the dukes and cooter cooter is crazy and funny and the dukes are always wind up rosco, enos, cletus and boss eg hazzard pond, stuck up a tree or damaging their patrol cars in some way and cooter always changes boss extra to fix them.
i watch smallville because john is in it. i saw on another website that he was in a show called smallville so i decide to watch it. i wish they did not kill john's character i still watch because i like tom.
rosco calls cletus a dipstick and cletus said if i was a dipstick i would b a rich one because i would live in oil. buzzards on buzzsaw flap on a ferris wheel
Rosco is funny because he calls his depury dipstick when it is his fault to start with like when he crashs this police car and all his little catch phase i love it love it, dipstick, horendous crash you don scuffed my vehicle or flash or his uniform.
when they are looking for the barrels of shine can't remember which epsidoe it is from but daisy says the only thing scary down there is bo and luke it just the way she said it.