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Posts posted by runningwild

  1. "Wow," Luke took in a shallow breath. "For once, I'm not sure what I want to do." Desperately, he wanted his eyes to sink into hers and for once, she could take away any uncertainty that was consuming him.

    Cassie bit her lower lip, "Luke, let's just take a walk outside." Taking a step forward towards the door, her head turned back to look at Enos. "We'll be back."

    "Take you're time you two," he smiled. "I'll be around."

    Luke gave Enos a small wave and followed Cassie outside. "The air's not so fresh here." The breath he'd taken in wasn't as enjoyable as he'd hoped.

    Chuckling, Cassie began to walk slowly down the sidewalk. "Not compared to Hazzard it isn't. But, I will say that there's a lot of good things about this city."

    Raising his eyebrow, Luke only questioned her with his gesture.

    Cassie noticed this and defended her answer, "There's conveniently and strategically placed coffee shops on every corner."

    "How did I know you would say that?" He shook his head and grinned.

    To them everything was silent, even though the busy street played on around them. Unfortunately, their silence was broken by a voice shouting Luke's name.


    [cue anyone, please. lol]

  2. Luke rounded the corner and entered Bo's room, "Here you go, Cousin. One nice cold cup of water. It's the best I can do, but just wait until you get back up on your feet. I'll buy you a beer at the Boarsnest."

    Use to, Luke was a regular at the Boarsnest. Of course, this was just after Cassie had left him. The one girl that he loved had been a garbage disposal and took any and every pill you gave her. Then, Luke took himself to her level except he didn't care about narcotics. Every night Luke sat on the same barstool at the Boarsnest ordering beer after beer. Drowning his sorrows, he had a permanent seat at that bar. Luckily, for him and everyone else, he snapped out of it. He slowly got better, but a small part of him is still haunted by those long nights at that Hazzard hot spot.

    Standing with his family, he plastered a bright, cheerful smile on his face. This was a blessing to Luke, who had almost lost all faith in everything.

  3. "Alright, I'll be back in a second," he smiled again at his cousin. Exiting the room, he looked over at Jesse and Daisy.

    "I'm going to get him some water, but you two can go in a see him if you like," he started past them. "I know he'll want to see ya'll."

    Luke went on past his uncle and cousin heading into a little room that included a pot of coffee and snacks. The water dispenser had an ample amount of cups, while the coffee pot had few. Luke reckoned that most visitors chose the caffeinated drink over water for the alertness it gave them.

    As he filled Bo a cup of water, he paused and sat the cup down on the counter. Any prays that he had had been answers, when Bo pulled through. Shaking his head, the dark haired Duke smiled softly and picked up the cup heading back to Bo's room.

  4. Luke had never felt so wonderful in his life just from hearing that Bo heard what he said to him. A smile spread on his lips and the older Duke laughed out of pure happiness. After the chuckle subsided, he had noticed that Bo was having trouble speaking.

    "Well I wanted you to know that I was trying and that I wanted to be the man I'm suppose to be." His eyes focused on his younger cousin, who throughout their entire lives had been his brother. To some it would seem funny because Luke had a younger brother, but because of the circumstances, had grown to know his cousin as his brother.

    "Want me to get you some water or anything you want to drink. I figure you could use a little something to soothe your throat. I can send Uncle Jesse and Daisy in to keep you company. I know they're dying to see you."

  5. Rosco grumbled something to himself as the struggled to get the banner stapled down. "This darn thing.." Suddenly, he heard Enos' voice and turned around.

    "Enos! You're here!" Looking at his friend, then looking over at Cassie, "You brought the little Morgan girl too."

    Enos just laughed, "Yeah, we decided there wasn't a reason in the world for us to miss your big party."

    "Yeah Rosco, what's a party without old Enos here," she nudged him with a grin.

    Rosco shook his head, "Shame shame shame, now I've seen some pictures in magazines in Atlanta of your two frolicking around town."

    Enos defended himself, "The pictures are of Cassie, and I just happen to be there."

    "Never you mind," Rosco patted him on the shoulder. "Them people in California are evil."

    Cassie's eyes widened, "Not all of them."

    Rosco chuckled to himself, "Well most of them. It only helps that you two were born in Hazzard that you ain't went corrupt."

    Enos and Cassie exchanged a glance, "So, what time does this little shindig start tomorrow?" Enos looked back up at Rosco.

    "It'll be at six o'clock right here. I've got some music and everything," Rosco beamed. He seemed so excited about his party and having all his friends there. Truthfully, Rosco had reached the point where it wouldn't be long until he'd leave Hazzard for good.

