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Status Updates posted by LoriDavenport

  1. S'alright. I've been in the mountains, chased a black bear, got bit by a horse, and got my head knocked off by an eagle...all in one day. Heh, had fun, been gone since this morning. Mickey sounds pretty cool, sure I'd like to see what I can do with her. Hopin you'll be back on soon though lol I wanna finish our rp it was gettin interestng! but, I'm gona go and get off here.


  2. On here since we're here lol send it through a PM to me please. You are finally on! LOL

  3. Lol I haven't gotten the chance to read it, but I'll go now, as I have this week since weds. - fri. off for fall break! woot!

  4. eh im trying to get ou of going tomorrow and tuesday, no luck yet lol.

  5. Send her through a PM to me on here please. Nah, ya ain't pushing her off on me, I'm havng Lori move to Montana right now, so I need a new character to use. How long you gonna be on?

  6. I should hope so lol. I'll be heading to bed here soon myself. t was nice to finally talk to you after you ebing MIA for so long LOL!

  7. Lol I will don't worry, an you have agreat day too.


  8. ROFL guess who just got herself a week off from school completely? I did! I used a Bo and Luke tactic...hehe

  9. Hey, just so ya know, I didn't leave chat because of you or Dukesfan...just someone else, didnt want ya to think it was you.

  10. Hey, we have got to finish that rp whenever you aren't busy... thought you said he wouldn't show any emotion? hehe..

    And, No I haven't forgot 'bout our story either lol, I'm thinking of a good post to reply to it.

  11. LMFAO, nah you wont get shot down, unless Im the one doing it hehe

  12. ROFL oh yeah Garretts good for something, right now he's stopped Lori in the middle of moving to texas to let her think on it! A week she's held up moving down there just for him!

    Sorry I haven't written anything still, I'm just not getting any ideas as of now.

  13. he's sorry for once huh? LOL if it makes him feel better she may not go if he don't want her too...she'll just go live with him and make him put up with her! HA!

    And again I swear I'll write more to the story when people around me stop stressing me so much.

  14. Well just where exactly would he like her to go to then? As of now she's living out of a suitcase and its his fault!! grr!

    Ah, It's just school and home problems....its got me down and out I haven't wrote to anything.

  15. *Winks*

    there's the man himself! ROFL hey, yeah Im aware im talking to you on Yahoo! but, I got bored...and decided to leave you one of these danged things... heh someone's mighty popular is he not? Or someone's obssesed with you one my dear. Who wouldn't be? *purrs* Im kiddin, ya know I love ya!:innocent:

  16. ah yeah i spose we aint thats cool.

  17. Ah well yeah he just may have a hint of emotion in him...well..whos else fault is it then? It sures ta heck aint Lori's...she aint the one who wont open up his feelings to her and tel her exactly what he wants...though even if he does ask her to stay she'll probably leave anyways *shrugs* never can tell with her...people's had her so riled and ticked off this week with being jealous...competitive....and just being plain rude and thinking themselves better than others... she's had enough...as have I.

  18. Lori is who she is, to quote you. She can't stay in one place for a long period of time she's not that patient. Hazzards to small for her, she don't like it. She may...MAY move back years down the road. I don't try to change her...everything she does she does for a reason whether some see it as a bad reason or not.

  19. Yeah I know, I've been busy and such and haven't been on here at all for a while.

  20. No, everything is fine, I've just found things in my personal life to be a bit more important than things on here.

  21. Wanted to tell you that I may be leaving the site or whatever, I have things in life right now that need my attention much more than the computer does...I have stopped writin and rping for awhile as Ive been busy. So our story, who knows when it'll be finished bcause I dont know when I'll log on here again. There is alot of rude and inconsiderate people on here now and with the way my temper has been flaring here lately...im liable to be banned from the site...sorry.

    Lori Davenport

  22. Hello,

    It's been a while since I've spoken to you...or even been on here. Over a month. Doesn't seem like it. Anyways, figured I'd get on here and leave ya a message telling ya that I'm fine and doing well. Life's been good to me so far I guess is a way to see it. My health has been bad, and so has my grades. But...I'm shaping up...Believe it! Yeah thats my new saying now, lol a huge fan of Naruto here... Anime. I've foun that, like Dukes, it too makes me happy, though I can't escape to Hazzard anymore... and It's sad.. but, I'm gonna get going. Don't know when the next time will be when I make a guest appearance again. You know where to find me though..well...just on yahoo now really. Anyways, bye.


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