dukesran1 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 i saw this over at Yahoo and the more i read about this i dont knowhttp://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=19852This is spley sorry wrong word coming from a guy who saw a sneek peck of the movie but what i read it sould like if it's true they did make it into a Starsky and Hutch watch i liked but not for this show Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 Thank you for posting this - frankly, the more I read these, the less inclined I am to watch the movie....I mean come on - did the people writing this even watch 3 hours of Dukes? I won't say more, in case anyone stops where it says "spoilers ahead", but I seriously doubt that anyone associated with writing this movie watched even 1 episode of the original.Yes, Starsky and Hutch was different than the original and I loved the movie (but then again, I really liked Wilson & Stiller as Hutch and Starsky), but DOH is different, S&H was a fairly recent (within the past 4 years) show for me, I've watched DOH since day one, and I don't like a lot of the things that I am reading that they are doing with these characters. I have a huge respect for the cast of the original DOH, yes, some of the writing was not the finest on TV, but the cast took it and made it great despite that. I had hopes that this movie would bring newcomers to the original, but I'm afraid that after reading that, if anything, newcomers won't want to see the original, because the movie sounds like it is so far removed. It sounds almost as if anyone who likes the new movie will take one look at the original and not like it because it is too clean and wholesome (innuendo aside) and those that like the original will not like the movie because it is too far removed from what DOH should be. I'm still hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised, but as of right now, I'm looking forward more to Season 3 coming out, than I am to the new movie.Thanks for listening to my rant.LS3 Quote
back Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 Werent we hoping for a Super Troopers cameo? im gone.-Brad Quote
01 GENERAL LEE 01 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 This movie is gonna suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Stoner Dukes?! C'mon! Super Troopers wasn't that great, people. Broken Lizard crud is just that...crud. I could throw up better jokes than they come up with. I bet you they even write stoned when they wrote all their movies. They're all the WORST KIND of kindergarten humor. The Dukes movie is a TOTAL DEPARTURE from the show, never have I been more certain after just reading that. General Lee or not, I'm considering NOT bothering with this movie now. Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 I think this guy was more interested in the comedy aspect of the movie not the movie as a whole. He sounds kinda nerdy to me. Anyways, I think the movie sounds pretty good. They've done what all that I have hoped for for the movie. Kept the General Lee the same, make the jumpe real (no CGI), and have a country legend either narrate or play Uncle Jesse or Boss Hogg (Willie). If you have reservations about the movie, (which I can't blame a person for, especially if they've seen Super Troopers) go see it first without your kids. If it's ok then see it again with them. Lets remember it is PG-13. There's not a whole lot they can do in the movie anyways. Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 What's next? Is the Broken Lizard crew going to do the next Superman movie and have Superman be a gay rapist? Or remake The Passion of the Christ and have Jesus rob people and cast evil spells for revenge?The only use of pot smokers in this movie is maybe as the bad guys. In fact, they DID that episode in the Dukes series. As a bona fide country boy, I hate dirtball druggies, so I can't stand the notion of good ol' boys being portrayed as losers who are so mentally weak that they have to resort to chemical shut-down of the brain in order to acheive happiness. Especially Uncle Jesse. This is probably the worst thing they could do. I'd rather see the Dukes accidentally kill someone, because at least that is a plot twist. But the drug thing is just a slap in the face to rural America and fans of traditional good ol' boy respect for themselves and others.I think we should petition WB to re-title this movie, to show that it's a mockery and a parody. "Broken Lizard Presents The Hippies of Hazzard" for example. Then next year, they could make a Dukes of Hazzard movie.I really really hope this review is a joke intended to get us to storm the studio with torches and pitchforks. Because if it is, it worked on me. Now, where did I leave my pitchfork? Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 I think people need to calm the F-down about this movie if you know what I mean. Quote
