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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. at the hospital Vance and Tina was with Jesse and the rest of the famile waiting for Kathy to come out. Vance walked over to jUDD and said Coz she will be all right. Kathy is the best. Judd smiles and said I know she is. It's just I can't lose her too. Vance said I know. IN THE OR Kathy had fixed the problem. when heather's heart stopped and Kathy said oh no you don't. and she started to massage her heart and then her heart started to pump again . Kathy smiled and said good girl. Now lets get you sowed up. and she stitche heather up. Kathy walked out of the OR AND WENT TO THE WAITING ROOM and there was her family. She walks over to Judd and said she made it threw sergery. She is in the ICU. AND ONLY ONE PERSON AT A TIME CAN GO IN AND SEE her. she is councous yet it will be about an hour before she is. Judd said I can go sit with her? Kathy smiles and said ya go Abby will show you where she is. Just then Bo Tracy, Stacy and BJ AND James waled threw the door Stacy is 4 months Pregnet and her husband is in Irac.He has been in Irac for 2 months. His Name is Justin he is a sargent in the Army. Bo is real worried about him cause they haven't heard from in in 3 weeks. BJ is engaged to a girl named Jennifer she is a lawyer. and James is only 9 years old. They all went in the waiting room and Kathy tells them what was going on and Stacy walks over to her faravote Aunt and huggs her and said Aunt Kathy, I;m worried about Justin. Kathy smiles and huggs her and said Take my laptop and check and see if you have anything. and Stacy said ok and she sat down and she started to chec and all of a sudden she screamed and Bo ran right to his daughter. and said Stacy whats the mater? Stacy looked at her father with teirs in her eyes and said he's coming home They are shipping him home he got wounded but nothing serous. But Dad he's coming home.
  2. IN HAZZARD Luke put down the phone and he had this strang feeling that the nurse was lying. but he wasn't going to tell Kathy he would wait it out.
  3. Oh I ran into our so called cousin Adam. can you beleive it he's calling himself a Duke and Calling his Mother s husband Dad and Not Uncle Bobby. I wounder what Chris thinks of his big brother? IN SCOTT'S ROOM Leventa hears everything that was said between Barbie and John. and she got mad. and Scott said What does the Ewings have agaist your family? lEVENTA SAID mY mOM Put their father Jr Ewing in Jail for all that he had done to her. and tHEIR uNCLE bOBBY WHITCH IS aDAMS Real Dad he left the company and No one knows where he is. So it's Chris and John running Ewing Oil. but by rights it should be Adam running it cause he's the oldest Grand son. The company should be his. That's why Jr had him kiddnapped and told everyone that he was dead. Scott said didn't he do the same thing with your sister Brittney? Leventa said Ya. Mom got pregnet with her a tear after she lost a baby at 6 months pregnet. Brittney was born at Capital city but Jr had gotten to one of the nurses. and the nuse took Brittney and left and they told mom that brittney had died. jR DID THAT TO GET BACK AT MY Parents. Dad told me when Jesse and I was born he never left us alone. If he wasn't there Uncle Bo was. Scott said wow there is alot of Bad blood between the Ewings and the Dukes.
  4. Kathy took her cell and called Jock and Bobby and told them what had happened and Jock said come back to office and we will talk more about what we can do. BACK AT EWING OIL Kathy and Luke walked in Jocks office Miss Elly was there. and when she saw Kathy she hugged her. and Josck said well what did you find Kathy Handed him the picture. and Jock said Ya this is him. Kathleen we will keep looking. I will never give up looking for him as long as I.m alive. Kathy said Thanks Jock. and Jock handed her back the picture and said keep this it's yours. Kathy smiled and said Thanks. and they got up and Left.
