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James Bond is about to be played by a 6th actor. Lots of actors have played Robin Hood and Superman and Batman and they have all done well at the box office or on tv.. It is never the same when they mess around with tv shows and books or remake films. Lets all face it they have made a new Dukes of Hazzard for the cinema. Yes they could of got a better cast for this movie,but then I am quite happy with the cast they have got if it is not the best cast. Lets all give it a go and hope it is going to be a winner. We all know some tv shows they have made into films have not been great. I saw the tv show for the first time in years the other day and thought that they were right to change some things let hope the change is for the good. Can't wait to see this movie. Lets hope they have a good sound-track.


And I think some would feel a lot better if we got some info on the movie. Screen shots...at the very least. Everything seems to be hush hush, which has a few worried. Typically something leaks out from movies.

And I think some would feel a lot better if we got some info on the movie. Screen shots...at the very least. Everything seems to be hush hush, which has a few worried. Typically something leaks out from movies.

you do know that stuff that is "leaked" is actually intentinally put out there to peak viewer interest.


That being said, you'd think they could afford to leak out some more!

Still nothing on WB's own website. My only other theory, is that they're afraid to put too much advance stuff out, for fear of backlash about the flag, or who-knows-what. That, or there's some sticky contractual thing that's being worked out yet. The latter being the most likely.



bamamediamafia wrote:

"you do know that stuff that is "leaked" is actually intentinally put out there to peak viewer interest."

Well thats even worse, don't you think? I mean if the studio isn't leaking any stills or news or anything then I might be more worried.

Don't get me wrong. I want the movie to do well. If it does it will help boost DOH. I see nothing wrong with that.


Yeah, there have been many James Bonds, but this is like James Bond being played by Paul Reubens.

I've seen many Dukes fans telling other fans not to complain about the cast. As a fan who is disappointed with the cast, I certainly plan to see the movie. I plan to be objective, as I think it still could be an excellent movie. But even if it does better than Titanic and Star Wars combined, I hope it does the series justice. I don't want this one-of-a-kind show to be redefined or watered down into yet another low brow urban take on rural America.

Kind of like how Dodge recently redefined the "Charger." We heard the rumors in advance, we grumbled about it, then they unveiled it, and we were prepared for that awful sight. It would have been great if we had been pleasantly surprised.

So it's healthy to be prepared for the worst. If I'm wrong, I will be delighted. If the movie is a disappointment, I can say "Yeah, I was prepared for that."

I am looking forward to the release of the film either way. By the end of the summer I can say I thought it was poorly cast and people will actually take that for what it's worth. The film could be a masterpiece and the fact will remain that a more appropriate cast would have made it better. The world is full of non-celebrities, many of which would have been a lot more Duke-ish than the famous faces they spent the big bucks on.


i swear to god almighty if i hear one more crack about this cast being wrong, i'll shoot someone.

this is the perfect cast, this is what the creator wanted, it's either this or ashton kutcher and paul walker (which both really are the true bad choices).

Yeah, there have been many James Bonds, but this is like James Bond being played by Paul Reubens.

I've seen many Dukes fans telling other fans not to complain about the cast. As a fan who is disappointed with the cast, I certainly plan to see the movie. I plan to be objective, as I think it still could be an excellent movie. But even if it does better than Titanic and Star Wars combined, I hope it does the series justice. I don't want this one-of-a-kind show to be redefined or watered down into yet another low brow urban take on rural America.

Kind of like how Dodge recently redefined the "Charger." We heard the rumors in advance, we grumbled about it, then they unveiled it, and we were prepared for that awful sight. It would have been great if we had been pleasantly surprised.

So it's healthy to be prepared for the worst. If I'm wrong, I will be delighted. If the movie is a disappointment, I can say "Yeah, I was prepared for that."

I am looking forward to the release of the film either way. By the end of the summer I can say I thought it was poorly cast and people will actually take that for what it's worth. The film could be a masterpiece and the fact will remain that a more appropriate cast would have made it better. The world is full of non-celebrities, many of which would have been a lot more Duke-ish than the famous faces they spent the big bucks on.

this is the perfect cast, this is what the creator wanted, it's either this or ashton kutcher and paul walker (which both really are the true bad choices).

i partially agree on that but paul walker would have made a better bo because he looks the part but im ok with who they picked.we need to give the new cast a chance and not make rude comments till we see how it does and IF its bad.

i swear to god almighty if i hear one more crack about this cast being wrong, i'll shoot someone.

I think the jury is out until we all see the movie. In the meantime, I think as far as Bo, Luke, and Daisy are concerned, the cast coulda been better.


i swear to god almighty if i hear one more crack about this cast being wrong, i'll shoot someone.

I think the jury is out until we all see the movie. In the meantime, I think as far as Bo, Luke, and Daisy are concerned, the cast coulda been better.


how could the cast be better? is it because you want some brunette with plastics boobs to play daisy? or would yolu rather have old, wrinkled up, half dead wash ups in this movie?

how could the cast be better? is it because you want some brunette with plastics boobs to play daisy?

Where in the blue hell did you come up with that one? Has anyone on this board stated that they wanted someone with "plastic boobs" to play Daisy? Catherine Bach certainly didn't have fake breasts. BTW; Jessica Simpson = ugly as homemade shoes. Chicks that look like her are a dime a dozen; half price on Sundays. She doesn't hold a candle to Catherine Bach in '79.


Yo, Bama:

how could the cast be better? is it because you want some brunette with plastics boobs to play daisy? or would yolu rather have old, wrinkled up, half dead wash ups in this movie?

