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  • Location
    carrollton ,georgia
  • Interests
    fishing,hunting,4wheeler,cowboys DuH!!,cooter,and umm my dog harley
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  1. i have myspace!!!! its www.myspace.com/katieluvzmatt
  2. I THiNK He IS Adorable !! and So FuNnY!!! <333
  3. I LOvE DaLE Jr!!! hehehe
  4. AwW its kayla i toke this dern picture we were in the hotel eating pizza hhaahha
  5. DuHH! cause hes HOtt! and looks good in blue jeans!!
  6. i went to cooters place when me and kayla went to dukesfest!! i LoVed IT! =]
  7. I'll back up that statement, they're almost as pretty as our own 'Yorkshire Roses' thanks! a bunch yea i know i am hott! ...lol =]
  8. luke!! by far is more sexier than bo!!
  9. i lOvE cOotEr !!! SO YALL CAN STEPP.... LOL just kidding but he is my favorite!!!
  10. i am so hott!! hehehe
  11. Im GoING WITh georgiagal.. CaUSE bOsS HOGg is A HOtTiE AnD HE is RicH A CuTE In His OwN WaY OR I WouLd Be OnE Of BOs GiRlS!!
  12. (( * I LOVE CoUNTrY MuSiC!! *)) .. and i liked tis guy who listened to lynurd skynyrd and stuff like that so im open to the both rock and country my favorite old time singers are ... 1.. WaYLoN JENNinGs!!!<< the best ever! 2.. geOrGe JoNEs 3.. HAnK Jr!! 4.. HAnK 4.. TaMmY 5.. LoReTTA LyNN 6..joHNnY CAsH 7..ChaRlIe DaNieLs!!
  13. aww this is really cute!!
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