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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Adam walked over to his police car and called in and said Brenda tell the commasioner that he will be getting a call fram a Mr Bangle here in Hazzard about me. And Adam told her what it was about and Brenda said ok Adam I will tell him. IN ALANTA IN THE COMMANSOR OFFICE Brenda walked in. and the commisoner was on the phone. Ok I sure Mr Bangle that officer Duke was just doing his Job Yes sir I will bye now. and he put down the phone and he looked at Brenda and said Get Duke on the Phone. Brenda smiled and said he Just Calle he knew that Mr Bangle would call and here is what he told me. Brenda told the Commationer and he smiled and said will this Tamra testafy/ Brenda said Yes. How about his sister and her boyfriend. He didn't know sir. Brenda said. The commisoner smiled and said Good work. BACK IN HAZZARD. AT THE FARM' Adam walked in and looked at his parents and said I not here as your son I 'm here as a police officer. Luke smiles and said well sit down Officer Duke. would you like some coffee? Adam just looked at his father and said I'm here to Talk to you and Leventa about pressing chargers on Tom Bangle. Luke said we really haven't talked to her about it she has been at the hospital with Scott.
  2. Luke Smiles and said I know Your Aunt would love to see you and the kids. and Reba we would love to be godparents to Jamie.
  3. AT THE FARM Luke and Kathy where on the porch sitting on the porch swing looking up at the stars. Kath, How are you really? Luke said. Kathy said Luke, I don't Know. What do you mean you don't know? Luke asked. Luke I have this strange feeling that Rose isn't dead she is out there somewhere.Kathy said. Luke looked at her and said Ok Sweetheart will it help if We look into it. Kathy smiled and said Ya it sure would. Luke. What? Luke said. I love you Kathy said as she snuggled closer to him. Luke put his arm around her and he smiled and said I Love you too
  4. clark said wel Im on my way to the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL Kathy came out to the waiting room. with a smile on her face and said He's fine. Jesse and Adam got there in time. there is no broken bones but he is sore. and brused.(looing at Leventa) He wants to see you. room 3. Leventa got up and ran to see Scott. Lou-Ann said our son was fine til he got involved with her daughter. Kathy just gave lou-Ann a look. Luke grabbed Kathy.Cause he seen the look on her face. She is just like her mother. always getting a man to do her dirty work. example. Zack and Luke. Luke tightn his grib on Kathy. BB Looked at Luke and said Darling you know the story on Zack and it wasn't Kathy's falt and Luke did what he did cause he loves her. and that is why Scott did what he did for Leventa. Now you are just going to have to get use to it or you will lose your son. Lou-Ann just walked away. IN SCOTT'S ROOM Leventa walked in. Scott saw her and smiled. Leventa walked to the bed. and hugged him and then she kissed him. and then Scott said Wow I should get beat up more often. Leventa just gives him a look. Scott smiles and said Just kidding Baby Just kidding. Leventa just shook her head. You better be mister. Then she kissed him again. IN THE HALL Clark showed up with Lana ,Lois and Chloe. They walked over to Kathy and Luke. Luke told them what had happened. AT THE SCHOOL Adam was taken statements from the kids that seen what happened, Akid walks up to Adam and said The only reason you are here is. it happen to your sister.If it happen to anyone else you wouldn't even bother. Adam looked at the Teen and said What is your name. Tommy Johnson. Well Tommy, Yes I would havedone something about it if it was brought to my attion. So what did he do to you? Tommy backed away and said I didn't say he did anything to me. Just then a girl around Leventa's age alked over to him and Said Tommy it's ok. and she walked over to Adam and said can we go somewhere and Talk and Adam said Sure. My Name is Tamra Johnson. Tommy is my twin brother. Well I dated Tom before Leventa. and it started it out great. but one night we where out and he wanted Sex and I said No Then he started to slap me around and then he forced himself on me. and after he was done he called me a Whore and he left. I went home cleaned up and went to my room and I started to cry. Tommy heard me crying and he came in my room and he made me tell him . and I did and he went after Tom and it wasn't pretty. My brother didn't have anyone to back him up. My brother was sercouly hurt. and Tom threned if I told anyone he would say I asked for it. Tamra said. Adam was mad and said Tamra with your permission I would like to after him. Tamra smiled and said Sure if it will save another girl for what I went threw. Adam said Thanks. and then he said If you need someone to talk to go talk to my mom she's a great listner. Tamra smiled and said I think I will Thanks Offcer Duke. Adam went into the school and Tom's parents where in the office and Tom's father was threating to take his funding away from the school. And Adam said well Go right ahead becaus it's out of the schools hands, It's now a police matter. and No Mr Bangle you can't by me. Oh my Name is Offcer Adam Duke My badge number is 55421. and he walked off and Mr Bangle wrote the information down.
