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Everything posted by Wallywest80

  1. it won't hit that bin, it's going to be one of thos staples you see in the $15 or below rack i think, but not for a bit, i loved the movie and it's one of my favorites from last year.
  2. Hard to tell anything by wal-mart, they tend to drop prices even on good selling movies, also a lot can be by region, like here the movie is movie is still the same high price and on their website, but some store in your town may be competing and wal-mart will drop prices and get into a price war, i have heard of brand new movies being $13 or so on the first day..but wal-mart is the only store here so i get full price.
  3. I bought it all off amazon, both rated and unrated, though i noticed after that my wal-mart had penty of both..i still saved a lot off each pre-ordering from amazon though. i just wish they had made the rated version widescreen, that makes no sense at all, i mean most movies that do the unrated and rated have options and i hate fullscreen..oh well.
  4. all movies have goofs, it does not mean they didn't take care. also in the very first episodes of the tv series, one armed bandits, when their going roudn and round in the town square, at one point you can see a general lee parked there.
  5. I bought both unrated and rated, both are great and i don;'t mind the adult scenes..hot chicks in there so. it's all good. i really loved the movie so i figured getting both coudl help it and i wanted both versions.
  6. Go to walmart.com and click on music, then it will say "your tunes, your way" and have 3 selections, download, buy CD or the third choice under them is "custom CD", click on that and follow the instructions to add songs, change the order they play, what CD cover you want and a name for it and buy it, that simple!
  7. Dvd aficionado has it listed as for the 13th in rated and unrated versions, i hope it's true because i want it by christmas badly! and these days the time between theater and dvd is shorter every time, take the flop christmas movie with affleck that came out during halloween and was on shleves so fast i was stunned when i saw it at the wal-mart, i believe it set a record for fastest to dvd, less than 2 months i think.
  8. Most of the profists will be in dvd i suspect and i think it will have a good life on dvd, that's the big thing now, it should end around $80-$85 in theaters and then whatever it gets overseas, so it will be good if not stunning, but dvd will be the one to watch, so many people call the theater runs these days as just extended trailers for the dvd market. And if dukes does something like have more than one dvd version like un-rated and rated i'll get both, do my part is helping a sequel get made.
  9. Yeah it's always funny when people attack the flag but wave the american flag that also had people use it to do many wrongs, even the KKK use it. i love my rebel flag but i'm too chicken to fly it, so many people would not understand and i don't need the trouble it might bring.
  10. Well the way i see it, they didn't just react to the flag, the dukes also had blackfaces, so that made it worse, i don't really care for the scene and it could have went down differently but i see it as the normal "mix up" scene that happens in so many comedies, i mean even sanfield had Kramer with a blackface by accident in a tanning booth and some blacks get upset. if i was writing it i would have made their gettign tossed in jail a plan by boss hogg, maybe have his goons rob a place and toss the guns and money in their car and have the dukes charged, it would have made it even better when he finds them in jail and visits to let them know he was behind it..it's so very boss ogg to frame the dukes!
  11. A third disc with The original movie moonrunners so it will be on dvd like i want so badly.
  12. Oh yeah the settlement, i forgot all about that money since it's never listed as part of the movie costs, but yeah in about a week it should have that covered so no big deal.
  13. I liked the flag scene because to me it made fun of the anti-flag people, made them seem like nuts, i mean here is a couple good old boys never meanin' no harm and bam people start yelling for them to go back to their klan meeting? great stuff, it's not like the flag was made fun of.
  14. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/ Third Place The Dukes of Hazzard $13,030,000 -57.5% Now while the boxofficemojo boards are calling it the hulks of hazzard and sayign die movie die, that's not bad at all, 3 new movies fighting it out and Dukes comes in third, the drop is big but drops in that range is common for movies now, holds like a wedding crasher is not common at all. Also it's made $57,478,000 so far so it's 7,478,000 over it's production budget in just it's second week and will continue to make more, i call that good, anytime you make back your money on a movie so quickly how can that be anything but good? and this is not counting whatever worldwide totals plus dvd sales..I just hope the dvd is out by christmas, i want to see it on dvd badly so i can watch it again and again.