You're always ready with a spitball, ain'tcha. Well, having considered the introspective analysis you've offered - I'd have to say that the most artificial thing about Jessica is her acting. My preferences for Daisy's role have more to do with the authentic representation of the original character, rather than any crude comparison of body parts. Admittedly, my perspective on casting is different than yours, as I'm not struggling with adolescent dementia.

I'm also of the opinion, that if you put the original Dukes cast in the movie, next to the new cast....the originals would steal the show, wrinkles, dimples, warts n' all. I know you'll be shocked someday when you too, grow older, and you can legally have your first beer. Time plays no favorites...you can only hope it treats you as kindly, as it's treated them.


i swear to god almighty if i hear one more crack about this cast being wrong, i'll shoot someone.

this is the perfect cast, this is what the creator wanted, it's either this or ashton kutcher and paul walker (which both really are the true bad choices).

Hear hear. Almost as tired as new Star Wars movie bashing.

Can't wait to see how the General will look flying around on the big screen.


you think i'm a teen? that's flattering considering i'm going on 30 yrs old.

Jessica simpson s a beautiful person, your idea of beauty of severely warped to call her ugly.

Yo, Bama:
how could the cast be better? is it because you want some brunette with plastics boobs to play daisy? or would yolu rather have old, wrinkled up, half dead wash ups in this movie?

You're always ready with a spitball, ain'tcha. Well, having considered the introspective analysis you've offered - I'd have to say that the most artificial thing about Jessica is her acting. My preferences for Daisy's role have more to do with the authentic representation of the original character, rather than any crude comparison of body parts. Admittedly, my perspective on casting is different than yours, as I'm not struggling with adolescent dementia.

I'm also of the opinion, that if you put the original Dukes cast in the movie, next to the new cast....the originals would steal the show, wrinkles, dimples, warts n' all. I know you'll be shocked someday when you too, grow older, and you can legally have your first beer. Time plays no favorites...you can only hope it treats you as kindly, as it's treated them.



This is getting good...

I'm waiting more for these replies than I am the movie coming out. Sorta. I got some old boxing gloves in the attic if'n y'all want 'em. Yeeeehaaaaw!


Jessica Simpson is like all those other blonde chicks. She's got the hair, she's got the pouty lips and she's dumber than a doornail. Anyone that stupid needs to have some sense beat into her. And if its an act that's even worse.

I'm annoyed that they picked a blonde to play Daisy. Its just so damn typical to pick some blonde as if they are the only ones who can be pretty or sexy.

I don't think the original cast should have done the new movie. If they are trying to get more fans I think it would be better to have new blood in the movie than the original actors. That being said they could have picked some better people. The guy from Jackass? Common. Whoever said they should get better second class actors is right. They could have put a little more thought into casting this movie.


To: Bama, ol' buddy...

you think i'm a teen? that's flattering considering i'm going on 30 yrs old. Jessica simpson s a beautiful person, your idea of beauty of severely warped to call her ugly.

Holy crow...30?!? My sympathies. Awright, I retract the "adolescent" remark, we'll just leave it as ordinary dementia.

Anyhow, I never said Jessica was ugly. I did, however, call her acting ability into question. That being said, I've made it pretty clear that I'm giving the new movie, and it's cast, an honest chance. Meantime, the original cast has my highest regard.

You can have your opinion, and I can have mine. Disparaging remarks, though, will be answered with disparaging remarks. All depends on the kind of dialogue you want to have.



Jessica Simpson is ugly by Hollywood standards. If she was an unknown actress auditioning for the role, the first words she'd hear are "get that broken nose fixed." That's the standard of Hollywood. If she were some girl on the street, she'd be average, but in Hollywood, she's too ugly. There are a lot of prettier girls who are also COUNTRY girls that would be far more appropriate for the role. America is full of 'em, and yet they cast this movie as though "star power" was required. As if to say the Dukes of Hazzard and/or the script weren't strong enough on their own.


You could hang a coat on that beak!


At best she is right on par visually with the bimbos of the week that Bo was always hot for. She is about as generic looking as they come. If Simpson had been the original Daisy there would certainly be no difficulty in replacing her today in the movie. Just about any chick from any T&A B-movie or five and dime soap opera would work just fine.

Notice all the controversy and difficulty surrounding the task of replacing Catherine Bach? There is a reason for that. Bach had genuine and unique beauty; "one in a million" as they say. She wasn't a cardboard cutout like Jessica Simpson.

Bach had genuine and unique beauty; "one in a million" as they say. She wasn't a cardboard cutout like Jessica Simpson.

I think in addition to that, Catherine Bach has a sweetness about her personality that came out in the character. When she would tease a guy and laugh, it was sweet as could be. I remember when she was driving Uncle Jesse's truck and blocking the bad guys. They shouted "Move MOVE!" and she replied with "I'm trying sir!" She delivered that perfectly, and I think we often saw Cathy Bach on screen, not a character she was playing. Call it the "Daisy Duke" factor.


I think in addition to that, Catherine Bach has a sweetness about her personality that came out in the character. When she would tease a guy and laugh, it was sweet as could be. I remember when she was driving Uncle Jesse's truck and blocking the bad guys. They shouted "Move MOVE!" and she replied with "I'm trying sir!" She delivered that perfectly, and I think we often saw Cathy Bach on screen, not a character she was playing. Call it the "Daisy Duke" factor.

Yeah, I love Daisy's personality. <smile> She's smart, sweet, and knows how to have a sense of humor... You don't see that combination much.


I just saw American Wedding the other night. Sean William Scott stole the whole movie. He was really good. Hopefully he's not as raunchy in the movie but I don't think he will be. Just wanted to add my two cents.

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