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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Meanwhile in Luke's and Kathy's room Luke was thinking the same thing. Kathy has now lost two children because of JR Ewing. What gives him the right to mess with theirs lives like this. He will find find Adam and Rose if it takes him the rest of his Life and if they have anymore children he will gaurd them with his life. He will not have his beautful Wife go threw this again. and then he looked at the picture of Adam and the Ulturasound picture of Rose. and said I sware I will find you Both and bring you back to Us. Lord I hope you feel the love that we have for you. MEANWHILE IN VIRGINIA A 10 year old boy was coming home from school and he saw his mother in bed with another guy and they where both drunk. So he quitly went to his room. and he remembered what he had heard when he was in Dallas when his mother went to see that man. he saw a women and two men and they where talking to a Man called Jock and she was looking for her son that was taken from her and that Jock was her son's grandfather. could it be he was that womens Son. Maybe the women that he thinks is his mother isn't and Maybe be she has the proff he needs around here some where to find his real mother.
  2. Ok Reba we will see if we can get away then But I'm not making any promises.
  3. Kathy was working on Vance and Britney was helping her. Brittney said Mom can we really save Uncle Vance He has been out there a ong time before Clark got him. and he lost alot of blood. Kathy looked at Brittney and said Vance isn't dieing on my watch. and she went back to work. IN THE LIVINGROOM Courtney was tring to keep her mother calm.
  4. bOSSHogg looked at Kathy Bo and Luke and said id you need anyhelp finding your daughters let me know and I will help you. Luke Said Thanks. and then they left. Outside Kathy fell to the ground and she started to cry. Luke picked her up and held her. Kathy said He did it to me again, He did it to me again. and then she passed out Bo looked at Luke and Luke said Lets get her to th efarm and call Doc Applebe. AT THE FARM Doc Applebe. Said Well she's fine She just needs rest she has been threw a lot. Luke Just Let her rest I gave her some medicain to help her sleep. Luke said Thanks Doc and the Doc Left and Luke went to Kathy. And Bo filled in Uncle Jesse and Daisy what was going on.
  5. Jesse said I would love to go and see you all in Kanas but things have been so hetic here. I don't know when we can get away.
  6. Meanwhile at the duke farm cLARK RAN pAST THE GUARDS AND HE PICKED UP vANCE AND TOO HIM IN THE HOUSE. Scott looked at him and said wow I have never seen anyone move like that. Kathy and Luke came in from behind and got in the house and Kathy went to work on Vance Brittney was therer as well and they worked together and Tina said Sis save him please. Kathy looked at her and I wILL SIS.(looking at Clark and said Can you carrie him to his room and Clark said sure and he did.
  7. Bo Calls Luke's cell phone and Luke pickes it up and said The Ewings are at war and they just fired the first shot. Luke said Sure they did they are at the farm and Vance is down and Clark is on his way there now and we ain't to far behind him. Bo Take the SPENCER jET ANd go to Kanas with Reba and Cliff and we will fight here and you can fight there and us Duke will come out the winners. Bo said Ok i WILL CALL Walker and TRavett and I know they will help in Kanas. and you have Adam And Josh. Becareful ok coz. Bo said lUKE SMILES and said you too coz.
  8. Jesse said Things have been buzy here. Sarah has been helping me and i CALLED uNCLE vANCE AND aUNT tINA THEY WILL be here in a few days to hellp me. oH uNCLE Vance is going to be a grand dad Courtney is Pregnet.
