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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded. "I know...you're right...I just..."

    He was excited...excited for the first time in a very long time. But he knew what Jesse said was right too. They could refuse him for any number of reasons. He merely nodded though, preferring instead to think about Zack and what could still be. "I just want it so much," his voice wavered a littlem as he stood there, glancing between his cousin and his uncle.

  2. Luke swallowed the breath he didn't know he had been holding. "Thank you sir. I know...I know he's another mouth to feed and all...but I can work more odd jobs around Hazzard...I can...and...we have those ten acres we always talk about clearing...I could do that...we could raise some more crops..."

    He wasn't sure who he was trying to convince when Jesse had already given his blessing. He supposed it came from having to work for everything he had ever gotten. Some people, like Hughie Hogg, were born with a silver spoon in their mouth...others were used to making things happen on their own, not depending on anyone or anything. Luke was of the latter sort.

  3. Luke flushed redder than Jesse's favorite cap hanging on it's nail near the door. "Yes sir, I did." He had to admit, he was a little embarrassed about that. Bo had always been the more shoot-first-ask-questions-later of the two cousins. Luke was more careful, almost to a fault. He was the one who liked having a plan for everything... and if there wasn't one, Luke was the one the family turned to to develop one.

    It was a strength, for sure, but also a weakness. It made him hesitate to take chances... like with Candy. When they were dating, things were fine, but when Luke realized that he loved her, really truly loved her and wanted to marry her, he just couldn't do it...not without a plan...without being able to see what the future had in store...and he hadn't known...allhe knew was that he was about to go to Nam. He didn't know when or if he would come back. It was this uncertainty that had forced the tearful parting, Candy waving out the windo as the bus drove her away.

    Today, Luke had felt the familiar sting of pain as he watched Zack head off to bed. "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse, Bo..." he said softly. He opened his mouth to explain, but only managed to say, "I...I just...was so happy."

  4. "We spent the whole day together...an'...it killed me t' take him back t' that place...the lady...well she's kind enough I suppose...but how mch attention could a little guy like him get when he's competin' with all them other kids? Ain't like I was...I had you two and Daisy...Zack...he ain't got no one...well...'cept for George."

    It had been a long time since Luke had talked so much about any one subject...Luke was always so quiet, and lately so withdrawn. Now his face was animated, his words coming easier the more he thought about the youngster.

  5. Jesse had no sooner picked up a crying Bo in his arms and walked to the kitchen trying to hush him when he seen the Davenports pulling up through the kitchen window. "It seems the whole family's gonna be here after all. " He didn't really mind...in truth it helped take care of the horrible emptiness in his heart.

    Luke never was one to wait. Letting go of Mrs. Davenpor's hand he rushed in hugging his uncle tight, big tears rolling down hs face.

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