Divia Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Spoilers.......turn back...now.......Ok, after I read thisThe fat dude from Super Troopers does a great part as Cooter who’s a creepy pervert who only wears underwear and a robe. He thinks that the government is trying to read his mind so he makes armadillo helmets to block the signal (there’s more to it, but I’m summarizing).All I could say is wtf? followed closely by I mean I dont get it. And I'm sorry but I agree Super Troopers wasnt that great. I think I laughed once..maybe twice tops.I want to like this movie but if its gonna be about a bunch of stoners I'm gonna have a problem. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 I'm with Divia, I want to like the movie, but so far I'm not seeing much in the reviews to suggest I will. A few weeks ago, I was thinking along the same lines as Traveler "let's just all calm down, at least they're making the movie", but now, since seeing some of the reviews of the trailer, I'm just not sure.I'll still see it (I'd probably see just about anything that referenced DOH in the title), and I will try to have an open mind, but I sudder to think that even half of what the reviewer in the above link says is true. LS3 Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Well now we know why Ben Jones is so upset about the movie. Quote
rodneyfarva Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Why did that review seem fishy to me?that review was dead on, on the test passed. the WB is reportedly very happy with what jay and broken lizard have accomplished. talks of a sequel are already under way Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 that review was dead on, on the test passed. the WB is reportedly very happy with what jay and broken lizard have accomplished. talks of a sequel are already under way In the eighties, the execs wanted the Dukes cancelled, but they couldn't because the audience made it a top ten show. Now, the execs like the movie so much they're planning a sequel without even knowing how the audience will react. Let me guess, in the sequel, the execs want the Dukes to be vegetarian animal rights activists who are on a mission to torch the local slaughterhouse, but they find that it's a front for a crack house and the Dukes promptly smoke enough crack to kill a horse, and it results in a typical movie party that resembles an orgy. Then "Luke" dares "Bo" to eat poop just as he lights a fart that burns the place down. Then they drive off in an electric powered car with a peace symbol on top. Quote
Divia Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Hmmmmmmm.Dan, in that sequel does Enos finally lose his viriginity? Just wondering. Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 He'll probably lose his virginity in the first movie. Because in the Hollywood mind, it's physically impossible to wait for marriage. Quote
sam29 Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Lets all not moan about this film anymore. Yes the Dukes of Hazzard was a great show. I bet it will do well at the box office. I saw the show the other day for the first time in years and I still thought it was great, but things had to change I like what I have read so far about the film. You can't s make the film just like the tv show was it just would not work. Get over it guys. The A team,Dallas,Superman, James Bond , Pink Panther , Bewitched and Herbbie are all remakes of films tv shows being made or coming out this summer. If you do not like the sound of this new Dukes of Hazzard film do not go and see it. I think the cast will be great . Yes they could of got a better cast so what it is not the end of the world it is only a film. I hope the film will be great. I am really looking forward to it. Have you not got something better to do than moan bout this film. What we really want on this forum is more info on this film . Lets all give this film ago you never know you might like it. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Sam,One of the great things about HazzardNet is that we are all allowed to form our own opinions. Yes, we all want more info about the film, however, a lot of us (including myself) are really concerned that this movie is going to stray so far from the original that if it weren't for the General, it wouldn't be recognizable as the Dukes of Hazzard. Unfortunately, it seems that the people charged with bringing our favorite show to the big screen do not hold the same high regard and respect for the original cast and show that HazzardNet users do.LS3 Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Unfortunately, it seems that the people charged with bringing our favorite show to the big screen do not hold the same high regard and respect for the original cast and show that HazzardNet users do.Exactly. I know that if the fans were to magically obtain the rights to the Dukes of Hazzard, we could put together a film that would be true to the original, and be a bigger box office hit. Hollywood has lost its soul a long time ago, and that's why independent films are becoming so successful, they don't have to answer to mindless suits in offices who base their industry on "sex sells" and "youth thinks drugs are cool."Have you not got something better to do than moan about