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Lots of people on this site seem to think that they could do a better job at making the Dukes of Hzzard tv show into a film. The film is not yet out and only a few people have seen a ruf-cut of the film. How can you moan about a film that is not out for a few months yet and you have not seen it.

How would you guys have made this film what would you have done. Who would you guys get to star in this film. Who would write this film. Who would direct it where would youy film it? It would be fun to find out.


OK, I'll bite...

If I were to get the rights to the film, I would have had a few fanfic writers (MaryAnne, Brian Coltrane, etc) write the script because they have a very good understanding of the original and how Hazzard works. I would have gotten realtively unknown actors for the Duke Cousins and Cooter. I would have had well-known actors for Uncle Jesse, Boss and Rosco (ie. Willie Nelson and Burt Reynolds). I don't know names of directors all that well, but I would have had someone who had a great deal of respect for the original cast and show. And I would have headed back to Georgia to film.

Most importantly, I would have looked to the original cast and crew for input on the movie (and they would have been welcome to be in the movie if they wanted to). And I would have looked to message boards like this one for input into the direction the movie would go.

I don't think anyone on this board started out "moaning" about the movie, I think most of us were initially really excited about seeing the "high flying" Dukes on the big screen (I still can't wait to see a big-screen General jump!), but what we are concerned about is that it appears that the writers, directors, cast, etc., of the new movie totally disregarded all elements of the original series.

If the movie was created by fans (or if John Schneider had gotten the rights when he wanted them to) I think we would have seen a movie that would have been a tribute to the original, rather than what will apparently be a parody.



I would pretty much do it like Lost Sheep said. I'd try to get John Schneider to direct it, or maybe James Best. Anyone from the original cast being a part of the film would be great.

I would have scoured the country looking for the next Daisy. She would be an unknown actor, and same with Bo and Luke. The Duke family would be attractive people (I don't know why they didn't do this). Remakes always come out better when cast with unknowns. Probably because they don't mess it up by trying to "reinterpret" the roles, they just want to get their big break.

The flag issue would be addressed, but tastefully and boldly. In fact, in one of my early ideas for a Dukes film, a young black guy from the city flees to the countryside because he has a gang after him. He meets up with the Dukes who take him in and give him a hand, and ultimately take on the gang. This would open up some opportunities for dialogue about the flag, but more importantly it would clearly show what the real meaning is. Plus I think it would be a great plot because the Dukes would think tha a gang problem wasn't that big of a deal until they showed up in Hazzard. Again, a plot that's ripe with twists and turns, and that whole urban-rural dichotomy. CB talk and urban lingo would crossover in a playful way.

The Dukes would be on probation, and there would be plenty of temptation to violate that by getting some guns, or even running shine to raise a few quick bucks for their friend. Early on, Boss Hogg would be scheming against the Dukes (probably involving moonshine) and even trying to pin a crime on their new friend, but by the end, the Dukes, Boss, Rosco, and Enos would all be joining forces against the baddies.

General Lee would go up against a bunch of ricers and mop the floor with them. The real chase would begin when another classic muscle car driven by the gang leader roars into town. In fact, there could be about three gang muscle cars that could have some really great paintjobs and modifications. What follows is an attempt to make a legendary car chase that makes Bullitt look like a walk in the park with a poodle.

The chases would include explosive jumps, and plenty of shots from above the General Lee like the series did, where you saw the flag and the hood going down the road. My original plan was to actually include a cameo in which the Dukes pull up at an intersection beside a black Trans Am and out pops Burt Reynolds, who says something like "Nice ride, son. Better be good at ducking the law."

There would be a Coy and Vance joke. I mean, come on, that would be funny. In fact, if they were good sports about it, I would have Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer make cameos as grocery store baggers or something, making a mess of things and saying "Well, we don't normally do this, we're just filling in for the regular guys."

The money saved by not hiring big names would go into big stunts and filling the soundtrack with real country music. Maybe even have a celebrity speed trap at some point (not necessarily the end of the film). The narrator would be a sound-alike, to give it that Waylon feel which is essential to the Dukes of Hazzard.

Yeah, it'd be something like that.