  5. Luke smiles and said Reba you called just in time. She's just doing too much and she is getting worn out . I got her to go lie down. but I know she won't stay there for long.
  6. after the concert. Luke walked up to Randy and said Thanks. Randy smiled at Kathy and Said I know what's it like to be totaly in love with a beautiful Lady and speaking of that I better go call mine. Randy left. Luke smiled. Luke looked at Bo and said we are headed back to the farm. Bo said OKTracy and I will stay here a little longer. Don't worry we will get home some how. Luke said ok. and him and Kathy left. Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby, They seem to hit it off. Luke smiled at his wife and said Ya they sure did.
  7. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD IN THE HOSPITAL Kathy looked at Sher and Steven and said why don't we go to the farm and have some coffee and talk. and Sheri said sure. and then they left. AT THE HIGH SCHOOL... Levinta and Scott was walking towards into the school when Tom and his Gang stopped them. Tom looked at Leventa and said Well it take you long to replace me. I guesse I was right you are easy. Leventa Pushed Tom and said We never did anything and you know it. Quit lying. And then Tom Grabbed Leventa. and Scott lost it and he went after Tom. and then his Gang Jumped in and Leventa said Help Leventa then saw her Brothers Jesse and Adam and she ran to them and they split up the fight Then the teachers came and helped Jesse and Adam. and When Leventa saw Scott she she started to cry he was beat up bad. Jesse looked at Adam and said Lets get him to the hospital before mom leaves. So they carefully picked up Scott and carried him to the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL Kathy saw Adam and Jesse bring in Scott and she ran to them and said put him on the gurnney carefully. (LOOKING AT jESSE)call his parents. Jesse went off to the phone. Leventa walked in with some of hers and Scotts friends. Luke looked at Leventa and said what happened and she told him what had happened. and Adam said what to press chargers? Leventa looked at him and said we can't press charges we are kids. Adam smiled and said Ya you are kids and you can press chargers cause Tom did an adult crime he assuklted Scott. Leventa said well he can say Scott did the same thing. Adam said No Scott was defending himself and you. Leventa smiles and said Let me talk to Scott and she what he wants to do along with his parents and mom and dad. Adam said Ok Sis good choose. Tell Scott I will make sure the school does their part. and then he hugged his sister and went to work. Lou-Ann and BB rins in to the hospital, Luke was right there and told them what had happened. Lou-Ann wasn't in pressed.Jesse said Mom and BRITTNEY are Taking care of him and Adam will make sure the school does what they are suppose to do. Lou-Ann said I know this was going to happen when Scotty got mixed up with a Duke.. BB said now Lou-Ann The Dukes are good people. and you know that. They daughter was involved in this also. Lou-Ann just gave him a look.
  8. Mean while in the house Kathy was having a hard time with Jacob. She couldn't get him to calm down. Luke walked over and said sweetheart you are tence and Jacob Knows That. sweetheart you need to rest. you just started to walk a month ago and Abby said Not to over due it. Kathy smiled and said you are right. Luke took Jacob from her. and said now go upstairs and Lye down everyone will understand and don't worry I can handle everything. Kathy said Ok and she went upstairs to rest.