  15. Name - John Clark Age - 24 Location - Idabel, Oklahoma Married or Single - Single Favorite Movie - 1951 christmas carol Favorite Singer - Hank Williams Jr Favorite Hobby - collecting comics Favorite TV show - DOH, Frasier, and currently Smallville.
  16. I liked the scene because it made the flag haters look stupid as hell, here we have a couple of guys who are good guys and we know have no racist bones in their body, and then because of the flag get yelled at by random idiots who can't understand that not everyone who flys it is a KKK member, so to me it really was making fun of the others, not the flag or the dukes.
  17. I loved the music so much in the movie, wish the soundtrack was better put together, but i ordered my own custom CD from wal-mart that I named Dukes soundtrack with my own selection plus a few extras i would like to see in a dukes movie or that relate to moonshine. Custom Dukes Soundtrack 20 songs; 01:10:16 total time Song Listing: 1. Theme From The Dukes Of Hazzard (Good Ol' Boys) - Waylon Jennings 2. Down South Jukin' - Lynyrd Skynyrd 3. Mississippi Queen - Mountain 4. Busted In Baylor County - Shooter Jennings 5. Guitar Man - Jerry Reed 6. Flirtin' With Disaster - Molly Hatchet 7. Them Good Ol' Boys Are Bad - John Schneider 8. Just Good Ol' Boys - Moe Bandy and Joe stamply 9. If The South Woulda Won - Hank Williams, Jr. 10. Outta Hell In My Dodge - Lynyrd Skynyrd 11. Are You From Dixie (Cause I'm From Dixie Too) - Jerry Reed 12. Ballad Of Thunder Road - Jim & Jesse (wish they had the mitchum version) 13. Copperhead Road - Steve Earle 14. White Lightning - George Jones 15. Revenooer Man - George Jones 16. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band 17. Daddy's Moonshine Still - Dolly Parton 18. Promised Land - Elvis Presley 19. Call Me The Breeze - Lynyrd Skynyrd 20. The South's Gonna Do It Again - Charlie Daniels Band - Charlie Daniels Band
  18. I loved the music so much in the movie, wish the soundtrack was better put together, but i ordered my own custom CD from wal-mart that I named Dukes soundtrack with my own selection plus a few extras i would like to see in a dukes movie or that relate to moonshine. Custom Dukes Soundtrack 20 songs; 01:10:16 total time Song Listing: 1. Theme From The Dukes Of Hazzard (Good Ol' Boys) - Waylon Jennings 2. Down South Jukin' - Lynyrd Skynyrd 3. Mississippi Queen - Mountain 4. Busted In Baylor County - Shooter Jennings 5. Guitar Man - Jerry Reed 6. Flirtin' With Disaster - Molly Hatchet 7. Them Good Ol' Boys Are Bad - John Schneider 8. Just Good Ol' Boys - Moe Bandy and Joe stamply 9. If The South Woulda Won - Hank Williams, Jr. 10. Outta Hell In My Dodge - Lynyrd Skynyrd 11. Are You From Dixie (Cause I'm From Dixie Too) - Jerry Reed 12. Ballad Of Thunder Road - Jim & Jesse (wish they had the mitchum version) 13. Copperhead Road - Steve Earle 14. White Lightning - George Jones 15. Revenooer Man - George Jones 16. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band 17. Daddy's Moonshine Still - Dolly Parton 18. Promised Land - Elvis Presley 19. Call Me The Breeze - Lynyrd Skynyrd 20. The South's Gonna Do It Again - Charlie Daniels Band - Charlie Daniels Band
  19. Well DOH is no star wars for sure, but the fact is movies can be hated on the net but still do good numbers, I mean titanic is another film that you almost have to pull a persons teeth to get them to admit they like it, but made a lot of money. Punisher is another movie that made less than $35 mil and was bad mouthed by many but is a suepr hit on dvd showing fans did find the movie and supported, a sequel is in the works now. Campbell Soup company once said that a person who hates something will tell 40 people, some one who lieks something may not say anything, bad news travels better, I feel that's the problem many times, if they hate a movie the people tend to be more vocal and comnplain more. So really the only way to tell is to wait and see how the movie sells, so far the numbers have been good even if reviews have not, and i trust the money more, it's people putting their money where their mouth is.
