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redneck woman

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Status Updates posted by redneck woman

  1. When "The Big One" happened there at the end I just froze. I didn't know who was in it at first, but I was afraid for all of our drivers. I'll try to explain it how I remember it happening and to the best of my ability for you. So they were having a double file restart, I can't remember why at the moment. From what I understand, and this might not be 100% correct, Tony Stewart was in the row behind Gordon. When they got the green flag, they went three wide into a turn with Stewart nudging up through the middle. Carl saw Stewart was trying to make a run and he was going to follow him. Well Stewart started to get a little loose and he knew Gordon was right beside him so he let off just a little. But that little bit was enough that Carl, who was right behind him, got into Stewart and turned him right into Gordon.

  2. Whew, it's been long week already and it's only Tuesday!!! lol I've got a few minutes left on my break, so I thought I'd jump on and talk to ya for a minute. lol

    That was an interesting fact about Jr being paid the most. I wonder if that includes merchandise sales and things like that though. I think Jr out sells everyone else in that respect. Everyone knows him and a lot of people like him. Plus he has that famous last name. Although I'm pretty sure Gordon is a close second there as well. He's well known in his own right.

    So what did you think of Martinsville? I'm pretty bummed, not because of the race or anything though. I set up my DVR to record the race while I was at work, but I put in the wrong channel!!! Gahhhh!!! Talk about upset. But at least I followed along kinda sorta on the internet. Yahoo has a live chat that I followed while the race was on. It sounds like it would have been an excellent race to watch though!

  3. Wow, that is great about Gordon. I'm glad for you that he signed a new contract. And at this point I'm beginning to think it is going to take someone like him to beat Jimmie Johnson next year. I'm not sure what the deal with Johnson is. Yes, he is the man of the hour and I guess of the last four years, but why not show a little loyalty. You would think he would appreciate that Gordon discovered him and both he and Hendrick backed Johnson. I guess he just wants to keep his options open for down the road, but really... Hendrick has always been a force to reckon with in the racing world. The whole money thing confuses me though. Like I said, Jimmie is the hot ticket right now, but he won't always be. Someone will come along and take away the Championship at some point. I wish that statement was explained a little better by Hendrick. Unless...

  4. Wow, what a race! I missed parts of it, but got to see the last 30 laps. I felt so bad for Jr. He was doing so well too. I was happy with the winner. I was afraid after the last caution that Montoya was going to pass him. Honestly I'm not even sure how Carl or anyone else for that matter ended up. I just know that Martin won. How did Gordon come out? I guess I need to check Nascar.com to see. lol

    The Toby concert was really good. I loved Trace Adkins too. He opened for Toby. It was crazy though. We didn't get home until 2 am. Then I got up at 7 to take my nephew to a parade. Lots of fun, but I was a tired puppy. lol

    Anyway, I'm just taking a quick break from packing and getting ready for my trip. Anyway, I will write more when I get back later this week. Talk to you soon and have a great week!

  5. Wow, what a race. It was boring at times, but it was kind of exciting too. I know you are a Jimmie fan, but I have to admit that when I saw him spun out that I was a little excited. Thank goodness he wasn't hurt or anything. But him having a bad race let a few others gain some points on him. Now the last two races will be a little more exciting because the Championship isn't quite decided yet. I'm sure Johnson will come back harder than ever next week and at Homestead. But now Martin and Gordon are closer and still have a chance at the big win.

  6. Wow, what a weekend! It didn't go anything like I had planned that's for sure. Oh well. But yes, I understand how you were feeling yesterday. I had the Sunday afternoon blues. And I forgot to record the race for today. Good grief! My head is going in a million different directions it seems. lol I didn't listen to all of the interviews and things. I was doing laundry and cleaning out a closet while waiting to see if the race would come on.

  7. Yay! Two weeks to go for me! I'm getting really excited about going to the race. I've got my TomTom programmed!

    I agree, I don't like the way Carl came across with his stand. I'm sure the emotion was running high. I know Atlanta is Carl's favorite track and I'm sure he was really mad he didn't get to run. But that is not a reason to do what he did.

  8. Yeah, I was a little disappointed that JJ won and not Kurt or someone else, but you know what? It was still an awesome race and I'm just so happy I got to be there. Bristol Baby, come on 2011!!! Lol That's not rushing things to much is it? lol Have a great evening and hopefully you won't be bored reading my mini novel here. lol Oh, and I will try to get my pictures posted within the next day or so.

  9. Yeah, I've seen a lot of negative comments about how he should be parked the rest of the year or thrown in jail... that is just complete craziness. And I have to wonder if those comments are coming from people that really didn't like Carl to begin with? That or maybe they are just jumping on the haters bandwagon? I just try to ignore the negativity and listen to those that have rational, logical things to say. lol Not that I'm one of them, but I do try! lol

  10. Yeah, if I were going to be camping out and all that I'd already be packing... in fact I probably would have started a month ago. lol But since I'm just basically taking clothes and a few other needed racing items, I'm trying to hold myself back. I know I will be packing and repacking everyday to make sure I didn't forget anything or adding things. I do that, I keep adding things, I will think 'oh, I just might need this, you never know' and throw a whole bunch of stuff in there that I will never need. lol Crazy I know, but this is why I make a list. If it's not on the list and isn't really important, it doesn't need to go in the suitcase. Honestly, I hate packing! 'Course packing is a whole heck of a lot more fun than unpacking when the trip is over. lol

  11. Yeah, Jimmie does seem to have some pretty good luck on the Chase tracks. I think I've said this before, but it seems that Jimmie stays pretty consistent throught the first part and then the Chase comes and the Jimmie freight train comes blaring out of the station. lol

    I have to wonder what's going through Carl's head as Talladega approaches. Hopefully he doesn't pysch himself out with what happened in the spring race there.

