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Posts posted by runningwild

  1. For a moment, Cassie to think about the spot that Daisy had referred to. Finally, she could recall the peaceful spot and for a second her mind took her back to those days. They were refreshing to Cassie, who had lead an adventurously dangerous life since then. Now, she just wants those days back.

    "Sure thing, Daisy. I can meet to there right now. Well if you find any old things that belong to me, bring 'em with you, please.."

    She could tell that Daisy was trying to be discrete and she didn't know why. Sawyer's plan was really working for him.

  2. Cassie held her breath out of habit because she didn't like to hear bad news, "I should've known, Daisy. Sorry that I asked. Is Luke willing to talk to me to meet me anywhere?"

    Still to Cassie she was under the impression that Sawyer had got Luke out of jail in a reasonable fashion, so she didn't know that Bo had busted him out.

    Luke gave Daisy a look that had to tell her that in his heart that he wanted to see Cassie more than anything, but he didn't know if it was the best thing for him to do. It's almost as if he wanted to ask everybody's permission before doing so. He figured that Daisy would answer for him.

  3. Luke didn't object to Daisy's embrace because he needed something like that right now just like Bo did. However, because they butted heads so much nothing of that sort could happen.

    "Look I know.." He broke off once the CB cracked.

    At first, he didn't say anything because he was in denial that it was really her. What would he say to her?

    "I-I can't talk to her. It's too risky.. Daisy could you.. would you even?"

  4. Storming into the house, he sat down at the kitchen table. Almost instantly he let his face fall into his hands. Everything to Luke just seemed so out of control and it was impossible for him to get a grip on anything. For the life of him, he could not figure out what he had to do to even open up a little path of forgiveness with Bo.

    "For God's sake, I'm losing it," Luke muttered to himself. Taking a few deep breaths, he couldn't get himself up from the table.

    Uncle Jesse had pulled his truck in the yard. Cooter had towed Rosco's car and he wanted to check on the boys. Coming in through the door, he stopped when he saw Luke sitting at the kitchen table.

    "Son, is everything alright?"

    Luke looked his Uncle Jesse in the eye, "I can't even talk to Bo, Uncle Jesse. We can't see eye to eye about nothing. He hates me."

    Jesse sat down across from Luke and sighed. "He doesn't hate you Luke. Everything's just been so traumatic for him and he can't deal with it. It all had to do with you so he didn't have you to turn to."

    "But, Uncle Jesse he can't expect me to let him tell me that I messed everything up. He left.. he left the family during a hard time. I was in jail and he left. What kind of man abandons his family?"

    Jesse shook his head ever so slightly, "Don't blame Bo."

    Cassie had slipped out of Sawyer's hotel room and wanted to see Luke just one more time because she knew that she couldn't stay around regardless of the circumstances. Outside she stuck her head in Sawyer's car, which was equipped with a CB. Picking up the mic, she hit the button, "Miss Muffet to Lost Sheep, Red Hood to Lost Sheep."

    Even when they were kids, the Dukes had always played the Lost Sheep while Daisy coined the name Bo Peep. Cassie wanted to be different, so she decided to be Miss Muffet, which just so happened to be her all time favorite nursery rhyme. Most days, now, she never used the CB so that would be the only recognizable handle, if they remembered.

  5. Luke sat in the car for a moment all he could think was to let him keep walking, but he didn't want Bo to get the best of him. Getting out of the car, he started yelling again. He didn't care whether Bo was listening or not.

    "I tried to be the Luke you remember. I tried to kid with you. Hell I even tried to apologize, but you're a stubborn ol' jackass and you won't get over yourself."

  6. Luke wouldn't let something that simple silence him, "You're hurt and nothing else in this world matters does it? You don't give a damn about me."

    This side of Luke was coming from being by himself for a long time. Somehow, he managed to revert back to somewhat the same state of mind that he carried during Vietnam.

  7. Luke felt like he'd just been punched right in the stomach. It was apparent to him that The General Lee was their car and they had worked on him together.

    "Okay, okay!" Luke shouted. "I guess I just can't get nothing right with you Bo. I've turned myself into a real jackass. I would've just wanted you to have the General with me out of the picture and all. You worked so damn hard on it that I thought you deserved it, if I couldn't be around."

    Turning his head around, he stared at Bo while he was driving. "What's the safe words around you, Bo? I don't know what I'm allowed to say to you and what I'm not."