  5. Ross looks at him and said Not now John . Justthen Adam walks in with a smile on his face and then he saw John Ross and hissmile turned into a frown. Adam walked over to John and said what are you doing here. John looked at him and said Well it's a Ewing but he does want to be a Ewing. What is so different about being a Duke they huirt people just as Bad as a Ewing. Adam Looked at Ross and said Ya we Dukes Do but there is a huge difference John and that is Dukes stilck together as a family if you attic one of us you attic all of us and you will have all of us to deal with. Now if I were you I would go and get the real story from your sister Babie. John walks to his sister's room. Ross looks at him and said Thanks Coz. Adam looks at him and said where is my dad? Ross said he's in the waiting room. your mom is talking him down. adam walks to the waiting and he saw his parents. and he walked over to them and said Mom Dad. Kathy and Luke looks at him. and Adam said we caught Tom and he's in Jail on Accule, Rape and Accult with a deatly weopan. Luke looks at him and said don't let him get away with this son. Adam said I won't Dad. and then he walked out.
  6. The hosptal doors open and Clark Ross, Lana , Leventa all saw Jacob and Luke and Adam right be hind him Leventa saw the looked in her fathers eves it was like he wanted to kill someone. Clark saw that look also he walked over and said what can I do Adam looked at him and said Keep my father here. Clark said Ok and Adam went out the door. Leventa ran to Scott's room to get her mother cause she knew she would be the only one to calm him dowm. Doug took Jacob to an exzam room. Clark was holding on to Luke and Luke said Clark let me go I WANT tOM. Kathy came running out and she saw Clark holding on to Luke and she seen the look in his eyes she seen that look only once before when someone hurt Bo real bad. He wanted to kill them. Kathy walked over to him and said Babycalm down and Luke told her what had happened. Kathy fell to the ground and Brittney walked over to her mother and said mom Jake will be all right. He's in the best of hands. Leventa ran back to Scott's Room IN sCOOT'S ROOM.] Leventa Rant to scott and just started to cry. and Scott sat up and held her and said Sweetheart what's the matter? and she told him what just happened. and she looked at him and said this is all my fault. Scott looked at her and said No it isn't. Leventa said Ya it is if I never dadted Tom None of this would ever happened. Scott said Baby this isn't your fault and Jack is strong he will make it threw.
  7. Kathy looked at Jock and said can we talk. and he said surecome on in. and they walked into his office. and they sat down. and Kathy have reason to beleive that mine and Bobby's son is alive he was stolen from the hospital after he was born. and I need your help to find him. Jock said I will do everything in my power to find my grandson. OUTSIDE jock's office... JR heard everyword that was said so he ran to his office and called the women who had Kathy's baby and he told her to get out of there that Kathy Knows and she got his father to help her. So the woman packed up her things and left. 2 WEEKS LATER With Jock's help they found the house. Kathy walked in and she saw little boys toys and close. and then she looked on the TV AND saw a picture os a little boy. she picked it up and she started to cry and said Oh Luke THIS IS HIM.Luke walked over to her and put his arms around her. one of the police officers that came with them said it looks like who ever has your son took out of here real fast. Bo said ya some one must of warned them we where on their trail.
  8. he also told him about Reba and who her real father was and about Adam. jOCK WASN'T hAPPY and he said Billy I want you to leave southfork and take Reba with you I will handle Jr.
  9. Ross just stood back and said then you Know whay your father has done to My Aunt Kathy and Uncle Luke. Barbie shook her head yes. I knew aboutyour cousin Adam and Brittney. I knew what my father did and I kNEW who your family was from the get go. That's why I went after you. Ross said you talk about using someone Babie and he turned around and Left.
  10. Meanwhile in the waiting room Judd was pasing. Luke was tring to calm him. but it wasn't working. hANK SMILES AND HE WALKS OVER TO HIS FATHER AND SAID dAD hEATHER WILL BE FINE i,jUST KNOW SHE WILL. jUDD LOOKED AT HIS SON AND SAID IS IT THE tWIN THING. hANK SMILESand said Dad I don't know but I feel that she will be all right. Judd huds his son and said ok.
  11. Meanwhile in Hazzard Luke woke up and he was on the phone to the hospital in Capital City. and asked them all kinds of Questions about the birth of his daughter. and the Nurse on the other end accured him the Baby they buried was theirs. and Luke said Ok. AT THE HOSPITAL The nurse called Jr and told him what was going on and said Don't worrie sweetheart they don't know anything. Besides I paided you well. The nurse said Ya but I don't want to lose my job, Just stay calm and sticl to the story and you won't lose your Job.