  9. Tracy just smiled at him. Then Kathy looked and Luke was gone. And then he came back and Kathy said what are you up to Luke Duke? Luke Just smiled. Randy said We have a request. This Next song we are going to sing is a Spicail Request from a huband to his beautiful Wife. and then the music started and Kathy renized the song right away it was The closer you get. and Kathy looked at Luke and He smiled. Kathy kissed him. Bo smiles and said I would love to find a love like theres. Tracy said me too.
  10. Ya Judd named his son Hank after dad. and Bo named his baby who is now 9 James. Then they all left IN THE GENERAL LEE Kathy was qiute and then she smiled and she looked at Luke and said Baby we didn't lose any of our children they where just stolen from us. MEANWHILE AT THE HOSPITAL Brittney was having some trouble with the parents who had raised her. They where upset that she now carries the Duke last name and she said They are my parents and if Jr Ewing didn't interfeir I would have been with them and Have this name for all of my life. I don't beleaive you when you said you didn't know he kiddnapped me. you mush have known something. Beth saw what was going on and she called Adam cause he was now the state police he was standed in Hazzard. and Adam said he was on his way and then he called his parents on the CB. back at the hospital Kathy got out of the General with Luke right behind her and Adam right be hind them. Kathy ran to Brittney. and Right away Sheri knew that was Brittney's birth mother cause Brittney looks just like her mother. Brittney went into her mother's arms and Kathy held her. Sheri started to cry. Kathy seen that look before. and then she relised that they where JR'S victoms as well as they where. Kathy looked at Adam and said Son it's all right. Adam smiles and said Ok mom. Sheri looked at her and said Son. Kathy said Ya he's our oldest JR took him from me when he was born and told me he was dead. and he did the same thing with Brittney. all these years we though she was dead. we have 3 other children. Jesse he's 22 Leventa she she will be 16 on saturday and Jacob He's 10. and we have 2 grand children Kathleen who is 10 and Luke who is 6 months old. and Brittney is engaged to a Police officer he's is Adam's partner. His Name is Josh. Luke and I have been married for 29 years. and we are as much in love now aswe where when we first met. Sheri said wow. We where told that you where single and couldn't take care of her. your boyfriend ran off.and left you alone and all you wanted was your baby to go to a nice couple and have a nice home. and I think we provided that. Kathy walked over to sheri and said I thank you for that But Luke and I should have raised our daughter we where cheeted of that.
  11. Back in hazzard lUKE bO kATHY AND TRACY. Walked into the Boars Nest and they found a table and sat down Boss Hogg came on the stage and he said we have a band here tonight that is very big. and in my oppion the best band around Ladys and Gentmen ALABAMA. Randy Teddy Jeff and Mark came on stage and they started to sing Love in the first degree. Kathy had a smile on her face and Luke smiled with her. and Kathy went into his arms and said Thanks Baby. and then she kissed him.
  12. Leventa came running into the kitchen and then she heard a horn and she looked out the window and saidIt's scott. and then she said Bye to Adam and Kaityln and went out the door. Then Adam yelled JACOB COME ON. Jacob came running down the stairs and then Adam Kissed Kaitlyn and they left. MEANWHILE AT THE CEMOTERY. Kathy got out of the general Lee and started to walk up the hill to the Due plots there she saw Luke and Michael talking. Jessica was with them. Kathy walked over to them and Michael smiled and said there is my beautiful sister. Kathy just smiled. Michael said Bro don't blam yourself it's not your fault you where on;y 2 years old and we didn't know any thing about it til now and Besides I knew deep down that my mother really didn't want me. but I didn't know that Dad did. and Now I know Thanks Luke. and then he hugged Luke. and then he walked away. Then he stopped and said can we come for supper tonight? Kathy said Sure.
