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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. Well guess who it is again? LOL. I wasn't going to post anything until I thought you were back so as to not bog you down with so much posts and all...don't think that is going to happen after tonight's race if it is as exciting as I am hoping it will be. I hope you will at least be able to catch a bit of it at least...or I know the speedchannel use to (Dont' know about this year) run the same race the next Thursday around two or so - you could record and watch it ;) Though if you are like me, I'd just hop on line and see who won and how Gordon and Johnson did and if they had a bad race, there is no need to watch the tape. LOL - or if you are also like me, don't have the time to sit down and watch it. So I hope you get to watch part of it...if not I will watch it for you and hope Edwards a good race - though I will be going for Gordon and Johnson - but I always wish Edwards a good race. He has such an awesome personality and attitude (as does Gordon and Johnson) and they all deserve a good race. My opinion of course.

    I didn't watch the Nationwide series race nor did I read the article I saw, but looks like ol' Carl Edwards won the race last night...though no back flip due to his broken foot. I think I'd be bummed out not to see him do it after a win, though I would understand why he wouldn't do it. LOL. (this was the original reason why I wrote to you...now how look this post is :D) So maybe he can carry that momentum to tonight's race.

    I was meaning to ask you, where does the announcers get the nickname for Edwards as Cousin Carl? I have always wondered that. LOL


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