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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. I don't know maybe it the money. she was always into the Ewing Money
  2. Everyone was showing up for Lukes surprise Birthday. Adam was there helping his mother get tng withhings ready along with Jesse, Josh,Jake,Kaytlynn Judd Bo Vance Coy.Brittney and Leventa was keeping their father buzy
  3. Kathy smiled as she kissed Luke. 2 DAYS LATER.....
  4. Luke smiled and said I beleave that. and Clark smiled. Ray looked at Kathy and said I remember you. I though you looked formiler. You where at Shouthfork as well. Kathy smiled and said YES, I was I dated Bobby. We have a son together and that son is Adam.
  5. he was always like that with Sue Ellen. her and I are friends and she told me al lot of stories about what JR had done That Jock or anyone knows about. I guess that's why he after me.cause he was afraid I would tell someone.
  6. His Name was Johnathan Duke the only reason he took the name Kent was so he can get in to the Ewing house and see if he can get the information on where Jr had Adam Brittney and Reba.
  7. Kathy said come on lets get this party planned. and Adam said Mom Dad is coming. and she put all the plans away. Luke looked at his family and said what are you up To Kathy walked over to him and put her arms around him and said nothing Baby and she Kissed him.
  8. Kathy walked over to Luke and said Baby are you all right He looked at Kathy and said Sorry Sweetheart I just remembered What I had said To John When we Lost Rose Sorry Brittney.Kath I just Miss John so Much and I never relised it til now.
  9. Kathy said I fine Adam. i will not lat Him ruin your father's birthday Party. Adam Smiled and said Ya what do you want me to do
  10. What about Kathy with Adam and Brittney. She can never get those years back. So leave them alone I will have no part in it Jr do you hear me.
  11. Adam walked in and said Mom what's going on? Kathy looked at him and said JR IS IN cHICAGO AND HE'S STAYING AT THE sPENCER hOTEL. and Jesse is sending Luke and Sarah here. cause he knows How JR ACTS. Adam said I don't blam him after her tried to take little Kathleen.and told me that Luke had hidden her. cause he felt That Kaitlynn and I wasn't good parents and I remember I fought Dad. and I told him I hated him and I'm glad I'm a Ewing
  12. Oh I have something in store for Luke Duke.and it will open Adams eyes on Luke Duke.
  13. In Hazzard.. Luke saw that something was bothering Kathy he walked over to her and but his arms around her and said Sweetheart what's wronge? Kathy said Baby I don't know. Something is going to happen to this family and it will take a long time to recover from it if we ever do MEANWHILE ON kANAS JR was plannig to get Adam to where he belongs with the wings But he had to Make it look bad To BE A Duke. he would have to pay someone to ruin Luke Duke.and he started to laugh
  14. Hi I'm fine. The rain stopped YEEEHAW, I liked the post.

  15. MEANWHILE IN THE LOUTHER MANSION.. Bobby said JR you leave my grandkids alone. they are staying with Adam and Kaitlynn I will not have you do what you did to Me and Kathy. I will not alow you to do it to him. We have suffered enough. Jr looked at Bobby and said the only one suffering right now is you Bobby. Not being able to see your grand kids. and not hav eyour blood son call you dad. insteat he's calling another man Dad. I know how I would feel if my only son was calling another man Dad.
  16. Jesse said Ok Mom.and Sarah and I and Luke will be there for Dad's birthday party Next wenesday right? Kathy smiled and said Yes Next wenesday.
  17. IN HAZZARD...... Kathy was doing the dishes when her cell rings. she looked at it and she smiles. and she said Hello Jesse. Hi mom I have something to tell you JR just walked into the hotel. and he was smiling exprelly when he saw me and my family. Kathy got alittle scard and said keep a close on On Luke Jesse. Kathy said. mom I was thinking of sending Sarah and Luke to Hazzard. Jesse said. Kathy said Jesse they are welcome here anytime and you know that. but we need to find out what he's up to.