  8. Luke looked over at Bo, "Why'd you put the General in storage?" The question was simple and he figured there was more than a simple answer to it. "I mean this is a nice car, but I figured you'd take the General with you. It'd been your car."

    Jesse had talked to Cooter, who was keen on the idea. Of course, Jesse was smart enough not to give away their true conversation. All anybody who would overhear the conversation would know was that Cooter was hauling a car for the Dukes. Luckily, Cooter knew which car they wanted hauled with minimal detail.

  9. "I'm on it Bo, just get Luke back to the farm," Daisy smiled at Bo because she was happy that he wasn't been too ruthless towards Luke. Turning on her heels, she headed to her jeep. "I can keep Enos busy for a while. Bye Ya'll and good luck."

    Uncle Jesse shook his head, "I'm going back to the farm. I'll give Cooter the call to tow Rosco's car. Ya'll get on scat!" Jesse headed back over to his truck to get the CB.

    Luke headed over to the passenger's side of the car, "I know you're doing this for yourself, but thanks. Now, come on let's go back to the farm. Once we get there you can avoid me by walking into another room."

  10. The surprising logic let Luke with a surprised look on his face. Never once did he expect Bo to be so cooperative with everything. Actually, Luke's face fell into a look of relief and happiness.

    "Cousin that's the best thing you've said all day!" A huge grin fell on his face, "Does that mean I'm now the one with the good looks and you've got the brains?"

    Daisy shook her head as humor touched her face. On the other hand, Uncle Jesse shook his head.

    "Well that means we've got to get everybody back to the farm and make sure that Rosco and Enos don't come there for Luke."

  11. "You want to just play into his hands then, Cousin?" Luke stressed the last part of that out of frustration. "I don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to figure out how to make everybody else happy, to make things right. And, the only thing that I can come up with is this plan. I'll admit that its not my best, but come on what do you think we should do? Wait around until Sawyer decides to kill us?"

    Luke let out a hard sigh and didn't dare look over at Jesse or Daisy because he knew that both of them weren't going to get in the middle of this conversation. At least, not yet.

  12. Luke looked over at Bo, "You don't care about that Bo. Why would you even ask? I'm trying to show you that I meant everything I said. If I have to push her out of my life so that you'll forgive me, then so be it. If she wants to contact me she will, but I know that she knows what kind of shambles my life's in."

    In truth, Cassie was only with Sawyer because she was going to contact Luke as soon as Sawyer got him out of jail. However, Sawyer's plan was going to let Cassie's plans play right into his hand.

  13. "Well Bo Duke if I catch you sleepin' then you're gonna get it," Daisy said crossing her arm giving him a stern look before breaking into a smile.

    Jesse leaned against Bo's car to keep an eye on Bo and to get comfortable to listen. He figured that Luke had a decent plan on how to get that fella put behind bars.

    Luke moved closer to the group, "Alright, just hear me out. I'm still fuzzy on how some of this is going to work out, but I think we can do it." He smiled, "Well that Sawyer fella's in town and I'm sure he's not going to stick around for too long. He's either going to leave later on tonight or tomorrow. There ain't no place for him to stay in Hazzard except for the hotel. So, we need to set up a stake out around town to watch his every move. We don't need for him to get out of our sight. Once we catch him out of his room, I'm going to sneak in. Then, if Bo's willing I might need for him to go with me. But, then I'm going to need Daisy to get Enos and bring him to that room."

    He looked over at Daisy and winked, "Just turn on your charm, Honey. You'll get him right there. But, you can't bring him until we give you a signal. That we're going to have to work out once we figure out which room he's in because it'll be hard to let you know when to head in without a radio."

    Turning to his Uncle Jesse, he started telling him his job. "You just need to stay put in a place where you can see the hotel real good. Read the newspaper or something. I don't want him seein' you."

    "Now, we're going to need Cooter's help, so whoever wants to get in touch with him can because I can't use the CB without drawing attention to myself. We have to be sure to keep Rosco and Boss Hogg as far away from this little operation as possible. Once we put everything in motion, we'll mostly have to play it by ear. This guy's dangerous so if you're put in a dangerous situation get out of there fast."

    Luke looked from Daisy, to Jesse, to Bo before nodding, "So, what d'yall think about it?" He half waited for Bo to object, but what he wanted was some input, somebody to try to help him out with this.