    "Well we're excited," Cassie added, as she flashed a smile at Rosco.

    "Now, you don't cause any trouble Missy," Rosco wagged his finger at her.

    Cassie rolled her eyes, "Rosco I've been fine for about fifteen years now. I think you better worry about them Dukes instead of me."

    At that moment, another car had entered town. However, there was something familiar about the way the car headed into town. The speed was too fast for entering town and the driving a little too crooked.

    "Oh Lord," Cassie muttered.

  6. The car ride from the airport was a killer for Cassie because she had never like riding in cars for too long. Plane rides gave her the occasional jet lag, but were always her choice of travel. "Are we there yet?" Cassie teased Enos and grinned.

    "Now, don't start that," he laughed. "I don't know how I got talked into driving anyway. You never drive, Cassie."

    Cassie's face held a humored look of offense, "Hey! I drove us to the expo, when I wanted to see the bridal show." The last part of her sentence lost it's spark and was fast. "Fine, I'll drive us back to the airport."

    Enos smiled, "Ah, Honey you ain't got to drive us anywhere. I was just giving you a hard time."

    "I know. So, can you believe that it's been almost ten years since we've stepped foot in Hazzard?" Cassie brushed a piece of hair from her face almost nostalgically.

    He just shook his head, "No, I can't believe it at all. It's been too long."

    "Well all I can say is yay vacation!"

    They both laughed for a few moments and then just fell silent for the remainder of the ride, which was only about five minutes. Pulling straight into town, they saw Rosco setting up a banner for his retirement party as County Commissioner. Now, Rosco didn't have that many friends, but he did have the Dukes, Cletus, Enos, Cassie, and a few other people in town. Everyone felt compelled to attend his retirement and to see who the new County Commissioner was going to be.

    Enos parked the car near the courthouse and got out. He stretched and took a look around; it was good old Hazzard. Losing himself for a moment, he quickly went around the front of the car to open the door for Cassie, who was fumbling through her purse for some lipstick.

    "Thanks Enos," Cassie left her pocketbook in the floorboard and got out.

    He took her hand and pulled her across the street over towards Rosco. As they approached Enos spoke, "Hey Rosco!"

  7. Hazzard County has seen it's share of wild and crazy kids coming up and giving the whole county a run for it's money. These were the best kids anyone could ask for, and so polite, but they were also a memorable addition to the Hazzard family. The most notorious of the wild youngins would have the be the Duke family. They've been around for as long as anyone can remember. If you ask old Rosco, he's tell you that Jesse Duke was the finest of all the Dukes that had the pleasure of residing in Hazzard County. Unfortunately, now Hazzard no longer has the pleasure of seeing Mr. Duke considering that he passed on six years before now.

    Mostly, now the only Dukes that's presence is still felt in Hazzard was that of Beauregard and Lucas Duke; better known as Bo and Luke. Boy, times have changed for these two. Both boys had grown into respectable men. Now, don't think that they have completely given up on their days of running wild because these two have been known to still stir up a ruckus, if it calls for it.

    Daisy hadn't trailed too far behind the boys because she too had took her life in so many different exciting and adventurous directions. Eventually, she too had to let her life slow down to a livable pace. Yet, she was still just as pretty as ever.

    Who knows what happened to these kids over the years, but Hazzard is still talking about the Duke's traveling to Hollywood three years ago. It was just such a big deal for a little town. Cooter popped into town every now and then, and the rest of Hazzard lived under Rosco's rule.

  8. "Now, you get some rest. I won't leave without saying goodbye." He smiled at her.

    Cassie nestled into her pillow and smiled back.

    Luke turned and headed out of her room and back down the hall. He almost bumped into the nurse that was keeping them updated on Bo's condition. She seemed surprised, but figured she would go ahead and tell them all. "You can go in now."

    Motioning for Daisy and Uncle Jesse to follow, Luke went ahead and slipped into Bo's room. He looked better and that was the one thing that Luke noticed right off the bat. "Hey Bo."

  9. Luke was worried about the girls and wished that he would've been the one to man the RV. The job was a dangerous one, and only God knows what kind of trouble could come out of it. This seemed to all be getting a little out of hand. Didn't the bad guys ever take a day off? Or, was it that their days off were well spent in Hazzard County.

    "You know Bo, if anything happens to Angel. I don't know what we're going to do.."