Lost Sheep, this movie is not a parody of the show, because the writers and directors are revamping the franchise and putting it into todays world.

ideas, morales and ethics if the show would have been fine for a movie 25 years ago but wake the hell up, this is 2005.

i swear to god you people dwell in a fantasy world.

OK, I'll bite...

If I were to get the rights to the film, I would have had a few fanfic writers (MaryAnne, Brian Coltrane, etc) write the script because they have a very good understanding of the original and how Hazzard works. I would have gotten realtively unknown actors for the Duke Cousins and Cooter. I would have had well-known actors for Uncle Jesse, Boss and Rosco (ie. Willie Nelson and Burt Reynolds). I don't know names of directors all that well, but I would have had someone who had a great deal of respect for the original cast and show. And I would have headed back to Georgia to film.

Most importantly, I would have looked to the original cast and crew for input on the movie (and they would have been welcome to be in the movie if they wanted to). And I would have looked to message boards like this one for input into the direction the movie would go.

I don't think anyone on this board started out "moaning" about the movie, I think most of us were initially really excited about seeing the "high flying" Dukes on the big screen (I still can't wait to see a big-screen General jump!), but what we are concerned about is that it appears that the writers, directors, cast, etc., of the new movie totally disregarded all elements of the original series.

If the movie was created by fans (or if John Schneider had gotten the rights when he wanted them to) I think we would have seen a movie that would have been a tribute to the original, rather than what will apparently be a parody.



Actually, ideas morals and ethics have changed very little in the last 50 years, statistically speaking. The media has become less entertaining by capitalizing on immorality, but that doesn't mean that all things need to be compromised. Cheer the hell up. :D


Hey, Bama. I'm very happy in my fantasy world, thankyaverymuch. :p

Dale, I dig your ideas. They illustrate what a fan perspective could have added to this movie. Who knows, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised by what we actually see in the movie. But if we ain't....hey, nothing says fans couldn't put together their own movie project and show it at DukesFest or something.

Our own Hazzard County Film Festival, how 'bout 'dat!


Our own Hazzard County Film Festival, how 'bout 'dat!

Last year, I was really tossing around the idea of a fan-made Dukes movie just to prove that fans could do better, but a film festival.... There could be enough interest to actually do that on a small scale. The worst problem I encountered was that fans are everywhere across the US and Canada. If I were to choose everyone I wanted AND a place to film it, I'd have to fly people in from everywhere.

A mini film-fest could let people get creative. We could see animated Dukes films and plenty of goofy parodies, or serious short films. That would be a lot of fun.


That's what I'm thinkin', Dale. I went ahead and forwarded the idea to Ben. Can't promise anything will come of it, but what the heck.

Dukes fans are amused by each other enough, that we'd probably get a kick out of seeing what people came up with.

For example, look at the stuff Brad has done, putting clips and images together. (under the "Videos" section in our quick links from the homepage.) Having a few different categories would give everybody a chance to participate. Could be a lot of fun there.



Well I sure wouldnt have used teh actors they have now. I mean common. Jessica Simpson....ick. I would have kept willie nelson as Uncle J though. But Burt Reynolds is no boss. I'm thinking more of Danny Devito. That would have been funny.

Not sure if I would have went with unknowns or lesser known actors...

I dont think I'd ask fanfic writers for inupt. No offense to anyone but there seems to be a whole lot of Mary Sues in DOH fic. I'd be a little worried what people would do to the movie.

I would ask the originals for input. Hell, they helped create the property that we know and love.

There wouldnt be a lot of pot or other drugs in the movie, as we've heard will be in this movie.

There would have to be chemistry between the cousins. Without it the movie would be horrible.


We really like Dale's idea for a script! That'd be a movie worth watching. While it doesn't have to be the whole focus of the film, we'd definatly would have Enos and Daisy finally get married!

As we said many times before, if this movie has them get married, it may just redeem itself (in our book anyway).


Dale - You have some great ideas, a movie like that is something I would definitely like to take part in.

ideas, morales and ethics if the show would have been fine for a movie 25 years ago but wake the hell up, this is 2005.

The lack of ideals, morals and ethics in the media today is exactly why this movie should have been filmed with more of the ideals of the TV show.

I'm very happy in my fantasy world, thankyaverymuch.

I couldn't agree more, Brian!


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