people who are discussing flaws in this film? Messageboards like this are great because if there's a smart marketing researcher at WB who wants to see fan reactions to the upcoming movie, they'd be searching for boards such as this for feedback. So if you work for WB and are currently reading this, you're the smart one I'm talking about. Our incessant whining could theoretically result in them cutting something like an awful scene which Uncle Jesse administers a narcotic to himself in a completely unfunny way (not that there exists a funny way for such a tragedy). I would pay good money to see that piece of film shredded and forever forgotten. Or replace it with footage of Jay Chandrasekhar literally urinating on Denver Pyle's grave instead of just doing it figuratively.Why is it that people laugh about drug use anyway? "Hey, look, his communication skills have been inhibited to the point where he says really stupid things! Weee!" I bet those same people would think of a trip to the asylum as a circus, "It's like they're high all the time. Look, that guy is chewing on furniture and thinks he's being attacked by snakes, this must be heaven." Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Exactly. I know that if the fans were to magically obtain the rights to the Dukes of Hazzard, we could put together a film that would be true to the original, and be a bigger box office hit. Hollywood has lost its soul a long time ago, and that's why independent films are becoming so successful, they don't have to answer to mindless suits in offices who base their industry on "sex sells" and "youth thinks drugs are cool."I agree with you completely! I wish we (as fans) had been given the rights to this movie, we would have done a much better job than what the reviews are suggesting has been done. I also agree that drug use is not funny...as I said in another post, Uncle Jesse would never have condoned drug use, much less used drugs himself.I feel bad for the original "Dukes" actors who have to see what BL is making of a show that they put 7 years of heart and soul into. I shudder to imagine what Sorrel or Denver would have thought of this...LS3 Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I read somewhere once that John Schneider tried to buy the rights to the Dukes of Hazzard from Warner Bros. but they refused to sell it. Can you imagine the film he would have made? I'm sure it would have been phenomenal. And I think he was trying to do this back before we lost Sorrell Booke. Quote
Scott Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Ya know what's getting old? Comparing characters in a movie to actors who live in Hollywood. Just because Wilie Nelson tokes a little (okay, A LOT) in his personal life does not mean he smokes it on screen. I don't think Uncle Jessie smoked too many cigarettes on screen, let alone us worrying about his zig zags falling out his overalls climbing out the Genearl Lee. That's why there's two sides to a coin. Make believe and real life. Regardless of who's playing who in any movie or tv show, if it's a good actor(ress), then you'll be oblivious to their real word drama and only get into the scene. It's called the enjoyment of a movie. Gee, did they really shoot Ol' Yeller? I think not. ("Can't we all just get along?") I say let's all get together, buddy up on the popcorn, and enjoy a movie for what it is...a movie. (Uh, that's the make-believe side of the coin by the way) Quote
Divia Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I think some of the people object to the fact that there is drug use in the movie, not that the actors do it in their spare time. Personally, I dont care what they do in their spare time but to have it on the screen is a totally different story. Quote
Scott Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 How do we know if there is drug use on screen? I don't believe there is any at all. Oh well. Quote
BubbaDuke Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I agree with Scott. I have read all of these reviews and do not recall seeing anything about drug use. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Most of the reviews indicate or imply that the Duke boys are on drugs, and one of the aintitcool reviews indicate that Uncle Jesse smoked pot in one of the scenes, Dale the Bold posted on another thread that the mention of Jesse smoking pot may be a hoax. I think most of us don't care what people do in their personal lives, personally, I was hoping that Willie would be a part of the movie in some way or another from the beginning, he is one of the few country music icons that is still out there performing from the same era as Waylon Jennings.What I do care about is how the characters behave in the movie...I have a great deal of respect for the actors who originally played these characters. Perhaps I wouldn't feel as strongly if this was to be a "Dukes: the next Generation" type movie and they had changed the characters names and made them decendants or other family of the originals.LS3 Quote
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