  14. It wasn't too long before the sound of vehicles could be heard coming up the dirt path. Well it wasn't so much as path, but over the years its come to that because of the tire tracks. First, Uncle Jesse pulled up in his truck, then Daisy right up behind him.

    Jesse got out of his truck slowly while Daisy was a little more zealous about jumping out. "Okay, let's get the talking started, I'm sure before too long Rosco and Enos are going to catch up to you boys."

    Daisy hurried over to Luke and gave him a hug, which he returned graciously. Then, she turned to Bo, "Come on Bo, sit up can't nobody count on you listening when you're all sprawled out like that."

  15. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I'm just jumping the gun."

    Luke lingered in his spot for a few extra seconds, before turning his back to Bo and walking back to his seat. He guessed that there was no reason for him to just stand there because Bo didn't want to talk to him.

    Daisy had pulled back into the driveway, in a hurry. Dust was flying every which-a-way along with her hair. "Uncle Jesse! Uncle Jesse!" She had caught wind at the Boarsnest that Luke had been busted out of jail.

    Jesse stepped out of the house wiping his hands off with a dry dish towel. "What is it, Daisy?"

    "Luke's been busted out!" Daisy was a little worried and over excited all at the same time.

    "I know Darlin'. Bo got him out a while ago and they're waiting on us up at one of the still sites." He paused, "Come on it's time for us to get up there and see what's going on."

    Daisy nodded and headed back to her Jeep and waited on her Uncle Jesse to hop into his old pickup. Once he pulled out she followed him with a whole mess of excitement building up in her.

    Meanwhile, in town Sawyer had made it back to his rented hotel room without any trouble. No one had recognized him and if they did they wouldn't remember what he did for anything. He was high on his own horse and happy that he could bury that Duke boy farther into the ground with charges. He was sure that Luke Duke would never see the day of light again. Sitting in the available chair placed in the room, the bathroom door swung open.

    "Did you get him out?" The female voice sounded hopeful.

    Sawyer smirked, "He's out."

    Cassie was overjoyed by this news, "Oh, thank you Sawyer! Thank you!"

    He just simply nodded, "Don't mention it, Dimples."

    Sawyer's plan was coming along beautifully. Cassie had been released from jail and he picked up right up. He told her that he could get Luke out of jail, when in reality he was feeding Luke lies about how he was going to let him rot. Actually, he had caught wind from a few buddies of his that Bo Duke would be heading back to Hazzard and he knew today would be the day to put his plan into action. There was no doubt in his mind that Bo Duke wouldn't help his cousin bust out of jail today. Bo hated Sawyer that much and wanted him to get what was coming to him. On the other hand, he didn't tell Cassie how Luke got out of jail, which is what made his plan perfect. She would think that he had helped her as repayment for her helping him evade the police. In reality, he wanted all along to get both Duke boys and Cassie together so he could finish his job. To him, that didn't seem to be too hard.

  16. I'm glad to see some interested people.

    I'll try to set up the site here within the next week, but don't shoot me if I can't get it done. It's suppose to snow here this weekend, so maybe that'll give me some time.

    I may just have to check out BoJames' site. I didn't know anyone on here had one, so I'm glad to see that there's one I can check out.

    I'll get back to people on whether I think their original characters can work because I share the same view that some originals, especially the long lost family and the hundreds of Duke cousins, do get old. I like to keep things simple with the original cast and so made up characters that add to the plot creatively not those that come bouncing out of the hills.

  17. Luke held his hand out for a second longer before pulling it back in. He excepted his defeat in trying to take a step forward in the long process of regaining Bo trust. Slowly he just nodded look toward the ground, then his gaze went back up to Bo.

    "Thank you."

    That was all he could say to Bo for telling him about Cassie. He was grateful that his cousin wasn't mad enough not to let him know just that.

    "So, you want me to go ahead and fill you in on what I figure we should do about Sawyer?"

  18. "I'll try to give you proof Bo because I know I'm not fit to have my word taken anymore." Luke let out a deep sigh and looked Bo square in the eye.

    "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I think I could forgive you. There's where we differ, Cousin."

    Pushing around the dirt beneath his feet with the toe of his right boot, he shook his head. That seemed to be the only thing anyone could do while talking to Bo mostly because there was nothing to say to him that could change his mind.

