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redneck woman

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  • Biography
    I'm a country girl living in the city. DOH helps me escape back to the country!
  • Location
    Central Missouri
  • Interests
    DOH, Nascar Sprint Cup racing, tractor pulls, and having a good time!
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  1. I am really looking forward to the race tomorrow night...about by this time tomorrow night we should know who's in the chase and who is out. :) It will be a good and interesting race. I am just glad that my boys are both in it and they can just go for the win and all that. Hopefully your Carl will have a much better race tomorrow...he deserves a good race.

    Wanna hear about an article I read on nascar.com today...it is either really funny or really annoying to hear (Funny in a sarcastic type of way). LOL. It was an opinionated article so I will give the author her rights for her opinions though I don't share the same opinion. She had an whole article on how NASCAR needs Kyle Busch in the chase...without Kyle, the chase would be boring and the championship would be boring without him in it and his after race comments and so forth.

    As I said, I have a way different opinion on the matter. I am really hoping he doesn't get in the chase. I feel like that is bad of me to wish or to think, but all the same, I hope he doesn't make it. *Holds breath while saying this* I will give him credit that he is a very talented driver and he has great skill at what he does. *Let's go of breath* there I said it. LOL. He just needs to mature up - he is better than last year, but not by much.

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