  20. Well DOH is no star wars for sure, but the fact is movies can be hated on the net but still do good numbers, I mean titanic is another film that you almost have to pull a persons teeth to get them to admit they like it, but made a lot of money. Punisher is another movie that made less than $35 mil and was bad mouthed by many but is a suepr hit on dvd showing fans did find the movie and supported, a sequel is in the works now. Campbell Soup company once said that a person who hates something will tell 40 people, some one who lieks something may not say anything, bad news travels better, I feel that's the problem many times, if they hate a movie the people tend to be more vocal and comnplain more. So really the only way to tell is to wait and see how the movie sells, so far the numbers have been good even if reviews have not, and i trust the money more, it's people putting their money where their mouth is.
  21. I never trust places like IMDB.com or yahoo, i know how the internet can be, i mean the movie boards i go find a new "worst movie of all time" every single week, no middle ground, it either sucks or is amazing it seems. Also i noticed something about reviews I have seen on many message boards(Not this one BTW, very nice board and users you have here and after reading for a while i had to sign up!) that people don't even know why they hate it, on the movie boards I go to a lot like gamefaqs.com movie board, the topics are "it's suck" and that's it, when I ask whats wrong i get nothing, they ignroe me, no one wants to debate it..well one guy did say he hates rednecks so he hates the movie by default, and in a "rate this movie topic" I have seen many people say "I have not seen the movie yet but 1/10 is my score", it's insane. So stuff like that makes me wonder what the internet does to many people, I mean movies like star wars episode 1 is hated by the internet, nothing but jokes about it, hate all over..yet it made a ton of cash so...
  22. I never trust places like IMDB.com or yahoo, i know how the internet can be, i mean the movie boards i go find a new "worst movie of all time" every single week, no middle ground, it either sucks or is amazing it seems. Also i noticed something about reviews I have seen on many message boards(Not this one BTW, very nice board and users you have here and after reading for a while i had to sign up!) that people don't even know why they hate it, on the movie boards I go to a lot like gamefaqs.com movie board, the topics are "it's suck" and that's it, when I ask whats wrong i get nothing, they ignroe me, no one wants to debate it..well one guy did say he hates rednecks so he hates the movie by default, and in a "rate this movie topic" I have seen many people say "I have not seen the movie yet but 1/10 is my score", it's insane. So stuff like that makes me wonder what the internet does to many people, I mean movies like star wars episode 1 is hated by the internet, nothing but jokes about it, hate all over..yet it made a ton of cash so...
  23. Ebert in his review said once you see 12 jumps, do you really need to see more? clearly he's not a normal person, because 12 jumps is not near enough, heck 7 seasons of jumps were not enough!
  24. Ebert in his review said once you see 12 jumps, do you really need to see more? clearly he's not a normal person, because 12 jumps is not near enough, heck 7 seasons of jumps were not enough!
  25. Marketing is not factored into that number but I have not seen it reported how much that number is, I'm guessing around $25 at most, most big budgets have around $50 and a few like batman have $100 (where all that money went I have no idea, i have seen better marketing from small budget films). My prediction for the upcoming weekend is 1. The Dukes Of Hazzard- 15.3 mil. 2. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo - 14.8 mil. <--New 3. Four Brothers- 14.6 mil. <--New 4. Skeleton Key- 14.5 mil. <--new 5. Wedding Crashers- 11.9 mil 6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- 7.7 mil. 7. Sky High- 6.2 mil. 8. March Of the Penguins- 5.9 mil. 9. The Great Raid- 5.6 mil. 10. Must Love Dogs- 4.6 mil. As you can see we have 3 new films but none that are very strong, Deuce might be one to take the top spot, but it depends on just how good a fanbase he has, and honstly I don't know if I have seen a single ad for any of those movies, i know there are, but it does not seem any any have the marketing behind them Dukes has, so that should help Dukes.
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