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Everything posted by TomBo

  1. yes!
  2. Darrell that's a bonus there's no fabrication at all. In fact all the old bulb sockets are still back there waiting to be changed back If one should decide to do so. I will not go with a third brake light lol.
  3. Carlos not mad everyone has opinion but remember the General Lee is or was made from a plain Charger and it too is/was an upgrade from that. So in looking at it as it's been upgraded and more modern it gets 2 thumbs up from me.
  4. Sissy it wasn't always that way! I found a 69 charger and well made it happen one step at a time. I'm still doing things to improve it. I still want to get a toolbar installed etc... In short though it was one of the best decisions I have made with a car! I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS MUCH FUN WITH A CAR!
  5. The company is www.spaghettiengineering.com and the LED tail lights division is at www.digi-tails.com These are 13X's brighter than the factory tail light. Another great thing is that you dont change the outside appearance of your car at all. When these lights are off you cannot tell they are even LED's! When you turn on the lights or brakes you surely know they are! Then the bonus is that the turn signals are sequential! There is also a switch on them that you can turn on or off the sequential signals too! I really like these things..
  6. Meadowmufn, You are not going to believe this but I have not ordered anything off Amazon in a few years and well when I went on there tonight to order a sequential LED tail light adjuster there was the winnings from you and Hazzard Net so the part was 1/2 the price! I just got to laughing and wanted to post on here a thank you! Thanks so very much!!!!! Im gonna go post pictures of my General Lee sequential LED tail light install now for all to see!
  7. Thanks so much guys. It was a great lil mini vacation I got to take with my 7year old. It was great to meet Tom again & this time I had a General Lee myself and only needed his signature to complete the surviving cast members of the show under my lid! My buddy & my son & I were 7th, 8th & 9th in Toms line. It was WELL worth it. Paid to have my items signed but Tom asked my son, "Hey want that shirt & hat signed?" My son curled his lips in and looked down, I guessed embarrassed and shook his head yes. Tom proceeded to sign both the shirt & hat. Yea I paid for them but I forgot & Tom had no idea I did and basically was signing for free those 2 items so heck just the offer was great! on the way home out of the blue my son says...."Dad how cool is it that we just met Tom Wopat?! at that moment the trip was complete! LOL
  8. My son getting his items signed My deck lid getting signed! Tims Car
  9. Yes Brian is correct it does say ILOVEIT. Glad y'all r havin fun with it, what a fantastic weekend we had.
  10. Lol u guys r a trip. Thats my GL and the S&H is a friend Steve herein NJ apparently he has the largest S&H toy collection and that car is one of three ( 2 which are in The country ) from the a teal TV show. The cop car is Billys. We all just rolled out of Comic Con.PA. I tried to get a shot of us as well as BTTF Delorean and scooby doo van but they rolled out quick.
  11. Great to see u r still ppstin Brian! I will always come back (if 4 some reason I don't post 4 a while) this site is fun, informative and I like the people on it!
  12. I don't know if we'll be able to make it this year but we'd like to. As for the cars there WQW!!! There was the Daisy RR, Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am, a Boss Hogg Caddy, Generals, Cop Cars, 01 Busses yes there were 2!! Oh and I have to post pix of the Buford T Justice cop car wig the roof torn off and door (evidence) in the backseat!!!!!
  13. Our intentions are to move south eventually, we love it also!
  14. OK so I made it down from NJ to VA with my buddy John, My son Aaron & myself as well as my General Lee!!!!!!!!!!!! Yee-Haw what a blast. Just a few words and AS ALWAYS WITH ME PIX!!! to let you know what fun we had! I gave my buddy John a complete 69 Charger door painted & stickered up as a surprise gift for his helping me with putting my General Lee back together. He brought it to Hazzard Homecoming to get it signed and if you buy/bought the DVD of the event (as we did) you will see it was a great idea to bring the door because.............. He was interviewed and mentions the story about how he got it and also My son & I are shown sitting on the ground behind it being silly waiting in line to get it signed and then my son is show in my now signed Daisy Duke confederate chair in the kids & dogs section!!!!! Hotel was not to far, met up with a NJ/PA crowd and spent time in our "tent city" complete with Boars Nest sing! Lots to do, Hot, lines were not to bad, Hot, Need more food vendors for SURE!, Hot, and well thinking about doing it again!
  15. Hey Im back been a while again since I have posted but my newest baby was/is a girl, Amelia. She is now 15 months old and well a terror! lol gets into everything! so adorable though and I hope ready for a roadtrip in 3 months to Tenn and Cooters. As always with me pix to follow! for now take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I then get a call from a modeling agency that wanted to do a cowgirl shoot on a farm with my car. How could I say no to that?! Heres the video from that shoot. Between all this and taking it to show after show with my now 7year old son and win after win it's just the most fun car I have ever owned! So glad I decidef to build this icon of a car! YEEHAW!!!!!!
  17. Then it was off with the car to Hazzard in the Hills where we met up with John & Ben & the whole gang for that awesome weekend!!! My car at the old Sperryville location!
  18. Shortly after that event I took my General Lee up to Carlisle for the weekend (never miss this event 25 years + running) and saw John again up there all weekend !!
  19. Then I got a call that Monday after the event from Miss Alma of all people! She asked if I was available to do an event with Ben THAT FRIDAY in Maryland?! I scrambled and called her back to say we'd be there! Went and did Fred-Neck-Night at the Haryy Grove Stadium!
  20. ok so it has been a long while since i laste posted on here but WHAT A YEAR WITH MY GENERAL LEE I HAVE HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK ready? LOL I saw that John Schneider was going to be a Comic Con in Philly so I made some calls & got a call back and low and behold (who says that anymore anyway LOL) anyway I got a call back to have my General Lee next to John as well as my buddys cop car Billy on the other side!
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