  12. Yep, everything is fine here, besides being half asleep right now. lol I was up part of the night because the tornado sirens were going off. There wasn't an actual tornado, just a watch. So not fun:mad:

    Sorry to hear about your fantasy team. Don't blame me!!! lol I know, I'm doing a thing on Roush Fenway's website where you pick how each car from the whole team will finish. I put Carl as #1, and I haven't had the guts to go see how bad I placed. I was in the top 17%. I bet that has gone downhill. lol

    I'm glad you got to read that one part of the article. That's how I feel too. After reading that I feel less conflicted about the whole thing. And I feel like hopefully they will get something accomplished in their meeting before Bristol. Fingers crossed!

  13. Yep, his new album, Haywire, is set to release on November 10th. The first single is "Why Don't We Just Dance." If you go to Josh's official website and in the news section click on the link to Josh's new single. Enjoy! (I know I did!)

  14. Yep, I'm here. I haven't been getting on as much at night because after staring at a computer all day at work, my eyes hurt like the dickens most days. So I've been giving the computer a little rest at home the last few weeks. lol You just can't keep me away from Hazzardnet and my race buddies though.

  15. Yep, I'm pretty sure Johnson has the championship all wrapped up again. Good for him I guess, but if we don't get a change next year I can see a lot of complaining about how boring the Chase is becoming too. Unless some big and bad happens, like his motor blowing up in the first lap of the race or something, he has it. I still hold out hope for Martin, but its not a big hope. Johnson is just too good on these tracks and his crew chief is to good with the car.

    Gordon could very well pull out another win at Texas though. He's good there. But so is Tony Stewart and Carl Edwards. I guess we will see Sunday. I can't believe its almost over for this year. What in the world am I going to do with myself? Talk to you about all the news I guess. lol

  16. Yep, you heard me right, I was yelling for him to go, go, go. lol I'm cracking myself up. lol Anyway, the reason Gordon fell back there at the end is interesting. What he needed to do is pit for new tires, but they didn't want to end up going a lap down or something. I really hope I'm remembering this right. So instead of losing lots and lots of positions by pitting, they decided to just race it out and try not to lose too many positions. That was Letarte's call and Gordon agreed with him. I heard it on the scanner while I was listening to him for you. lol

  17. You ask if I have written any stories? A few Dukes stories. I'm not the world's best author, but I try. I do have an account on fanfiction.net. I haven't posted any new stories in a long time. I have several stories started, but they never seem to get finished anymore. I have started another Halloween fic with the Dukes, but haven't posted anything yet. Well, if you want to see what I have written my pen name on that site is hotrodden. Like I said, not the best stories, but I do try.

  18. You didn't complain too much. I was just as confused and disgruntled as you were (even if I'm not a die hard Gordon fan!) lol Feel free to vent to me anytime. I know I can vent to you about these things and you'll understand and vice versa. So let it fly and I'll stand by to listen! lol

  19. You don't bore me. I think it's interesting getting another take on all the happenings in Nascar from someone that isn't family. So continue talking on about Gordon. I like Gordon and it wouldn't bother me to see him win. As a matter of fact, I've got my fingers crossed that Gordon gets his fifth championship before JJ does. Of course I want to see my drivers win races and get a championship too, but I wouldn't begrudge it to Gordon either. So talk on my friend, I will read and listen every word of the way. lol

  20. You go ahead and talk about Gordon all you want to. I like Gordon, he's not my absolute favorite, but you listen to me talk about Edwards and Martin all the time. I'm sure within another couple of years you'll have me converted to Gordon as my favorite driver though. lol

    I really like that ringtone too. I think I found it on Myxer.com. And I'm pretty sure it's called NASCAR Love (Let's Go Racing) if you want to go listen to it or get it. The ringtone doesn't cost anything except I think a text message and the download cost. Just thought you might want to know.

  21. You have a great weekend and I hope you don't get too bored! Talk to ya next week!

  22. You only get to use each driver nine times? That is so unfair. I guess they want you to really think about who might win, not just pick your favorite driver. But I'm sure you are like me, my driver is of course going to win every race. lol That does suck though.

    Well, my thing with Roush went way downhill with the Atlanta race. I finally got the nerve up to look a little while ago. I dropped from 17th place to 30th. I'm still in the top 5%, but that is not good at all. Hopefully I will make up some places at Bristol. :-o

  23. Your right though, it doesn't have to be so bad. Just think of it this way, they are so jealous because Jimmie Johnson has won so many races and championships in the last three years. They wish it was their driver, but since it isn't they have to make stuff up about cheating and whatnot. It was the same with Gordon when he was the one on top. I've heard it was the same with Dale Sr when he was on top. People are just jealous is all. That's how I looked at it and try not to pay a whole lot of attention. Their going to like who they want to, and I'm going to like who I want to. Nobody is going to change anybody else's mind on the matter. I think right now the drivers these people either love or hate are Kyle Busch, Jimmie Johnson, and Jr (and sometimes Mark Martin). As soon as someone else starts to win more races and becomes a force to reckon with, then they will be cheating too. You know what I mean?

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