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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Adam said Ok, We will leave for Hazzard in the morning. You know the only one I'm going to miss is my Grandma Elly. Kaitlyn just smiled.
  2. I seen it also. and he did know that they where going to ask about the Dukes. and Joy asked him to sing a little bit. I Love his voice also, He's a great Guy. He also looked good.
  3. Kathy and Luke said that's alright Sweetheart. Adam said Kaitlynn and I will tell the rest of the Family after Levi's birthday party. Just then Bo walks hrew the door and he didn't look Happy. When he saw Bobby he hit the roof. andhe said how dare you. you are No better then JR. Luke had to keep Bo Back. Luke said Bo what's going on? Bo looked at Luke and said he owns the Kent FARM WELL the minual rights to it. it took it right under Reba. No he owns the oil that is onthe farm. and least when we deal with JR he's up front and not sneeky. Adam looks at his father and said Dad is that true? Bobby looked at him and said Yes but son it's business. Adam looked at him and said I'm not your son(pointing at Luke) That man right there is the only father I have I though you where differnt but I guesse I was wronge. and he trned and Left. Bobby said ADAM ADAM Come back here. Kathy walked over to Bobby and said Leave him alone no we have to go tall Reba that she lost her farm. and they left.
  4. Bobby looked at them and said don't worry . I took care of Jr and John Ross they won't be brother your family and Adam again. I have full control of Ewing oil. i have bought all the shares. So know I'm the sole owner of Ewing oil. Just then Adam walks in and he smiles when he sees his dad. and Adam Huggs him and said Hows my Granddaughter? Adam smiles and said She's fine. Matter of Fact now that everyone is here. I have something to tell you all. Kaitylnn and Are expecting Again. Kathy and Luke Hugged Adam and Adam smiled and said Sorry Mom Dad I didn't tell you sooner but evething just happened so fast and We didn't want to upstage Levi's birthday Party.
  5. Dusy handed the picture back to Kathy and Luke told her what had happened at the house. I'm not giving up I'm going to find Adam and he will be in our family.
  6. bO, lUKE AND Kathy showed up at the Boars Nest.
  7. IN HAZZARD Kathy was looking at old pictures. Of her and Bobby and then she remembered why Jr started to attic her and then Luke walked in and then She said Luke I just remembered why JR has it in for me. and Then she told Luke That JR had come on to her when she was dating Bobby and she turned him down and ever sence then he has been after her. Luke said WITH A SMILE JR doesn't like to lose.
  8. Meanwhile at the farm Luke loke at Leventa and said I want you both to stay here and Reba if you see any eWING COME ON THIS PROBITY YOU KNOW WHAT TO dO. The Only Ewing Alowed on the Farm is Adam. Reba smiled and Grabbed the gun and said Ya Uncle Luke I know what to do. IN TOWN AT THE HOSPITAL Luke walked in and he saw Bobby in the waiting room talking to Kathy. Man he he didn't trust Bobby. He never did trust him but he kepy it to himself cause he is Adam's father. Luke walked over to them and Kathy saw him and got up and smiled and said Hay Baby and Kissed him. Bobby got up and shook his Hand Pam was with Bobby
  9. Kathy showed him the picture and kATHY SHowed her the picture of Adam and said he;s 10 and he's mine and Bobby's son. and JR HAD US BELIEVING THAT HE WAS DEAD ALL THIS TIME. and even with Jock's help we could find him. he were so close. and then we lost him.
  10. Leventa looked at her cousins and said Ok guys that's enough. and she went and got Scott some lemon aid. and Raba just smiled.
  11. kAITLYNN said I don't know what's going on? Adam cought upi with Chris. and said Hay bro if she sleped with jOHN THEN she wasn't for you anyway. Chris said I know. but it still hearts he's going after my girlfriends. Just like His Father did with Dad Did You know Jr tried to get with your mother and Mine But both turned him down flat thats why hes doesn't like my mother or yours. Adam said No I didn't know that. Does dad Know/ Ya sure he knows Your mom told him and dad and Uncle JR HAD IT OUT. and Dad also knows when he went after my mom cause mom told him . I just hope I can find a women like your s and my mom some day. Adam smiles and said 0oh you will Chris you will.
  12. back at the duke farm Luke helped Scott out of the Jeep and into the house and Leventa was far behind. Reba just smiles. Leventa said Reba this is SCOTT
  13. Kathy took the picture from her friend and she loked at it and said. Dusty she looks like you. Dusty starty to cry.
  14. Ya That will be fine The Louthers can't be any worse then the Ewings. Just then Adam saw his brother Chris. and he seemed to be upset/ Adam walked over to him and said Chris what's the matter? Chris looked at him and said it's John Ross he slepted with my girlfriend. You know Dad is right John Ross is just like Uncle JR. Then he walked away. Adam said Baby I need to go talk to him you going to be all right. Kaitlyn said Go I will go to our room and stay there Until you are done. Or I will find Miss Elly and hang with her. I know John Ross won't try anything with her around. Adam just smiles and then he kisses her. and then he went after Chris. and Kaitlynn saw miss Elly and she walked over to her and said can I join you Miss Elly Smiles and said Sure it will give us a chance to get to know each other.
