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Captain D

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Everything posted by Captain D

  1. I always thought that Danny DeVito would be PERFECT as a Boss Hogg ! Even though I wouldn't mind seeing another Duke movie, I would hate to see them do it like they did the last one...it was totally opposite of what the original Dukes stood for. No wonder the original cast wasn't enthusiastic about it. I would MUCH prefer to see another Dukes Reunion film of the original cast instead....
  2. Hey all! I love this site! Even though I didn't care for the new movie 100% (except for the General, of course ), I found a Charger close to where I live. I "might" be getting it. However, it could use some work. So, "if" I get it, I kinda liked how the General looked before his make-over. So, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the 01 decals they had at the beginning of the movie. Were they painted on? Where can I get the decals if they were simply decals? Thanks for any input/help! Kindest Regards, Aaron dunnsville_va@yahoo.com
  3. I'm unable to view the pic...PLEASE help me to see it!!! My Email is: dunnsville_va@yahoo.com Kind Regards, Capt. D
  4. How long after the Hazzard-Reunion, in 1997, did Uncle Jessie live to? Did he have a form of cancer as well? Kind Regards, Aaron
  5. Hi there & thank you for your reply! I even read that Sorrel even earned his Masters Degree in literature, or something related. It's ashame that he passed away. He was a quality, and an intelligent, actor indeed. It would have been great seeing him in the 1997 Hazzard-Reunion for sure! Kindest Regards, Aaron
  6. I know that Sorrel Booke has passed, but what caused his death and how old was he? Where did he live? Any kids? Ect.... Thank you! Aaron
  7. Awesome General TimDuke!!! Where can we find a fron grille (1969) to fit a 1968 Dodge Charger? Also, howwa about the back tail-lights on a 1968 Charger...How can one alter those to resemble a 1969 Charger? Thank you for your time! Kind Regards, Captain D
  8. Hello all, This is my first post here at the HazzardNet, and I'm happy to see that there are quite a few Duke fans around! I was just curious to see if anyone has, or knows someone who has, a 1969 Dodge Charger. I can do the paint job, install the dixie horn, and apply the decals. So, I'm lookin' for a Charger that runs fairly well with a descent body. Interior is not that big of a deal neither, I can take care of that also. I've been checkin' Ebay off n' on with no real luck. I've seen a few chargers but I would have to sell my left kidney to pay for it, and then some, . Any info would be greatly appreciated & thank you for your time! Kindest Regards, Aaron dunnsville_va@yahoo.com
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