  13. Kathy was in her and Luke's room and she was looking at the ultrasound pictures of their baby girl. and she couldn't understand why she lost her. she was perfect.There had to be a reason. Tracy walked in the room. Kathy put the picture away. Tracy sat on the bed. and she looked at her friend. How come you didn't tell me? Kathy smiled and said I didn't even tell my parents. I didn't want them to feel sorry for me. or give me the pity look. Trac, she was healthy I just don't understand. Tracy looked at her friend . Kat don't drell on it. it will tare you apart. and if you insisted on doing so it can also tare you and Luke apart. Kathy smiled and said Ya you are right. we will have children someday. Meanwhile in Dallas JR Ewing was handing over a newborn Baby girl to a young couple. and Jr said the only request that the birth mother had was her middle name should be Rose. and the couple Thanked Jr and said that her middle name will be rose and her first name IS Brittney. and they walked away with little Rose. Jr just smiles. BACK IN HAZZARD.. Luke walked in the room and said are you girls ready? Kathy just looked at him. Luke said WE ARE GOING OUT WHAT WE ALL HAVE BEEN THREW WE DESERVE A NIGHT out. Kathy smiled and said lets go and they all got in the General Lee and Left.
  14. Luke's cell Phone Rings he looked at it and it was Kathy he picked it up and said hi Sweetheart. Kathy said Hay Baby,are you all right the kids are worried about you and so am I. Luke said Ya Im fine, I here at the Cemotery. come and get me I don't feel like walking back. Kathy said Ok Im on my way. she close her phone and told the kids she will be right back and their father was fine and she told Jacob and Leventa to get ready for school. Then Leventa said Mom Scott is going to pick me up and we will go to school. Kathy smiled and said Ok. Kathy looked at Adam and said will you take your brother to school I don't know how long we will be. and Adam said ok mom. and Then she left. Kaityln looked at Adam and said I though you where going to tell them. Adam looked at his wife and said Baby, I will. I just know how mom is going to react when she finds out the Uncle Jr and Bobby have been calling me. She's not going to be happy.
  15. LATER THAT NIGHT Luke had found out that ALABAMA was playing at the Boars Nest and he wantd to surprise Kathy. He had asked Bo and Tracy to go with them but not to tell Kathy who was singing at the Boars Nest
  16. Kathy walked over to Luke WITH Jacob in her arms and Luke smiled at her.He put his arm around her. and then they went home. AT THE FARM THey had lots of food. and They all talked about Rose. Luke interduced Carol and Michael. Carol smiled and said Hi.
  17. Luke got off the phone with Carol and he went back to his room and he got in bed and he sat and read the Journal some more.( I hope that Luke and Hank can forgive me if they ever find out what I have done. )Luke looked at the date of the last entery. it was the day of the accident he Started to read.( Well I have made up my mind I'm going to tell Hank what I have done. Three years ado Luke is now 5 years old and he's over with Jesse and Leventa This will be the perfect time to tell him. I hope he can forgive me. Luke stopped reading. Kathy woke up . and she saw the look on his face and said Baby what's wronge. and he looked at her and said I remember The accident. Dad and Mom had picked me up. and Dad didn't seem himself. and Mom was crying. Dad said good bye to Uncle Jesse and Aunt Leventa and picke me up and hugged me and said come on son lets go home. and they where quite and Then mom looked at Dad and said Hank I'm sorry I was just think of our family. Dad looked at her and said That boy is part of this family.Dad wasn't looking where he was goinf and another car was coming and he noticed it to late. and The next thing I remember was being at the hospital looking up at Uncle Jesse. and he tell ing me everything will be all right. Kathy looked and him and Hugged him.Cause she knew that he had never remembered the accident before. Luke Just layed in bed quitly. Next Morning... Luke got up and he was quit all morning. Jesse, Adam, Brittney Leventa and Jacob. asked Kathy what was the matter with their father. Kathy looked at them and said he just remembered something that had happened to him when he was a boy. So give your father some time.He will be fine Luke walked up to the cemotery He sat down by his parents graves and he said Mom Dad I remember what happened that dayof the accidednt. Dad mom told you what she had done. Now I have the desion to make if I should tell Michael about his mother.. Then Luke hurd someone say What about my mother. Luke turned around andthere stood Michael.
