETTY LADY HERe. Mom you need to get here to the Boars Nest Dad is really upset and Noone can calm him down. Kathy said I;m on my way. So she looked at Reba and said I'm going to the Boars Nest want to come with me?
  17. At the boars nest. Luke said what is going on here? Adam and Clark looked at Luke. Clark said I though I handled it the last time.*(looking at Leventa)Levi you better tell your dad what was going on before you and tom broke up. Levi tells her father and Luke got real angery. and she couldn't calm him do and She looked at Adam and said call mom she is the only one who can talk Dad down when he s like this. Scott was mad aslso and he got away from Luke and he punched Tom a good on and he gave Tom a bloddy nose and Tom looked at him and said You broke my nose. Scott said You aught to be glad that that is the only thing i BROKE.. Adam looked at scott and said I think I like you. You will fi in well with this family. Scott Just smiled.
  18. At the farm Kathy said Lucy you are welcome to come in the house. Reba looked at her Aunt. And then she said Ok I will talk this threw with Jason.and I don't want you to leave
  19. AT THE BOARS NEST Tom and his football friends where there. and then he saw Leventa get out of a car with a nother guy he walked over to them and he grabbed Leventa by the arm and said What are you doing her with him. Levi pulled her arm away and said we are going on the hay ride together. and remember Tom we are no longer together and remember what my cousin and my brotheers told you. He went to hit Levi But Scott stopped him and then Tom went to hit Scott and Scott went down but he didn't stay down long. He went after Tom Levi was Yelling Scott. Just then Luke and Adam pulled up in the General Lee and he saw the boys fighting Luke said Holly smoke. and he got out of the General Lee with Adam right behind them. and Luke saw Levi crying and she ran to her Dad and she Said DADplease stop them. Luke and Adam walked over and Luke Grabbed Scott and Adam grabbed Tom.
  20. Acar pulled up and Then Leventa ran out. and Kathy said hay Leventa are you going to interduce your date to us. Levi smiled and Scott got out of his car and Live took him by the hand and said Mom Reba I would like you to met Scoot Bradford. and Scott said Hi Mrs. Duke. Kathy smiled and said Hi and then they got in the car and headed for the Board Nest Then Luke and Adam cam out of the house and Luke said we are heade for the Boars Nest we are driving the Carrage. Kathy looked at him and said does your daughter know this. Luke smiled and said No but she wil in about 15 minutes he kissed her and Adam said Bye Mom. and they got in the General Lee and left.
  21. Kathy heard the comation and she walked outside and she renised Lucy right off. And she said Reba calm down and Reba Told her what had Just happened. Kathy smiled and said Reba That all happened yeard and Jr is paying of what he has done and Adam and Brittney are back in this family where they belong.and Reba don't let this come between you and Jason. Jason is a great guy and he loves you and the kids. and I know he loves you.
  22. Reba was up set and said you do know that my Cousin Adam is really a Ewing also. He is Aunt Kathy's and Your Uncle Bobby son. That Jr had stolen from them and Brittney Rose is Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy's Older Daughter That Jr had Taken from them and Had the doctor say she was dead. So yA There is a lot of Bad Blood between the Ewings and The Dukes. Hay and Did you Date My father at one time?
  23. 2 Hours later Sarah and Jesse walkked in the house with Little Luke Kathy got up and she hugged Sarah and Sarah Handed Luke to her Kathy took Little Luke and she smiled and said You look just Like your grandfather. Your going to break alot of hearts. and she sat him in the Craddle that Said Duke. and He fell right to sleep . Jesse looked at his mother and said Mom did I sleep in that. Kathy smiled and said Yes you did and so Did Levena and Jacob and Your father.
  24. Sarah liked the idea also. and her and Little Luke where leaving in an hour in the Spencer Jet. Jesse walked over tohis dad and said Dad CAN I borrow the General Lee I need it to go and pick my family
  25. Levena ran to her cousin Reba and she told her all about Scott Bradford. MEANWHILE IN THE BARN Luke looked at Jesse and said How come sarah and Little Luke didn't come with you. Jesse looked at his father and said Dad. I think my marage is over. Ever sence Sarah had Luke She had been different all she talks about is going back to California to be with her parents. Dad I don't want to live in California. Chicago is my home now andf I love it. and I thought sARAH LOVED IT TOO. Luke smiled and said Son, I remember wher we had you. Your mother missed her parents also. SHE WANTED TO BE CLOSER TO THEM. but dad mom didn't move to Chicago. Jesse said, Luke smiled and said No we didn't cause we lived in chicago sence we got married and we decided to move back here to Hazzard because we didn't want to raise our children in the city. Maybe you should visit with here parents a while. cause Jesse she hasn't seen here parents as offten as you see us. Jesse though about it and he smiled and said Dad you are right i'M GOING TO GO AND cALL sARAH AND ASK her if she wants to come here for Levi's Birthday Party and then after we can go to California to see her parents. Luke smiled and said that sounds like a good idea son. Then Jesse left the barn and called Sarah.
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