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Garrett Duke

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Status Updates posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Redneck Girl!!!!!!! How have you been? Hope all is great with you. Things are OK here. Have a cold, but other than that, am doing alright. We are under blizzard conditions right now...we are expected to get a foot of snow!!!!!!! I guess that is depending on what station you are listening to and what time...it seems to change each time. LOL. I am ready for spring, how about you? It was great hearing from you!

  2. Snow...yuck!!!!!!! You can have all many inches that we have. I don't know exactly how much, but know we got a lot. I even got the day off due to it and the wind. It was so windy and snowy last night that when I took my dog outside, I could barely walk straight. I am definately not a fan of snow. I wish it would have missed us...the only good thing about it, is I get a free day off. HA HA. I coudl always use a day off. Am looking forward to spring...NASCAR (starts up in 18 more days) baseball, and warm weather. Sounds great to me!!!!!!!

    Sorry I missed you chatting. :( Saw someone was on, but didn't know who and didn't want to take the time to check. Though if I knew it was you, I would have definatley logged on. Sorry. :(

    Take care and stay warm!

  3. EEHK!!! LOL. Glad to see you back on. Hope all is going well with you.

  4. Howdy...how was class today? Did you have a better day? I sure hope so.

  5. GLad to hear you had a good day!

    Dumb question...no such thing! Especially concerning NASCAR. LOL. Sixteen more days until the big day...I am very excited that NASCAR is about to star. Though it still feels far away. LOL. Think we need to start getting you into it as well...;)

  6. Well I am off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow. Nite

  7. I'm sure it will go by faster than I am thinking it is. LOL. Well read the NASCAR thread, sure there will be a few reminders of the race. HA HA. Hope you had a great day today.

  8. Looks like you found the way to make your avator work...glad to see you stopping by Hnet! I like that ep with Swamp Molly in it...Dukes had a lot of guest stars that were good and played their characters well. Anyway, welcome to HNet!

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REDNECKGIRL01 HAPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope that you have a GREAT birthday...don't eat too much cake and ice cream though. ;)

  10. Glad to see a new name on the board...always great to meet another fan of such a great show as the Dukes. Welcome to Hazzardnet, hope to see you around. :D

  11. I second Hoss...Welcome to Hazzardnet! Always glad to see or meet other DOH fans. :)

  12. Welcome to HazzardNet! It is always great to meet other fans of the Dukes. :D

  13. Thank-you Daney! I am still very excited about his win and am hoping there will be more to come this season. :) Thank-you! (((DANEY)))

  14. Just wanted to say welcome to Hazzardnet! It is always great to meet other Duke fans. Bo and Luke are my favorite characters, but Enos is my favorite deputy. :) Your summary for your story looks very interesting...haven't gotten the chance to look at it, though. From one writer to another, good luck on your writing - may your muses cooperate with you.

  15. You are very welcome. :) Hope all is well with you.

  16. I like your aviator photo...or the photo you have of Enos. That is a good picture of him. :)

  17. Well I am headin' off for the night, but wanted to say hi. Hope all is going great with you. How's the writing? Hope it is going well. (((DANEY))) Take care and have a great week! :D

  18. Welcome to Hazzardnet! :D

  19. Welcome to Hazzardnet!

  20. I'll second Hoss...welcome to Hazzardnet. Always great to meet other DOH fans. :)

  21. Well I'll risk being repetivie ;). LOL. Welcome to HNet. Always great to meet old and new Duke fans. Welcome aboard!

  22. Lori Davenport! I can't believe I see your name on...is it you? Or is it someone who confiscated your name? Long time no see...hope all is great with you! :D Glad to see you still hangin' around.

  23. Things are well here. I got a new puppy...so now I got two dogs. LOL. Older one isn't too fond of the puppy. That is about all that is going on with me. Hope to see you around more. :D

  24. Happy birthday MaryAnne! I hope your day was special and that you were able to celebrate in a special, fun, and relaxing way. :) Happy b-day!

  25. You are right about Lilly, my older dog, not feeling the baby any more. Poor girl. She makes me feel guilty about getting him. My new baby is half doodle, the other half is half corgi, part ****zu and part bichon. Lilly, my other dog, is half corgi, a fourth bichon, and a fourth ****zu (but resembles a corgi more...)Whenever I get pictures on my computer I will post pictures of my new baby here. New puppy is very dominant :( so that does not help matters any...

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