  12. Heather woke up and she sees her Aunt and she smiles and said Aunt Kathy. Kathy smiles and saidShhh I here and I will get you threw this. Heather smiles and said I'm glad you are here. and she closed her eyes. Kathy checked her and she just went to sleep. Kathy saw the X0Rays of Heathers heart and shesaid Her Heart isn't cruched iT'S jUST HER RIBS. we need to get her ribs fixed So they don't punture her heart. and as for her head She Has an concussion. Let's get her in to sergery and get her ribs fixed. and then they gave Heater some medicain. and then they took her to sergry.
  13. 2 HOURS LATER AT THE AIRPORT. Sarah was waiting for her in-laws. Kathy spotted her and hugged her. and Luke got the bags and then they went to the car and went right to the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL Luke, Judd, Hank,Kathy and Sarah went int the hospital. Peter saw Kathy and he smiles and said Kathy thanks for coming I know she's your neace but I couldn't think of anyone better then you. Kathy smiles and said Lets go. and they left. IN HEATHER'S ROOM Kathy saw her 17 year old neace lying there she wanted to cry but she didn't. she went to work.
  14. Ross looked at her and said that isn't any excuse Lana had three and she is just as beautiful as ever. Barbie said thats another thing Im getting tired of being compared to Lana. Ross you still love Lana. you need to go back to her and beg for her forgiveness and Just forget about me. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM, Adam looked at Kaitlyn and said well I'm off to Arest Tom Bangle. and then he left. AT THE STATION. aDAM CALLED IN and told his boss that he was on his way to the bangle house to arest Tom Bangle for Asulty and Rape. and His bos said ok Duke we are behind you on this I will send Josh wo met you cause you might need help. Ok sir and he left. AT THE bANGLE HOUSE Tom was gettin in his car when he saw the police coming and he got in his car and he took off. Josh and Adam turned the cars around and went after him. Jacob was walking to school when he hurd the sirions he stepped out of the way cause he thought it was rosco and his dad. BUT IT wasn't IN TOM'S CAR He saw Jacob walking and he headed right for Jacob and hit him. Adam said Oh my God. He gets on the CB AND tELL jOSH to contune chase. Adam stops his car and he calls for an ambulance he runs to Jacob and he said hay Jack it's me Adam your big brother. Jacob starts to cry and said it hurts. Adam said I know, Bro I know Help is comeing stay with me. Adam talked to Jacob and then the Ambulance with the General Lee right behind it. Luke got out to the General and he ran to Jacob and Adam The Paremedics where loading him into the Ambulance. Luke looked at Adam and said What Happend Son and Adam told him. Luke was furious. Adam Had Never seen his father so angery before.
  15. Boby walked out of his office with a smile when he saw Kathy. And he walked over to them and said Hi Kathleen. Hi Bobby, You remeber my husband Luke. Kathy said. Booby said Hi Luke,(looking back at Kathy. and said I hear congradulations is in order, Bonny said. Jock just looked at him. Kathy said Ya we are 4 months pregnet.. Jock smils and said congradulations girl. and then he hugged her. and then he said take care of yourself and said thanks jock.
  16. Meanwhile in JR'S OFFICE THERE IS A WOMEN WITH A 4 YEARold Boy looked at her and said why are you here. The women said I want more money Jr if I don't get what I want I will take this little boy over to your brother and I wounder what he would do to you when he finds out that you took his newborn son. and told everyone he was dead. JR was angery and said Ok Ok and then he got out his checkbook and he wrote a check . and handed it to her. She smiled and said Thank you. and then she left almost running into Bobby. Booby smiled at the little boy. as his mother was taking him out of the office
  17. Billy was going to saw something but JR CUT HIM OFFand they walked out the door. What where you doing?JR SAID. tell Bobby everything including what you did to his son. JR GRABBED HIM AND SAID IF YOU EVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHERE THAT BABY IS i WILL MAKE SURE IT WILL BE YOUR LAST. He let go of Bill and went back to work like nothing Happened.
