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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Just then Luke walked threw the doors and Lana and Chloe saw him and Chloe said Mr. Duke can you tell me why JR Ewing is hell bent on destroying the Dukes. Luke looked at Chloe and said ChLOE jR is a very dangerous man alot dangerous then Lex or lional ever though of being. So stay away from him. and all the Ewings. Well Excapt Adam. Luke saw Kathy and he ran to her
  2. Katealyn looks at him and said I don' think so John Ross I love Adam. If I didn i wouldn't have married him. John just looked at her and said you will change your mind. No I won't and then sh walked up to her room. MEANWHILE OUT ON THE RANCH... Bobby was showing Adam South fork. Adam said Dad this is beautiful it's almost as beautiful as the Duke Farm. Bobby got upset and said there is no comparerson between the Duke Farm and Southfork Ranch. Adam just looked at him.
  3. Just then Kathy walked out of Jacob's room and she seen JR and she looked at Doug and said I want sercerty on Jacob's room and No one goes in to see him with my or Luke's permission. Kathy walks over to JR and said well well how was prison? JR looked at her and said missable but you already knew that. Just then her cell Phone Rang and Kathy said Excuse me. and she walked away. and she looked at it and she said Hello. No I didn't Know he called you. Well he shuts off his phone when he's on duty call the farm. Ok Bye. Kathy lookes over towards where JR was and he was gone and then she picked upher cell and called Luke's cell. AT THE FARM Adam said I'm a Duke. cOOTER GET HIM OUT OF HEREbefore I do something I regret.So John got in Cooter's truck and left. Luke's cell rings and he looked at it and said Hay Sweetheart. Oh he is. Ok I on my way. Ok I will tell Adam Love you Bye. Luke closed his cell. and told Adam to turn on his cell cause Bobby was tring to get a hold of him and said JR IS IN TOW SO i NEED TO GET BACK TO THE HOSPITAL. cLARK YOU STAY HERE with Reba and the kids.
  4. Bosshogg said Ok. I'm already at the Boars Nest so come here if you want to talk. MEANWHILE AT THE DUKE FARM.. Luke was in the back 40 when he saw Uncle Jesse. and he Knew something was brothing Luke so he stopped what he was doing and walked over to him. and said Luke . What's the matter? Luke looked at him and said It's Kath. She feels That Rose was born alive Not dead. she said she heard her cry. So Uncle Jesse I checked in to it. and I talked to the Nurse who delivered Rose and she accourd me that the baby we buried was ours. But I feel That she wasn't telling me the whole Truth. Now what if Jr Ewing payed her off and had her take Rose from Kathy Like he did Adam. Uncle Jesse said Luke, you are drawing up straws. Luke SiadI Know But he did it once.
  5. Ya, Maybe we should Call Uncle Luke and see if everything is all right.You Know Adam and Kaitlynn is in Dallas right now maybe that is what you are sencing.
  6. Just then Luke Adam, Jesse and Bo showed up in the General. John Ross looked at the and said Great. Reba saw them and she put down the gun. Luke walked over to Reba and said are you all right? Reba smiled and said Ya I'm Now. Adam was in John's Face. John said You are a Ewing noat a Duke and You should be standing beside me against them. Adam got mad and said Ya I was Born A Ewing. But you seen to forget I have two sisters and a Two brothers who are Dukes. and My mother is a Duke. What you want me to go agaist them. Pluse The Dukes Stick together as a family they don't stab each other in the back like the Ewings. John Ross Just had a look on his face and Adam said Ya I know about the Ewings Remember I spent a month out In Dallas At Southfork after Kaitlynn and I got Married. So I know. Just then Coter came with his tow truck and Jesse helped him hook on to John's truck and before John got in the truck he looked at Adam and said this isn't over cousin. Adam looked at him and said bring it on cousin.
