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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. Oops...I didn't answer your question. I had to go back and look. As to whether I think Kyle will make it or break it...that's hard. If his luck holds out as he has been having, he won't make it, but I surely wouldn't count him out of it either. As I said, he is talented...LOL (I am sorry if you do like him, for what I said earlier. I tend to just take for granted that people feel the same about him as I do for some reason) Like I said earlier, I don't like saying things against a driver as to not offend anyone. So all of that I say about Kyle is my opinion...of what little it is worth. LOL

    As for Jimmie's and Brian Vicker's problem...that confused me to. But I think they said that there is two different ways that you can break an axel or something like that and Johnson had to go under the car to shove something or another. Something like that. I can't remember how they explained it, but they did say something about it being broken on the other side and shoving something it seems. LOL. They were surprised themselves that Vickers was able to fix it so quickly...he didn't even go a lap down! The only thing I can think of is that Johnon's break was worse or was in a more difficult place to fix than Vickers. Lucky for Vickers...LOL. Oh well, it is Vickers that needed the more points since he is on the bubble.

    I hope you have a great weekend! I am looking forward to your reply to all my messages. Hope they weren't too boring for you. LOL. Am also looking forward to hear what you think of tomorrow's race or the results. Good luck in the tractor pull...and have a GREAT time at the Toby Keith concert - he puts on a great show. I have seen him once and would love to see him again. LOL. In fact, I am wearing one of the shirts I got at his concerts. Too bad about the truck race though, but you do have think of travel and costs and so forth. Are you going to go to any of the chase races this year? LOL...as I said, once I get started talking about NASCAR, I don't shut up. Anyways enjoy your weekend. :)

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