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i'm starting to see august 5th on all the movie web sites. that is a new development, and would explain why we havent seen an official web site or a trailer. but thats a long time for post production, which is not a good sign. dont be suprised if some legal issues were raised by warner brothers. at any rate, i deem this a set back


I hope they didn't have a change of heart about having the flag on the roof and are now removing it with CGI. I can only imagine how many misinformed PC whiners have sent protesting letters to Warner Brothers about that flag by now.


Does anyone really know when this movie is comming out I have see some many different dates. Its it come out June 24, or July 7, or July 29, or the Aug 5. Every time I turn around WB keeps changing it. I wish they leave it alone. Leave it at one date and keep there. 8)


I heard June 24th many times.

I think Jessica Simpson might have muttered July 7th in her interview with Leno, but then again she is a ditz, I'm shocked she even remembers her name so I'll wait to hear it from someone else.

I heard the Aug date as well, but I think that is overseas.

Of course, I could be wrong about all this. In truth, I dont think we really know. But I hope its in June.


This is really getting to worry me. The same stuff started happening with both the last Crow movie and Marvel's Man-Thing movie. And the are both now coming out straight to video. Not trying to jinx anything (maily because I think this movie has enough without one), but it does not bode well for the movie.


From what I've heard they(powers that be) have high expectations for this movie. Still, its a little odd that we are into April, and have yet to see offical pics, trailer, poster..or something. Are we all jumping the gun or should we be worried?


I wouldn't worry. Rumor has it the movie soundtrack is still in production, and when that's done, the editing will get finished. Far as the release date goes, the single-biggest deciding factor, is...... whatever weekend will probably make the most money. They'll strategize the Dukes movie release to try and hit optimum timing. A strong release is everthing; word-of-mouth reviews can either help a movie or hurt it, so it's essential to capture the biggest possible audience out of the gate.

Remember, too, that the Season 3 DVD is supposed to have a free movie ticket in it. The DVD is coming out in late May, so that tells me the movie can't come out all that far behind it. Then again, the movie can't come out so very soon after the DVD, that it's already out of theatres by the time some folks have got around to buying it.

I'm willing to bet that we'll see a trailer and theatre previews closer to Memorial Day, right around when the 3rd season DVD is coming out. My Magic 8-ball guess is that the Dukes movie might hit around the 4th of July. Meanwhile, they'll keep us guessing, keep the buzz going, but not give out much detail. I think WB is on to the fact that there's some mixed feelings in the fandom, and they're not gonna give us anything to freak out about too far in advance. But if they show us some cool previews on the 3rd season DVD...that could drive some momentum, and get everybody primed for the box office release.

As usual, I could be wrong, but this is my gut guess for what it's worth.


I wouldn't worry. Rumor has it the movie soundtrack is still in production, and when that's done, the editing will get finished. Far as the release date goes, the single-biggest deciding factor, is...... whatever weekend will probably make the most money. They'll strategize the Dukes movie release to try and hit optimum timing. A strong release is everthing; word-of-mouth reviews can either help a movie or hurt it, so it's essential to capture the biggest possible audience out of the gate.

Remember, too, that the Season 3 DVD is supposed to have a free movie ticket in it. The DVD is coming out in late May, so that tells me the movie can't come out all that far behind it. Then again, the movie can't come out so very soon after the DVD, that it's already out of theatres by the time some folks have got around to buying it.

I'm willing to bet that we'll see a trailer and theatre previews closer to Memorial Day, right around when the 3rd season DVD is coming out. My Magic 8-ball guess is that the Dukes movie might hit around the 4th of July. Meanwhile, they'll keep us guessing, keep the buzz going, but not give out much detail. I think WB is on to the fact that there's some mixed feelings in the fandom, and they're not gonna give us anything to freak out about too far in advance. But if they show us some cool previews on the 3rd season DVD...that could drive some momentum, and get everybody primed for the box office release.

As usual, I could be wrong, but this is my gut guess for what it's worth.


i found it to be odd that it would open against the remake of bewitched(june 24) but july 7 would be a disaster with the fantastic four being pushed back to that date. i feel august is not a good release for this movie either, but its got to come out sometime, so late july sounds about right.


I somehow don't see "Bewitched" as being a strategic threat worth working around. But in any case, it sure looks like WB is jockeying for position with the Dukes release.

Maybe we should hold a raffle on "Guess the Movie Release Date." Kind of like a football pool. Everybody pick a square! We'd probably get some real misinformation all over the internet with that one. Heh heh.



It would be suicide to open with fantastic 4.

I dont see Bewitched being a big threat though. It can be the weekend of TV shows made into Movies. :wink: I hope it coems out in June. I dont want to wait till July or Aug for the movie.

And I'm still waiting to see if Enos has a mustache in the movie...man I hope not.


Southernpride mentioned a couple of movies going straight to video, but since they are including a ticket to the movie in the Season 3 DVD set, I think that the possibility of that happening to DOH is unlikely.

I don't really care if it comes out in June, July or August, I am anxious to see it. I look at this with optimism and the hope that it will bring the original series to the attention of many more people.


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