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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. Noooo not the four letter word! Tell it to stop! It was all suppose to melt and go away and never to return! LOL. I hope that you will find a way to stay warm. That is too bad about the rough drive back...I hate driving in snow and ice. So does my car! LOL. It hasn't snowed for a while here but it has been freezing cold...below zero plus windshield factor. My hands were so cold this morning while scraping my car, they hurt. Dang I hate this weather! Bring on the spring...warm weather, green ground, NASCAR and baseball season!...(Forty-one more days until Daytona...just hoping I'll be able to watch it!)

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