  18. IN CHICAGO Jesse was working in the hotel when he saw JR EWING come threw the doors. and JR smiles when he saw Jesse. Jr walkes up to the counter. and said well, Well if it ain't Jesse Duke Tring to run a big corpration all by himself. Jesse said Hi Mr. Ewing welcome to Spencer Hotels How long do you plan to be staying with us? JR said ok thats the way you want it. Just then Luke comes running in the Hotel and he yells DADDY DADDY. Jesse grabs Luke and said where is your mother. Just then Sarah comes running in and she said Sorry Jesse. Jesse smiles and Kisses her. and said Keep a closer eye on him and she saw JR. AND SHE GRABBS Luke and said Come on Luke. and They left. Jr smiles and said So he's named after his grandfather. I bet hes the apple of his grandmothers eye. Jesse looked at him and said her is the Key to your room Mr Ewing.and JR SMILED AND HE WENT UP TO HIS ROOM. and then he got on the Phone and called his Parents.
  19. Luke said yup. and then we found out that he had Taken Adam. He had the Nurses tell Kathy that he was dead. and Kathy beleived that Until he took Brittney from Us. We was told that she was dead But Kathy didn't beleave her. and I though that she was hurting. But she told me she hurd Brittney Cry. and I knew we had to find her so we wnet to Dallas and talked to Jock and we came real close to finding Adam That time But JR got wind of it and had who ever had him to move and all we found at the Appartment was a picture and the name Adam 5 on the back. and Kath never let that picture go along with the Ultasound picture of Brittney. but now we have all our children close by. and noone is going to hurt them again.
  20. Kathy said That's great girls. I will have the Boys help me here at the Farm to get things ready Girls keep your father buzy till 3:00, Brittney said Mom, I have to change my doctors appoment till tuesday. Kathy said No, Take your father he would love to see his grandchild. Brittney and said Ok Mom, I will ask dad. Luke walked in and said ask me what. Brittney looked at her father and said Dad I just remembered I have a doctors appoment. and we are doing an Ultra sound and Mom suggested. that You come along. Luke said I would Love to see My grandchild. Brittney said Ok Dad. I will tell Josh of the Plan cause he didn't want me to go alone. In case there was bad News.Luke said what are you expecting Bad News.Brittney said No But Mom and Doug are keeping a close eye on me cause of the trouble Mom had when she was pregnet. Luke smiled and said I remember. scared me everytime
  21. Leventa and Brittney walked out to the barn where their father is and Luke smiled when he saw his girls one was going to have a baby and the other one was getting married.The girls walked over to him. and Luke said what can I do for the most beautiul girls in Hazzard Besides your mother of course. Brittney smiles and said Dad we want a date with you. Leventa said Ya you spend all your time with Jesse, Adam and Jake and we get left out. Luke smiles and said So what do you ladies want to do? Leventa we want to hang with our dad we want to ride in the General and have fun. Luke was still smileing and lKE SAID WHEN DO YOU gIRLS WANT TO DO THIS bRITTNEY LOOKED AT HIM AND SAID hOW ABOUT nEXT WENESDAY we will met you here at 9:OO AM and Luke said Ok Girls you have a date. The girls hugged their father and went back in the house and told their mother that it was a go
  22. No he never did. Kathy said MEANWHILE IN kANAS Bobby was at the Louther Manshion. and he was thinking about calling Kathy. But JR said Bobby if you are thinking about calling her stop. She is in Love with her husband. Bobby looked at him and said Ya and she would have stayed with me if you stayed out of our relationship. and we could have raised Adam together and who knows those others could have been mine too. Jr started to laugh and said Bobby you are dreaming Kathleen would have never stayed at southfork and you know it. So stop blaming me and move on. Like tring to get Adam to be on our side the side where he belongs. Lex walks in and said I have met Adam and there is no way he will come over to the dark side as he put it to me. Adam can't be bought. Jr smiled and said He can't be bought but what about his children.
  23. Luke looked at him and said John JR ISN'T sTUPIT. He will make your lfe misable we will get Rose and Adam and Reba back we will think of a different way.
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