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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. YAY thank-you soooo much for your replies, I enjoyed reading through them! I am glad that you had a good birthday - you don't nessecarily have to go out and have a big party to have a good birthday if you know what I mean.

    I wish you the best of luck on your job. This is a scary time to gamble like that, but in the long run, I think you have to do what is right for you. Coming the end of November, I too will be at my job for seven years and will have the most senority there (except my bosses that own the day care). That would be hard to give up.

    I hope it goes your way...and better. Hopefully you will find a better job come spring or that this one will give you a BIG raise. After all, you deserve it for putting up with me. :D

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