  9. Kathy Cell phone rang and it was the farm Kathy said hello. and it was leventa and she sounded scared. Mom there is some men here and they are all around the farm house. and They shot Uncle Vance and he just lying on the ground outside. Kathy said ok Leventia we are on our way home just stay calm. andshe hung up and and she told Clark Luke Judd and Adam. Clark said I'm on it and before Luke could say anything clark was gone
  10. MEANWHILE IN CHICAGO Jesse was working at the hotels tring to keep the Spencer High Starends. But he was having a heard tim doing it byhimself. So he called his Uncle Vance and Vance said he would help Jesse said Good. So how are Aunt Tina and Courtney and little Vance. Vance said Well Courtney is is pregnet with my first granchild. Her and her Husband Mark are moving back to Chicago I guesse being n Virgina is borning. and Little Vance isn't so little any more is is graduating High School next moth.I have to get a hold of your parents and see if they can make it to the Graduation. Then Jesse tols him about Adam. Vance said That's great I remember your parents looking for him. That's wonderful that he found them
  11. Kathy didn't saw a thing but went into Luke's arms. Luke held Kathy. He looked at Adam. Adam said Bobby said he would give Reba back the farm if Mom divorced you and moved back in tho SouthFork with him. and he aslso wanted me and Kaitlynn and Little Kathy and Mom told him no way. and then JR THRENTED THE wHOLD dUKE family and Mom said Don't count us out yet JR and we walked out/ Luke smiled and said you did good sweetheart now we know that Bobby and JR are working together. You where right Sweetheart. Kathy looked at him and said no that we know we better keep an eye on everyone in our family. cause JR AND bOBBY WILL attic them to get to us and even the ones that aren't in Hazzard Like Coy, Kris, CJ Joel. we need to contact them and let them know what's going on. Luke Picked up the phone and called Coy and he told Coy what was going on and Coy said Thanks Luke we will keep a look out. Do you want us there? Luke said If you want to come that will be good too.
  12. Luke smiles and said ok Kath you will met Bobby at the hotel But you won't be alone Adam will be with you. and Jesse, Judd Hank Vance and I will be close by. Bo you and Reba go met cliff Barns and she what he found out. MEANWHILE AT THE HOTEL Bobby JR, John Ross and Christopher were getting ready for the meeting with Kathy. JUST Then they heard a knock on the door Chris Answers it and it was Kathy and Adam. Bobby Just smiles come and sit down. and they sat down. Now to bussiness. I will give the rights back to Reba if You Kathy devorce Luke and move back to South fork wi th me and I want Adam and Kaitlynn and Little Kathleen. Adam was going to Say something and said Bobby you got to be kidding I would never give up the love of my life and I would never want my grandchildren raised around all the back biting and stabbing in the backThat The Ewings do.to their own family. Bobby looked at herand said you forget they are my grandchildren as well The only ones I Have. and Proble ever will have. Adam looked at Chris and saw his face. Adam said I agree with mom, My family are staying right here. and then Kathy and Adam went to get up. And JR SAID Kathleen don'tsay we didn't give you a chance. Your Duke family won't Servive the rath of the Ewings. Kathy smiled and said I wouldn't count Us Dukes out just Yet and she walked out with Adam right behind her.
  13. IN HAZZARD Kathy was getting a room ready for Adam and Kaitlynn.Luke walked in and he smiled on how Kathy wasgetting ready for Adam to come home
  14. Kathy answered the Phone and it was Bobby. and he said Kathleen I want to see you alone met me in one hour at the Hazzard Hotel and don't tell anyone you are coming. Before Kathy had a chance to say anything he hung up. Kathy knew that he was playing her and she wasn't going to play that game. Kathy walked over to Luke and everyone else and told them about the phone call. Luke just smiles and Said I Love you Sweetheart. and thenhe kissed her. we where just think of a way to get to Bobby and he helped us do it.
  15. JR just smiles and he laughs as he walks away. Adam said come on Sweetheart lets get out of here. and they got in teir car and drove away from southfork and headed for Hazzard County Georgia.
  16. Kathy smiles and said I know he is Mz Elly. Mz Elly said Kathy what JR has done to you. I want you to lnow that I don't aprove of it and I know Jock wouldn't eather if he was still alive. Oh and you and Luke are welcome here at Southfork anytime you want. I lOve you Kathleen Ann Spencer Duke. Just like if you were my daughter and I know Jock felt the same way. Kathy smiled and said I love you too mz Elly. and then she handed the phone back To Adam. Adam said Mom we will see you in a few days Bye and then he hung up the phone.