  15. AT THE HOSPITAL Leventa heard a the comation and she walked out and she saw JR LEAVING and she said great. Then she went in and talked to Scott. and said Scott get ready of world war 3. Scott smiled and said Why? Cause I just saw JR Ewing here in the hospital. Leventa said Oh I see what you mean. Just then the doctor came in Scott's room and handed Scott his releas papers and said you are free to go. Brittney walks in and said Leventa Dad is here and he will take you and scott to the farm. Dad has also called Uncle Bo and Uncle Bo is coming from Texas to help. Scott looked at Leventa and said Sweetheart I guess you where right about world war 3. Luke walked into the room and said you kids ready? and Leventa said Ya Dad and Brittney helped Scott in the wheel chair. Luke looked at Brittney and said you becareful. Brittney smiled and said Dad he won't try anything here in the hospital and Pluse Josh is coming to pick me up. Luke said Ok.
  16. Back at the Hotel Kathy was still looking at the picture. and she though you should be with me. BACK AT EWING OIL... JR. gets a phone call and he said Ya you did great now stay there till you hear from me. Ya I will send you some money. to get you out of Dallas.
  17. The nurse that delived Rose.Kathy said
  18. Adam smils and hods her and said I have two dads don't forget Luke. Kaitlyn just smiles
  19. Kathy said Ok I will get them and we will be right there. Kathy put the phone down and she went out to sind lUKE and Bo She saw Bo by the General Lee. and she said Bo we need to go to The Boars Nest. and then she saw Luke and Uncle Jesse come back and Kathy told them about the phone call from the nurse.
  20. Adams cwll ring and he looked at it and it was his mother and he said Hay mom. Kathy said Adam where are you? Im here at the hospital mom. Good come in Jacab's room we need to talk. Kathy said. Adam said Ok mom. and he closed the phone and said My mom wants to talk to me and she sounds upset. Adam said as he started to walk to Jacob's room IN JACOB ROOM Adam walked in and Kathy saw him and said Adam I want you to be very careful while your Uncle JR IS here in Hazzard. Adam said Ok mom. But i have something to tell you I called Dad and I told him how Ewing oil was being run and he's on his was here to Hazzard. Kathy smiled and said Ok Adam but I don't want you in the middle of a JR AND Bobby fight. beleive me they can get bad and most of the time your father comes out on the losing end your father just isn't as ruthless as your Uncle. Adam said ok mom I will stay clear. then he got beeped and said The station is calling gotta go mom. Kathy smiled and said ok son becareful
  21. Ya Luke he did do it once but that doesn't mean he will do it again, What would he gain to do that? Uncle Jesse said. Well Uncle Jesse he Hates Kath and her parents. He hates the face that her parents got the better of him when he was her in Hazzard and hetried to break us up.Luke said Wich he almost did When you found out about The baby Kathy had with Bobby Ewing. Uncle Jesse said. I know Uncle Jesse, But it didn't work we worked it out and I Love Kath with everything in me and I would die for her if I had to. and I can't stand to see her like this again. we where so close to finding Adam and then we lose him. and then we never got another lead. Not even with Jock Ewings connactions.I know that broke Kathy's heart/ and now this with Rose I don't think she can handle this again.
  22. Ya she does She she coud never give my dad a son so they addopted Chris. and My mom gave Bobby a real son his sone that has the Ewing blood and I think she resents mom as well. But I haven't talk to Pam. So I don't know how s
  23. Meanwho;e Adam was talking with Bobby and he told Bobby everything and Bobby said Ok Adam I'm on my way to Hazzard. Oh and tell your mother the next time you call me ok.I don't want you keeping anything from her or Luke. Adam smiles and said Ok Dad Bye. AT THE HOSPITAL Kathy was in Jacob's room when she heard someones voice and say so this is your uyoungest the one that you almost gave your life for to bring in this world. Kathy looked and saw JR standing there. and she said get out of my son's room get out of my families life. JR Started to laugh and said Sorry Kathleen you are stuck with me you are always will be connect to Us Ewings because of Adam even though he denies his true Family but there will come a time that he won't and his true Ewing Naure will come out and I will be around to see that. Kathy walked over to him and got in his face and said you stay away from my son. Jr just laughed and walked out of the room. Then she picked up her cell and called Adam.
  24. Adam held her. and then Kate senced that something was brothing Adam. and she said Baby what's wronge Adam looked a her and said My Father. I just said How beautiful I thought the duke farm was and he said that the Duke farm is no comparesing to Southfok Ranch. Baby I don't like what I;m sencing here. Kate told him what John had done and he lose it. Kate said Adam I want our Baby to grow up in hazzard around your mother and
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