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redneck woman

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    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
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    Central Missouri
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    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. I have no clue what they can do on pit road not to make it so dangerous. It is lucky that they do have the firesuits and the helmets and all that, but it is still very dangerous. I don't know how they do it...and on top if it, they all have other jobs that they do during the week! I always find that shocking to hear that being a crew member isn't a full time job all in itself with all the travel and work that needs to be done. I mean someone has to work on the car in the shop in between races and all that. I don't know, I just find it hard to imagine them doing anything else other than working on the cars. Kinda funny to think of them working...someone asking them, hey what you doing this weekend? Uh I am going to Dover to help Gordon win. LOL

    Anyways, about last Sunday...Hamlin wasn't even sure he hit him. All he asked over the radio was hey did I hit him? His crew immedieately came back with yeah but he's fine. He wasn't fine. He went to the infield care center and I read an small article on NASCAR.com that the crew member that got hit, was Mears' crew member who ironically has the last name of Pittman. Anyway, Pittman's foot is now broke due to it and is now out of the rest of the season.

    I know Hamlin didn't mean to do it as Stewart didn't mean to do it the week before. At least I assume they didn't. But it just seems like it has been more congested in there or something during pits and more incidents like that. Yeah they are slower, but pit road speed is normally around 45 to 50 MPH so that is like if someone got hit on the highway or so.

    There is probably nothing that could be done, I just feel bad for the crew members to have to worry about getting hit and all that. They put theirselves in danger each week and I don't think they always get the credit they deserve for the work that they do.

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