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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. Was happy to see Johnson win, though was really excited there for a while when Gordon was leading with only a handful of laps left. Though he got fourth place...though I could have dealt with another second place finish ;) though Johnson had four fresh tires and Gordon only had two so I guess I will deal with fourth especially since Lagono was threatening to take the fourt place away from him. Though Gordon moves up to third in position from fifth, though is now 138 points behind Johnson...don't understand how he can be getting farther away in points with his good finishes he has been having and leading laps and all that. Then again, Johnson did win and he is the point leader...Well I will let you read my novel I have left you before saying any more. Hope your party was well and that you had a good weekend.

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