  18. Later that night Luke was reading his mother's journal and he hadf to call Carol. So he picked up the phone and he called Carol. Carol picked up the phone. and Carol here. Luke said it's me sis.. Carol said Hay Luke.Tell Leventa me and Rose will leave Friday as soon as Rose gets out of school. yA I know Rose told Leventa yesterday on the computer. I want to ask you something Did you know that my mother paid michael mother to get out of Hazzard and to never come back. and not to tell Michael about Dad and Me. Carol said. yA I know she told me all about itand she was very sorry about it. She also said That his mother really didn't want him but Mom said if she kept her him she would send her money. and she agrred. and then 3 years later Mom got a letter from her and told her she was getting married and that her Husband was plnibg on addopding Michael. and that she didn't have to send any more money. and then mom stopped. and then a few months after that the accident happened and Hank died and she was serousley hurt.
  19. Luke said what do you mean. Carol looked at him oh something mother had said. I will tell you before I leave. and Luke said ok
  20. Ross said yes they are very close with lana. my twin sisters are the same age as Jesse. their names are Bonnie and Bylinda. MEANWHILE AT THE DUKE FARM Luke looked at the journal and he opened it towards the middle. and it said (Today is March 15 1953, Hank just told me he has another Son. with another women. and that he's a month old. Im hurt cause we just lost Judd in a hospital fire. He was only 2 weeks old. And we have Luke Who is a healthy 2 year old. And he's just like his father. Hank wants to fight for custidy of this baby boy. but I don't know if I can raise another womens child.) Luke stoped reading. he looked at Kathy and said. Kath, wow. I think Michael should read this also. when he comes back. it might give him information that he never knew.
  21. AT THE FRUNAL Luke had buried his mother next to his father. Michael and Jessica was there. and Carol asked Luke who that was and Luke said My half brother Michael. Carol said Oh so that is Michael. Luke just looked at her.
  22. YA i know Kathy told me. and if you want I will help you look for her. Tracy said. Bo smiled and said I would love that.
  23. Clark looked at Lana and said That is a silly question. I love my wife of course. Lana just looked at him with tears in her eyes and Left. Clark yelled LANA. Jesse looked at Clark and said what's going on? Clark looked at him and said She asked me who I loved more her or Lois. Jesse said what did you say? Clark said Lois of course. MEANWHILE AT THE DUKE FARM, Kathy was in the attic getting something for little Luke. That was his fathers. when she saw a journal. She picked it up and it was Rose's journal. She took the Journal and grabbed the outfit that she was telling Sarah about. and went down stairs. DOWNSTAIRS Kathy walked downstairs. and she had a srtange look on her face. Sarah looked at her and said Mom you all right. Kathy looked at her and said I'm fine Sarah. I just found something that your father should see. she said I will be righ back. OUT IN THE BARN. Kathy walkd out to the Barn. Jacob was helping Luke with the chores. Luke saw Kathy walk in and he walked over to her and said Sweetheart you all right? and then Kathy handed him the journal.Luke looked at it and said it your mother's.
  24. Luke was watching Bo and he had that look. and Bo said Tracy want to go for a walk and we can get to knoweach other. Tracy smiled and said sure. and Bo took her hand and they started to walk.
  25. Jesse found out about LANA AND rOSS AND HE SAW Ross with his girlfriend and he walks over to Rose and he Punches him righ in the stomach and Ross went to the ground. and Ross got up and punched Jesse. Adan and Clark see them fighting and they run up to them Adam grabbs his brother and Clark grabbs Ross. and Adam said whats going on? Jesse said he's cheeting on Lana. and Lana is real upset. Clark didn't say any thing he just gave Ross the dirtest look. Adam said Jesse you can't fight with him. Jesse said Why not and he broke free and Ran to Ross and punched him. Adam grabbs him again and yelled JESSE.
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