    Sighing, Luke sat back in the General Lee to find a little comfort, before the real trouble could begin.

    "I wouldn't mind a little fighting though. I've got a few things on my mind that need a little working out."

  10. Cooter returned the kiss and it almost made him forget his anger. But, for Dusty's sake he would drop it. Pulling back slightly, he still had her pulled close to him. "Come on take me sight seeing. I want to see your world." Pulling her by the hand, he motioned a little wave to everybody and headed out the door, but not before yelling, "See ya'll!"

    Enos looked over at Luke and Cassie, as both happiness and sadness washed over him. "Are you two okay, now?"

    Luke nodded, "We're fine." He looked over at Cassie to acknowledge that his comment was correct.

    "Wedding bells, soon?" Enos grinned.

    Cassie's eyes got big, "Lord no, Enos. Luke and I's too far gone for that."

    Understanding exactly what she meant, Luke nodded. "Maybe we'll get the chance again someday, but it's not now."

    "Alright, but you can't say that you two didn't have the shot now." Enos smiled.

    Cassie and Luke exchanged glances and smiled softly at one another. Being the first to speak, Cassie took a deep breath, "What do you want to do?"

    Luke just stared at her for a moment. His mind raced to find an idea, but for now he would settle for memorizing the new Cassie's face.

  11. Luke sat shotgun beside bow and had put the bow and arrows in the back seat. The ride was going to be long enough that he didn't need to hold them.

    "You know Bo, we Dukes have been down before because of crooks, but this is the lowest. James and Emy are gone, Julie and Lizzy are sick, and now we've got a baby to tend to that ain't got her Daddy around."

    He sighed out of frustration or simply from the impact of the whole situation. "They can take care of the girls at home. There's nothing I hate more than a bunch of sick women with too much time on their hands." Cracking a smile, he chuckled.

    "Now, listen we're the only ones that's going to be able to face these guys and get James and Emy back. There ain't no room for mistakes. We've got to be careful, but I am just about to the point where I could just use these guys as stress relievers."

    Pausing, he glanced over at Bo, "I ain't felt this pumped up since the Marines."

  12. Luke's eyes lit up because this was his chance, "I knew he'd pull through and snap out of it." He picked up Daisy and swung her around once and sat her down. Laughs of happiness left his lips and filled the room.

    The nurse just shook her hand and smiled, as she returned to her post. Cassie had limped behind her very slowly to get back to her room.

    "Get this woman a wheelchair she's a hero," Luke announced to the entire waiting area. He pushed an available wheelchair over to her and motioned for her to sit down. The way he figured they had at least five minutes before they could see Bo, so he wanted to make sure Cassie got back to his room. Lord, he didn't want to look back and see Daisy and Uncle Jesse's expressions on his reaction.

    "Thank you, Luke," Cassie eased down slowly. "I checked on you, now it's time for the doctors to check on me."

    "Well Honey, I'll have you back to your room in two seconds. You just rest. I'll let you know how Bo is."

    Cassie smiled to herself, "Don't let him know that I was wondering."

    Shaking his head Luke agreed, "Wouldn't dream of it."

    As he positioned the wheelchair beside of her bed, Luke offered her a hand to help get her up on her feet. She gladly accepted and after a minute was finally sitting on the edge of her bed. "I'm tough, but I'm not that tough." Cassie smiled again and it seemed to light up the room.

    Luke parked the wheelchair in front of her bed, "You were always a spitfire. Now, I'm leaving this right here for if you want to come out of your room again. I don't want you walking."

    Cassie nodded, "Okay, Luke. Thank you."

  13. Luke heaved a sigh of relief, "Can we see him?" He sounded like a small child that was eager to see a new litter of puppies. With both hands on his hips, he almost seemed too anxious to wait for the nurse to respond.

    Cassie had shifted in pain in her seat. She was getting ready to head back to her bed because there was no need for her to hang around much longer.

  14. Luke paced back a forth a little in the waiting room. Bo, had stirred a little while a nurse was checking his vitals and she had rushed Luke out. For the first time in a few days, he had felt hope that things were going to be fine and that he was going to be able to finally hear his cousin's voice.

    He looked over at Cassie who had limped out of her room and was sitting in the waiting room, after hearing Luke's commotion. She just smiled at him and they shared no words.

    However, just at that moment Jesse Duke came down the hall from getting a cup of coffee.

    "Uncle Jesse!" Luke almost shouted at him, "Bo's awake!"

    The elderly man's eyes widened, as excitement and hope washed over him.