  18. Barbie starts to cry and said Ross don't leave me. All you wanted was the Baby. My god Ross you had 3 and another one one the way with Lana . I didn't think you would care what happened to this one. OUTSIDE BY THE gENERAL lEE Luke walked out and he saw Kathy. he walked over to her and he put his arms around her and said sweetheart you ok? Kathy started to cey and said she went to have an orpation andsomething went wrong. Sorry Luke I just couldn't treat her. lUKE SAID Do you think Ross forsed her to go. Kathy looked at him and said come on Luke this is Ross we are talking about. Luke said You're right. Sweetheart.
  19. Adam and Kaitelyn said that they would watch Leventa and Jacob and Kathy said thanks and Kathy called the Spencer plane and the pilot said he was all ready in capital city air port and Kathy said Ok we are on our way. and then they got in the General with Adam so he could drive the General back home.Then they got on the plan and headed for chicago.
  20. Just then Luke and Kathy walk in the hospital and they seen everyone and Luke walks overto them. And Then they saw Ross come running in carring Barbie in his arms and he said she was complaning about her stomach and then passed out . Kathy went into action. and then took her to an exzam room and ross sat down, In the Exam room Kathy saw that Babie had done something to herself to lose the baby and kathy checked and she did lose the baby. Kathy stopped what she was doing and she called Paul in there and Paul took over and tended to her Kathy went out the back door.
  21. IN CHICAGO Jesse was at the county and he was checking up on his cousin Heather. Abby said. Jesse she's not doing well she has a read bad head wond where her head hit the windsheild. and we are afraid that she might go into acoma and her heart was prested when she hit the dash of the car the air bags didn't work. Yor mother is a heart doctor one of the best in the state we need her to get here if she can. Jesse said I will call her and my Uncle Judd he should be at the farm I sent him there. Abby said Ok Just then Vance and Tina walks in and Jesse walkes over to them and tells them what is going on and then he calss his parents. IN hAZZARD THE PHONE RINGS Kathy answers it and it was Jesse and Kathy said Ok Jesse we are on our way. Bye.
  22. Yahis mom wanted dad. But Dad didn't want her. and I think mom said That scott's mom tried to break up mom and Dad a few times but it didn't work. man , Mom and Dad have been threw a lot I hope Scott's and my Love is as strong as mom and dad's love. Just then Loa-Ann and BB came out and they walked over to Leventa and said Leventa we have talk to Scott and we are going to press chargers. Leventa said Ok call my brother Adam. BB looked at her and said we have tried and he shut off his Phone . Leventa took her cell and she called her father's cell and it rang then she hurd her father say Luke here. Hay Dad Is Adam home. Luke said Ya he is. Will you tell him that Scott and his parents are pressing chargers, and Dad tell him we are too. Leventa said. Luke said Ok I Will How is Scott. Luke said. Dad Scott is fine I fixing to back in the room and be with him do you and mom need me for anything? Leventa said. That's good and No we don't we wil be there later Bye. Bye Dad Leventa. she looked at Scott's Parents and said my dad will give him the message. and then Lou-ann Smiled and then they went outside.
  23. Luke smiles. and then Luke said I have to go Reba see you soon and then he but the phone down and went out to do some chores. But when he got out side he saw a car and he looked in the barn and it was Judd and his son Hank who was 17 . Luke walked over to them and said Hay. and Judd looks at him and by the look on Judd's face Luke knew something was wronge. Judd said brother I have some bad news. Kris is dead. She was killed in an Car Accident and Heather was with her. She's in criddal condation. I having her moved here to Hazzard Hospital as soon as she is staple enough to do so. Luke I can't lose my little girl too. Luke held his brother and he said Judd everything will be fine. where is Heather? Judd looked and said County In Chicago. Luke smiles I will have Kath call them she use to work there. and see How Heather is why don't you come in the house. I will call Vance and Tina and they will be there with Heather. Judd smiles.
  24. Leventa walks out os Scott's room and she saw her cousin Clark. and she ran to him and hugged him. Clark smiles.and said Levi what happened? Leventa looked up at him and said Tom grabbed me and called me a name and Scott got mad and went after him and then Tom's friends jumped in. and next think i know Jesse and Adam ws there pulling boys off Scott and then carring them here. Chloe said Wow, How is Scott? Leventa smiled and said He's fine. His parents are in with him his mother doesn't like me . I think it's because of the history she has with mom.
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