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Everything posted by Wallywest80

  1. Marketing is not factored into that number but I have not seen it reported how much that number is, I'm guessing around $25 at most, most big budgets have around $50 and a few like batman have $100 (where all that money went I have no idea, i have seen better marketing from small budget films). My prediction for the upcoming weekend is 1. The Dukes Of Hazzard- 15.3 mil. 2. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo - 14.8 mil. <--New 3. Four Brothers- 14.6 mil. <--New 4. Skeleton Key- 14.5 mil. <--new 5. Wedding Crashers- 11.9 mil 6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- 7.7 mil. 7. Sky High- 6.2 mil. 8. March Of the Penguins- 5.9 mil. 9. The Great Raid- 5.6 mil. 10. Must Love Dogs- 4.6 mil. As you can see we have 3 new films but none that are very strong, Deuce might be one to take the top spot, but it depends on just how good a fanbase he has, and honstly I don't know if I have seen a single ad for any of those movies, i know there are, but it does not seem any any have the marketing behind them Dukes has, so that should help Dukes.
  2. I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in there..perfect. it seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age. and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music. I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here. and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.
  3. I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in there..perfect. it seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age. and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music. I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here. and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.
  4. Oh and remember a movies budget vs it's gross is the key to a flop or hit not just total gross, Take the penguin documentary that's out and see how crazy hollywood is going over it, the movie most likely had a budget of less then $200,000 but look at that return on their investment. So if Dukes makes around double it's budget everything together (and it stands with dvds, overseas and of course merch liek cds, shirts and ect to make more than that), i think any studio would be happy to have $50 million more in their pocket than they started. And this can be the start of a logn series, you figure why not make another and get a nice return again, you got the fanbase from the first, plus movies tend topick up peopel on dvd, look at Austin Powers, Worldwide the first made $67,683,989 but created such a fanbase that it's sequel did Worldwide $310,940,086. Now i'm not saying Dukes can do that, it's not real common for that kind of jump, but it shows what is possible, and why Dukes future could be bright indeed, We just need to look at hwo things unfold over time now, but there is no need for the doom and gloom.
  5. Oh and remember a movies budget vs it's gross is the key to a flop or hit not just total gross, Take the penguin documentary that's out and see how crazy hollywood is going over it, the movie most likely had a budget of less then $200,000 but look at that return on their investment. So if Dukes makes around double it's budget everything together (and it stands with dvds, overseas and of course merch liek cds, shirts and ect to make more than that), i think any studio would be happy to have $50 million more in their pocket than they started. And this can be the start of a logn series, you figure why not make another and get a nice return again, you got the fanbase from the first, plus movies tend topick up peopel on dvd, look at Austin Powers, Worldwide the first made $67,683,989 but created such a fanbase that it's sequel did Worldwide $310,940,086. Now i'm not saying Dukes can do that, it's not real common for that kind of jump, but it shows what is possible, and why Dukes future could be bright indeed, We just need to look at hwo things unfold over time now, but there is no need for the doom and gloom.
  6. The boxoffice total is very good, you see this is not mid summer so you don't have blockbuster openings anyway for most films, in fact dukes is the 11th best opening weekend for this month all time, not bad at all in a slump year. Also a lot of people are ruined by huge openings like spider-man and such, they expect to break records every week, I mean take the whoel year, this could turn out to be in the top 5 maybe top 3 highest grossing years ever, but because it didn't break the record set last year they panic, well proforming solidly is good enough. The budget for dukes is $50 million and they have pretty much assured that will be hit, and i have heard some say $85-$100 million is not out of the question, that's just domestic, and then you have overseas and of course dvd sales, i see this movie being a big dvd movie, i know i'll be buying it. also it's legs have started to form, the drop sunday was by most experts was a lot bigger, everyone said the movie would not make $30 for the weekend and the studio was overestimating to make it look better..yet they were wrong and the drop they expected never happen, then on monday we had another very good drop. I see for the moment nothing but good news for the Dukes and their fans..oh and the critics? well they never liked the original either, it was not a critics darling in it's time, heck Ebert in his review said he never saw the original show and as time goes by is happy about it.
  7. The boxoffice total is very good, you see this is not mid summer so you don't have blockbuster openings anyway for most films, in fact dukes is the 11th best opening weekend for this month all time, not bad at all in a slump year. Also a lot of people are ruined by huge openings like spider-man and such, they expect to break records every week, I mean take the whoel year, this could turn out to be in the top 5 maybe top 3 highest grossing years ever, but because it didn't break the record set last year they panic, well proforming solidly is good enough. The budget for dukes is $50 million and they have pretty much assured that will be hit, and i have heard some say $85-$100 million is not out of the question, that's just domestic, and then you have overseas and of course dvd sales, i see this movie being a big dvd movie, i know i'll be buying it. also it's legs have started to form, the drop sunday was by most experts was a lot bigger, everyone said the movie would not make $30 for the weekend and the studio was overestimating to make it look better..yet they were wrong and the drop they expected never happen, then on monday we had another very good drop. I see for the moment nothing but good news for the Dukes and their fans..oh and the critics? well they never liked the original either, it was not a critics darling in it's time, heck Ebert in his review said he never saw the original show and as time goes by is happy about it.
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