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redneck woman

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    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
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    Central Missouri
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    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. Thank-you soooo much for your message! I enjoyed reading EVERYTHING you wrote - though it is a bummer your computer died on your other one :(.

    LOL...you sound exactly like me on Saturday night. Yelling at Vickers to Go, Go, GO. I was keeping an eye on Gordon and Vickers all night Saturday night through the race that is. I feel bad for wishing Kyle out of the chase and all, but Kyle can thank his attitude on that one. Yeah, of what I heard of his interview after the race, he sounded really mature and calm about it. (I was on teh phone with my mom when they were talking to him. I had to call her and tell her he didn't make it. I'm horrible, I know) So maybe that is a sign of maturing up. I think he has matured a lot in some ways from last year so there is hope for him. Yeah I remember Kurt being like him or somewhat like him. I especially remember him and Stewart not getting along - never understood why Kurt chose Stewart to pick on.

    I am really HAPPY with who is in the chase this year. I am always happy when Gordon is in it (that wa a long last ten races the year he didn't make it )And Johnson. LOL. I am happy that Vickers made it into the chase and not only because of who he knocked out of the chase. Vickers is one of the drivers I wish well for or like and all that. I was sad when he left Hendrick, so I am happy to see him doing well. I think he deserves it.

    I saw that Carl was slipping back in points and that he wasn't doing very well during the race. I hope he will improve and yeah maybe he caught onto Jimmie's strategy. That is interesting about how he got the nickname, thank-you for explaining that to me. I never understood it...now it makes sense.

    Yeah I also heard that Petty and Yates would be merging and that Petty would go to Ford. Didn't hear the thing with Rousch but I heard a while ago that he'd have to lose his fifth driver (Never understood why he could have five drivers when everyone else coudl only have four?) Sad to see him change from Dodge after all these years. I didn't read the article or anything, but just read the headline of it. It will be interesting to see all the changes that will take place for next year...though I am sure it won't be nothing as big as the last two seasons were - with Jr going to Hendrick and Stewart leaving his ride for his own partially owned team. And yeah, Pat Tryson has put his word in on his departure at a wrong time. Hopefully they can shove next year behind them for now and work on the present.

    I was sooooooooooooo excited about Saturday night's race. It was awesome - you were right, I was lovin' it! Not only did Gordon have a chance to win, he was really competitive. He had an awesome car that was fast and everything went right until Bowyer had to run into him like that. ERR I was frustrated! LOL. He could have won or at least had put on an awesome end to the race (Though if that were what happened, I'd be pacing the floors and yelling through the last five laps or so ;) ) but I thought he did awesome to richochet back like that and finish third. Sometimes something s mall like that can seem to pop one's momentum and send them backwards. Instead he kept fighting and got his third place finish with only a handful of laps. Him and Hamlin's car was matched perfectly...Glad for Hamlin to win at his track, but would have been even more glad for Gordon. LOL Hopefully they can feed off of his great race last weekend and carry it into the last ten races so he can have a chance to win his fifth championship!

    OK I will give Martin credit and say he has had a great season and it is sad to see such a great driver go through so many years and get so close and not get a championship. He deserves it. Gordon already has four so I should be more generous and I may be more so, but I never got to experience him winning those. I was a fan of his for the last two of his championships, but had no idea he won them when he did or knew very much about the sport. It took me forever to really undersstand anything with racing and took me forever to get the patience and the obssession I have today to watch a full race, every race. LOL. So I really want Gordon to win at least one mroe championship so I can live it and experience and get all excited about it. LOL...Greedy ol' me I guess. The closest came was with Johnson the last three years, which is good, but I still need that one from Gordon. (I should have watched him win at least two more if it wasn't for the dang new point system! LOL) But yeah, it would be neat to see a sentimental figure like Martin win.

    I feel like I am forgetting to say something here...LOL. As if I haven't bored you enough already. Hopefully all our drivers will do good the last ten races - glad they all made it in. As I said, I like who is in the chase it will make for an exciting past ten races - and we still can't forget about Kyle or any other non chase contenders having their say in the thing as well. You do sound a lot like me...I am excited about the chase, but everytime the chase time comes, I feel dread in knowing it means the season is almost over. :( I will be shedding big tears come Homestead...especially if Gordon doesn't make it (just jokin')LOL...but because it being over with (the season). Those are a long couple of months until Daytona that I will be counting down the days and who knows what I'll do to fill in the time that I'd normally be watching the race. I guess I should just be gratefull that it is longer than baseball, because before I got into NASCAR, I had to wait from the end of September to the beginning of April for the season to begin. (I'd say October, but that's post season baseball, and I am a huge Cubs fan - when they stop playing is when I normally stop paying too much attention to baseball. LOL) NASCAR, I only have two wait two and a half months. *sighs*


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