  15. A smile broke on Luke's face, "Yeah, the ruffles really bring out my eyes."

    He paused, "Sorry about that Daisy. I guess I missed it because my mind feels like it's in a hundred places right now."

    Sitting back, Luke just tried to enjoy the ride because he knew that it wouldn't be too long before he'd be lying in bed. Mostly, he'd be worrying, but he knew that there'd be a lot of awful dreams to deal with. He let out a soft sigh and just followed Dixie's headlights along the road.

  16. "She's not the only one that has that dream," his gave Daisy a soft look. His eyes looked tired, but he figured that he didn't need to show it.

    Opening the passenger door to Daisy's jeep, he hopped in and closed the door behind him. Leaning back against the seat, he stretched and spoke, "So, do you work tomorrow?"

  17. "She'll get some help and then she'll should be off to follow her dreams. I'm telling you Daisy she can sew some clothing. I saw a dress she made once. It was beautiful. I figure that's what she was off doing before she came back here."

    Reaching the vehicle, Luke just shook his head. "I figure I'll wake up pretty early in the morning and head back here. Do you have to work tomorrow?"

  18. Luke felt his cousin's arm around him and the comfort made him feel a little better. He just didn't know how he was suppose to react about anything anymore. Bo was hanging on for dear life because of Luke. If he hadn't convinced Bo to bust him out of jail then none of this would've happened.

    "I should be right in there beside of him. Cassie took my bullet, Daisy."

    He spoke in a soft tone, but he didn't seem sad. It was as if he was only making conversation.

  19. "Let's go," Luke slide past Daisy and headed toward the exit doors. He was leaving the hospital unsure of what was going to happen during the night. There was no way that he could predict what would happen. In his heart, he just had to trust that Bo was going to pull through.

    In his mind, he tried to visualize his life different. There was no way that it was going to be any different than now.

  20. Luke just nodded and turned away from Jesse and Daisy; he started towards Cassie's room. He halfway hoped that she was asleep, but couldn't be sure. All he knew what that she had had just as long a day as anyone.

    Approaching her open door, he knocked on it anyway out of politeness. "Cassie?"

    Cassie had been lying still trying to get some rest because she felt a little sick. After hearing her name, she paused and took in the fact that it was Luke that had said it. "Come on in Luke." She set up a little in her bed so that she could talk with him more easily.

    "How're you feeling?" Luke smiled at her and stood by her bed.

    She smiled back, "I'm feeling a little sick, but that is to be expected. I think I just need some more rest."

    He just stared at her for a moment and decided she did look as if she didn't feel well. "I'm not staying long. I just wanted to say goodbye before I left for the night. I didn't know if I would get the chance tomorrow."

    Cassie nodded and didn't say anything for a moment. She had been searching for the right thing to say to Luke. "It means a lot that you would do that for me."

    "Yeah, I'm a real stand up fella. Now, get you some rest. If you're still here, I'll stop in tomorrow to say hello."

    She smiled again, "I would like that."

    Luke looked her in the eyes, "Don't be scared about what happens. You'll be alright." Before he knew it, his hand had grabbed hers and held it gently. After their moment, he squeezed her hand softly and turned to walk out.

    "Thanks, Luke. Goodbye."

    He stopped in the door and looked at her one last time. "Goodbye, Cassie."

    Turning on his heel, he headed back slowly to Jesse and Daisy. He saw them talking, but didn't interrupt them when he approached. He figured they would just notice him and know that he was ready to go.

  21. Luke smiled at Daisy in hopes of making her and Uncle Jesse feel better, "Hey, I understand. It's okay. Family is important and they should be more important than anything or anybody. You were just trying to protect me."

    Looking over at Jesse, Luke spoke again, "I'm not bitter. I love you both. Now, we'll go, but can I just tell her goodbye incase she's not here in the morning?"

  22. "That's fine, Uncle Jesse," Luke smiled softly at him. He figured that his uncle didn't know anything, but he asked out of shear hope.

    "I want you to know that I love her, but I know I have to say my goodbye and stay away from her. I'm not as blind as everyone thinks. I believe she has changed a lot, but I also believe that not having my family hate is more important."

  23. A look of relief washed over Luke's face, "Thank you Uncle Jesse. I'm just glad that you got it straightened out. It's been a long day."

    He had turned, as if he was going to walk away, but stopped. "You think they'll be here to get Cassie in the morning? She seemed to be doing alright, when I spoke with her."

    He just wanted to make sure that he got to tell her goodbye.

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