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1. The sliding door has to be slammed to close fully (only on minivans).

2. The Passenger door isn't used, beacuase it doen't stay shut Anymore.

3.The radio doesn't work anymore.

4.The is a permanent rattle in the rear window.

5.There used to be a armrest somewhere.

6. There is a combination lock keeping the glove door shut.

7.If you put your valuable documents under the front set.

8.If your car keys is a screwdriver.

9. If your put your dog in your car to guard in it, but when you get the dog is misssing the car is still there.

10. If your dog refuse to ride in your car, when you rattle the keys.


This guy I work with had to use a screwdriver to start his old car. This car was so bad, the frame and body started to seperate at the rear!!!

A few winters ago, he had the snow covered where the state inspection sticker should be, so the cops won't hassle him for driving an uninspected car. While driving to the junkyard that year, he was only three blocks from the junkyard when he got pulled over, and received a ticket for no inspection!!! Go figure.


You know your car is too old when:

1.) You call the make of it "Rolls Canardly" because it "Rolls" down one hill, and "Canardly" get up the next.

2.) Your car has "2-40" air conditioning. It feels like air conditioning with 2 windows down, going 40 mph. :roll:


When you take it through the carwash, the bad weatherstripping allows in so much water, you think yer gonna drown.

Cops pull you over to tell you something is leaking, dragging, smoking...

You take it to a new mechanic, and he panics at the sight of it.

You can lower neighborhood property values by parking it in front of any given house.

Hitchhikers turn their backs to you when they see you coming.

New car dealers refuse you at the gate.


When you take it through the carwash, the bad weatherstripping allows in so much water, you think yer gonna drown.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. :wink:

My car has this wonderful feature. Also the radio is possessed. It works, but the stations change on me at random. I never know what I'm gonna be listening to once I turn the radio on. ROFL


You know your car is old when the driver's side door only opens from the inside about half the time. The other half you have to have someone let you out, reach through the window to the outside handle, or climb out through the window!


My dad had Caprice Classic that you had to turn off the turn signal after you made the turn.

Hee hee....that sounds like my old car (a 1986 rusting sky blue Celebrity). Ahh, those were the days: having to move the dang signal after making the left turn, letting loose some choice words when the "Service Engine Soon" button lit up, and when the car's frame finally separated and I had to drive eight miles at 55 mph diagonally to my sister's house. :lol:

Car memories...what a way to make a first post.


Howdy, Officer Barbrady! Welcome to HazzardNet.

You picked a great topic to chime in on. I think "busted frame" takes the prize for the most hazzard-ous vehicular condition, while driving.

I've driven old cars for the majority of my life, so I've always got one more for the "You know your car is old, when..."

...when the trunk lock breaks, and the trunk lid abruptly flies open while you're driving, and refuses to stay down for anything. All other motorists assume you haven't noticed this and proceed to wave and honk for your attention all the way home.


...when the trunk lock breaks, and the trunk lid abruptly flies open while you're driving, and refuses to stay down for anything. All other motorists assume you haven't noticed this and proceed to wave and honk for your attention all the way home.

Man, that reminds me of when we bought my '71 RoadRunner a month ago. The trunk lock had popped and we had to go through the backseat to get it open. Then we put all the parts in and used a ROPE to get it closed. It kept bouncin' up and down.


You know your car is old when you take it to the service station, the mechanic gets the thing on the lift, and it doesn't even make it halfway up without the rotten frame snapping in half down the length of the car. My friend's dad did this about a week after he bought it. It was a 1968 Chevy Impala. I think it was back in the eighties when that happened.

I could just see it now: "Uh, I think your frame is bad. You want me to fix that, too? I'll put it on your tab."


1. You wash it and it actually looks worse.

2. You clean off all of the rust and then things start falling off.

3. Your mechanic says "I didn't think that there were any of these around."

4. Your new mechanic scratches his head and asks "what is it?"

5. The dealership pays YOU to keep it on the trade-in.


You know your car is old when you have it towed to a new garage and they can't figure out how to start the darn thing. This actually happened to me. It was an older car with an automatic choke.

Unfortunately, they didn't let me know they were having trouble starting it to move it into the work bay until it had been there for 3 days! (The garage later redeemed themselves by completing work on a different car within 3 hours of my bringing it in - so I could drive it home from work that night.)



My brother had 82 Toyota Starlet with a custom wooden window that stick shift he never drove it thow but it was his first car. Oh a 1970's Ford Country Squire Wagon that went on fishing trip got bumped died in the driveway. The previous re did the wiring backwords there was no way of fixing this wagon. Cooter would sctrached his heard on this car in the show.

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