    Luke wanted to be spiteful, but still his next question was asked whole heartedly. "I don't even know if she's still alive. I lost you both, Bo. It's like you're hanging over the edge of a cliff and here's my chance to pull you back over just so I can save you."

    Holding out his hand, he wanted to show Bo that he meant business and that he wanted to mend things between them.

  19. Luke was almost speechless, after hearing what Bo had to say to him. Every word he said hurt Luke a little more and he was truly disappointed in himself. But, at the same time he wanted to make Bo understand even when it wasn't his place to.

    "Bo, I'm sorry. I know.. I should've known.. I should've thought. I'm glad you turned out to be nothing like me. You wouldn't want to be the man that killed dreams. Why would'you want to be like me anyhow? You've got everything going for you with racing and all. You ain't got no problem gettin' the girls. I've known a time or two that you took my girl from me, which is a whole nother conversation."

    In no way shape or form did Luke try to coax Bo to turn around and face him. There was no reason to because the younger Duke had to make that decision for himself.

    "I'm only human.. just like you. We bleed the same blood, Bo. I made mistakes. Big mistakes that just so happened to come one right after another. I'm man enough to own up to those mistakes and I'm sorry that I made them. Most of all, I'm sorry that I killed you. What kind of man would do that to his own brother? It had to happen some day, but not like this never like this. Maybe when I got married that bond would break a little, but everything that happened just seems too crazy. Too much like some movie you'd go to Atlanta to see."

  20. Luke just nodded, "Fair enough because this conversation is about me and you not her." He wanted to say her name, but figured that Bo wouldn't take too kindly to that.

    "Look Bo, I know things haven't been the best between us and all. I know that I've got myself into a whole mess of trouble and broke a promise I made to you. Now, in my defense I tried to do things that I thought were right and in doing so I didn't make the best decisions. That deal I made with Sawyer was out of desperation. Yeah Bo, I sunk that low because I had already figured that I'd be sittin' behind bars for a long time. But, you have to understand.. I barely recognized him and I knew that the police weren't going to arrest him again. He would've walked free anyway."

    The older Duke cousin took his hands out of his pockets and crossed them casually over his chest.

    "I'd took that bullet for you Bo if I could. You're my brother and that's whether or not you'd admit it now or not. I'm sorry for everything. I can't take none of it back, but if I had it all to do over again I'd change it. I would've taken the bullet for you. I would've never let things get as far as they did. I wanted to save her. I know I ain't suppose to mention her, but that's all I can say about it. And, in my attempt at rescuin' her everything went to hell and not only did I lose her.. I lost my brother. That, Bo, is what hurt more than anything. You can hate me all you want because that's only fair. Hell, you don't even have to accept my apology. You can get up right now and leave, but I'll tell you without your help I'll never be able to set things straight and put that Sawyer fella behind bars."

  21. I definitely will take made up characters mostly because the character I play is made up. Plus, I think they add to the story. I think everything'll be just fine with the site as long as we get the usual Luke, Bo, Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Rosco, Cooter, Enos, and Boss Hogg. Maybe not all of them at once, but a few at least Bo and Luke to get things off the ground.

    Once I get the site up and running I will definitely get in touch with anyone interested with the link. I'm sure that it won't be too long. Who knows I may even come up with something tonight, but don't keep your fingers crossed. Lol

    I'm glad that at least one person is interested.

    Thanks for the reply LoriDavenport

  22. Luke shook his head, "Sounds fine." He paused and looked at Bo for a moment, "So, you plan on soaking up the sun until they get here? Because as fascinating as it is to watch you sunbathe, I figured I'd tried to talk to you."

    The sun was shining brightly and the glare off the hood of the car caught Luke in the eye. Stepping to the side, he stuck his hands in his pockets. "I've got a few things to say to ya, Cousin." Luke didn't care if Bo wanted him to call him Cousin or not.

  23. I was thinking about opening up a RP site so that people can play particular characters and what not. I know you guys know how all that works because I believe I may have rp'd with some of you all before.

    I'm thinking about making it through greatestjournal because I've had a lot of experience with that and find that I like it the best.

    I don't have all the details right now, but those of you who are interested let me know what you think. Either post here or leave me a message. I'm really interested in getting this started and hope that I can find some more people that are willing to participate.

    Just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

    Thanks Ya'll.

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