  7. Kathy looked at the pictuire again and then she looked at Luke and said Baby, If Jr didn't take him from me. I would be a single mom when we met would you have dated me.when you found out. Luke stopped the General and he looked at her and said Sweetheart, Yes I still would have dated you. I would have though Adam as a bounas. Kathy kissed him and said Luke I love you
  8. MEANWHILE AT THE DUKE FARM Kathy saw that Something was brothing Luke. She walked over to him and said Baby, what's the matter? Luke looked at her and said nothing sweetheart and he walked away. Kathy knew something was on his mind but she knew what ever it was he wanted to work it out him self
  9. In the General. Kathy couldn't stopp looking at the picture and she turned it around and on the back it said Adam age 4. Kathy looked at Luke and said Luke looke and Luke looked and he smiled and said that is good now we know his name. and they drove off.
  10. AT THE HOSPITAL kATHY AND lUKE WAS WITH jACOB. Brittney.was working when she saw Josh leave in a hurry and she ran to her father and said Dad something is going on at the farm. lUKE GOT UP AND HE SAID kATHY stay here. and then he ran out and he yell Bo Jesse Ross Clark Lets go
  11. Kathy smiled and said so is mom and Uncle Jesse. and then Luke helped her to their room.
  12. Kathy looked at Luke and she saw his face and she stopped walking and said Baby are you ok? Luke said Kath, I feel something is a miss. Someone warned her. and told her to leave and I'm thinking it was JR. Kathy looked at him and said I wouldn't put it past him.
  13. IN CHICAGO Luke saw Kathy and he seen the look on her face she was tired. and she walkd over to her and said come on lets go back to the Spencer house and you need to rest. So Luke took Kathy to the house. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE Kathy looked at the house and said I havent been here sence My dad died and they walked inth the house and they saw the wall that her mother had started. and she looked at it. it Started with Apicture of her and Luke standing by the General Lee. and ended with Jesse and Sara's wedding. Kathy walked over to the last picture and she touched it it was a picture of her Dad with all his grandchildren including Adam. and she just smiles. and she lookeda at Luke and said MOM WOULD HAVE LOVED this
  14. Jr said Oh you wouldn't want to do that. I can make you pay.
  15. Meanwhile Adam called Pam Pam saw it was Adam and she picked it up and said Hello.Hi Pam I need to talk to Dad it's very important. Oh now he's your father. You know Adam you hurt Bobby real bad when you wouldn't take the Ewing name after all you are a blood Ewing. Pam said i KNOW Pam this has nothing to do with me. and everything to do with Ewing Oiland Howsit's being run. Pam said ok I will have him call you. Pam said Thanks Pam. Adam said and then he put his cell phone up and he went to work to look for Tom. IN DALLAS Pam calls Bobby and she tells him about Adams Call. and Bobby said Ok it must be inportant or he wouldn't have called me. Give me his number and Pam gave him Adam's Number. IN HAZZARD aDAM WAS AT tHE bANGLE HOUSE AND HE TALKED TO mRS.bANGLE AND SHE BELEIVED THAT tOM COULD DO THAT CAUSE HIS FATHER did the same thing and she was hoping that Leventa could change him and Adam said That is alot of resposable to but on a 15 year old girl. Thank God she came from a family that is strong.
  16. No I;m not going after him he's tring to bait me for some reason and I'm not falling for it. Clark I need to find my father if I can find him he can tak over Ewing oil. can you give Reba a call and Worn her about John. and I will start looking for my father. Maybe I should Talk to Pam.
  17. JUST DO IT. we don't need him finding out that his daughter is alive.
  20. Mrs. Elly said she has a lot on her mind right now Lucy give her time.
  22. outside in the waiting room. dOUG COMES IN He walkes over to Kathy and Luke with a smile and said Jacob is fine. Both of his legs are broken but other then that he's fine. He wants to see you. and Luke and Kathy get up and went to see Jacob. Adam was thrilled. He looked at Clark and said Now to find Tom. Clark said I though You told your parents that you had him in custdey. Adam said No I just told them that to get Dad to calm, down. Clark said ok I got you. Do you want me to help look for him. Adam said SURE COZ tHAT WILL BE GREAT.
  23. Bo said YEEHAAW, Luke said So when is he coming home? Stacy said he will be home Next Week I leaving him a message now to come to Chicago AND tELLING HIM ABOUT Heather.I told him we will be staying at the Spencer House. Kathy smiled and said Ok.
  24. JR said that's a good idea do it Just get him off the trail
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