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redneck woman

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    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. I love Johnson, but have to agree, it is tiring seeing him get the win over Gordon all the time. Wish it was the other way around. WHere Gordon was winning all the time. HA HA HA. It was a good article...saw what the writer was talking about on Gordon's own forums where Gordon's fans think that he should fire Letarte and how they are all mad at Letarte for the call. Gotta feel bad for him. I guess maybe I am the only one that likes Letarte and don't see it as all his fault of the lack of luck Gordon has been having. If Gordon could get Everanham back in the pits, I'd probably go with them...Evernham or Knaus. Though I don't see Johnson giving up Knaus too easily. Gordon likes and trusts Letarte and that should go a long ways...though I do admit, that something seems to be missing in Gordon's car or pit or what not that Johnson and maybe a few other drivers seem to have. Though I don't knwo what. Maybe it is Letarte and I just dont' want to think negatively about him...

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