  17. Kathy walked out the door. Daisy say her and she followed her. OUTSIDE Daisy said Kathy, What's the matter? Kathy looked at her and said I don't think we should go after the Ewings Like this. Daisy said Why? Because I have seen JR and Bobby in action and they will tare this family apart. and Adam is their Key to do it. Daisy said What do you mean? Kathy said They will tell the Judge that Luke and and I brainwashed Adam into not excepting his own family. and Then Luke will start to distrust me and so one. Daisy I have seen them do it to another family when was as close as us. when Bobby and JR team up they are pretty powerful. Daisy said What makes you think they will team up? Kathy just smiles and said oh they will. MEANWHOLE IN THE HOUSE Luke notices that Kathy was gone. and he walks outside and he sees her and Daisy talking. He walks over to them and Daisy said Kathy tell Luke what you Just told me. and then she walked back into the house. Kathy told Luke how she felt and what Bobby and Jr would do. Luke smiles and said Sweetheart, I know I never trusted Bobby from the moment I met him but I kept quite abou him cause he was Adam's Father. Adam walks out and he heard Luke say that and he walked over to them and said No Bobby Ewing isn't my Father. My father is Luke Duke . Luke smiles and he huggs him. and he puts his arms around Kathy and Adam and said Lets go and get the Kent farm back in this familt where it belongs.
  18. Kathy looked at her friend and said Ya, I agree with you. But I'm not giving up on finding him. I promised Jock I would keep looking. Dusty just smiles. and said Maybe I should go talk to Mr Ewing?
  19. Adam Called his mother and told her that they where coming back to Hazzard to stay. Kathy was Happy/ Mz Elly wanted to talk to Kathy so Adam gave his Grandmother
  20. Jr looked at Booby and said beleive what you want to beleive little brother. 2 HOURS LATER AT THE DUKE FARM tHE KIDS where playing outside. Jacob was in the livingroom catching up on his school work.While everyone else was planning. The Spencer lawyers where in Hazzard and they where at the farm talking to Reba and the rest of the Dukes. and Robert looked at Reba and said Have you done anything to any of the Ewings that they could use againest in court. Reba said No and Then Clark said Reba remember the think with John Ross. Reba said Ya and then she told the Lawyer about what had happened. Robert said I all ready know the history between Kathleen and Bobby and their son together and I also know what Jr did to Adam and Brittney. we can use that.
  21. JR SMILES and said Brother you might as well forget about Adam Kathleen and Luke Duke has brainwashed him agaist us. His own Family. BACK AT THE FARM The Dukes where they where making a plan.
  22. MEANWHILE IN DALLAS Cliff was in his office when his cell phone rings and he smiles and he said Hay sis. Pam said Cliff Bobby did it this time. What did he do this time? Cliff said Well remember his son with Kathy Spencer Now Duke. Pam said Ya. Cliff said well he pushed his son away from him cause he took the kent farm away from his cousin Reba no his son doesn't want anything to do with him. and now the Duke family is after them
  23. Adam hugged his grandmother and said Grandma Elly I love you and our desion to go to Hazzard to be closer to my mom has nothing to do with you. But Kaitlynn is pregnet and she can't take all the stress that living here causes. and I won't put our child at risk. But I will call you all the time. Mz Elly looked at her grandson and said Ok you do what you must Take care of her. and Luke her/ and tell your mother I said Hi and I still lover her and I will always consiter her as a daughter.and I'm clad she found a man that loves her. I know Luke Duke is a good man.
  24. Kathy got off the phone and said well we have some good news. The Lawyers said That Bobby was suppose to contact Reba before he bought the minural rights. So She can sue the Ewing for the farm and the minurial rights and the Ewings get nothing. Reba looked impressed. Kathy's Cell rings and it was Tina and she said that VJ(Vance jr) was getting marriedNext Summer and he wants to get married on the Duke farm. Kathy said Ok why don't you and Vance come to Hazzard we have an Family emerency. and Tina said Ok Sis we will be there in a few hours.
  25. Luke said wait a minute Reba I wouldn't trust Bobby as far as I can threw him right now. Let me call Chicago. I can get some of the Spencer Lawyer's on this. and See what they come up with. You can use that money for your kids. At that moment Kathy walked threw the door with Jacob. and she helped him to his room. Kathy said we need to act kniow as a family on Bobby aLL THE Dukes need to come together and show the Ewings what a real family is Like 9looking at Adam)You with me son? Adam looked at his mother and said Yes mom after all I 'm a Duke. and then they all went to work. Kathy called the Spencer Lawyers and Luke Called Judd , Hank and Heather
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