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Everything posted by Maggie-Lynn

  1. Hey, don't forget their good clothes (i.e., in 'Days of Shine and Roses')
  2. The Luke-one. I thought the blonde guy (I don't know their names, I'm not ashamed of it) was ugly. The Luke-one was a much better actor.
  3. I listen to British Invasion stuff. I hate country music, to be frank. I like the old stuff, but what is out now is just this horrid hybrid of country+bubble-gum pop+ what passes as "rock" these days. I do like the old country stuff and always had.
  4. EEK! I love the Monkees... unfortunately, just as I really got into them, they took it off MuchMoreMusic (Canadian channel). I just adore Mike. His Ranch site is great.
  5. I deffinitely watch Smallville, but not often, and not the last season. Sometimes I get an itchin' for Micheal Rosen-whats'-it. I think Lex is a very interesting character (and cute). The last few seasons were lack-luster, or at least, the present one is I did enjoy the one with Tom Wopat on it (who didn't?!). It was time that they killed Johnathan Kent, but the thing is, I don't think they should have continued long after. Not because he's gone, but just cuz. I don't like the last few episodes I did watch. It all seems so... blah. I like back in the good, ol' days when Clark still had that inoccent crush on Lana, and Lex and Clark were friendies. I guess yall can watch it extra for me
  6. The girl with the unlikely crush on Enos
  7. I got into Dukes because of Bo (I is a pubecent female teen and couldn't help it), but since I started collecting the seasons and watching them, I've fallen for Luke. Totally. In the end, though, I always fall for the dark-haired ones.
  8. Waiting for it to come to Canada
  9. Hey, guys! Recently been bit by the big, bad Duke-bug... so I thought I'd join! Name: Mag Living Space: Canada Music:The Who, most British Invasion and 60s' bands, Waylon Jennings, Moby Movies: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Gun Barels (among more) Cool Dukes Project: Me and my dad are restorying an old Ford tractor (he collects them) and are going to paint it up like the General - going to get the horn and the rest of the kit and caboodle, and then I'm gonna race it at the Fathers Day Tractor Show in July - yeehaw!
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