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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. That's a bummer you got out voted...I think a NASCAR party would be great! LOL...but maybe next year he will be more excited about a NASCAR party.

    I know what you mean about not getting to talk about NASCAR. I have my parents that I bore with my NASCAR talk and complaints, though I am sure they care little about it. There is a couple of people at work that like Jr, but don't know how big of fans they are to really talk in depth about it. And watching kids doesn't give much time to really talk about it. LOL.

    I thought what Jimmie had said was funny - though I am now sure there is more that goes on than just driving in circles as he called it. LOL

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