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To me, Hazzard County is not just small county that Warner brothers had created while they had planned up the Dukes of Hazzard, but a place that holds a lot of meanings wrapped into one word.

To me Hazzard is a place full of love and understanding, a place where there is no discrimination of one another; where everyone is treated rightly no matter what. There is no better or no worse between people. Hazzard County was a peaceful little town filled with the corrupt law that patrolled over the small community of farmers, moon shine runners, a few small businesses; and most of all, of neighbors that cared about one another, looked out for one another. A small town with the small band of good ol’ boys, made mostly out of Dukes that went out of their way to make things right with the town against the corrupt law. Hazzard County was a place where you could depend on family and friends to back you up, to be there for you no matter what. A place where what mattered most (amongst most people) wasn’t how much money they had or the type of clothes they wore or how popular they were; a place where what mattered most to them was family and friends.

I was first introduced to the show when I was a small child of three or four. I remember watching it at friends houses and at my own house, watching the flashy orange car being chased by the law; and always seeming to find a way to win. Well, I also remember the time when I first found out that it was no longer on TV to watch and having to find something else to watch. TV shows come and go, but to me there was always something special about the Dukes and the small town they lived in and how everyone seemed to care about one another. I was thrilled when TNN brought the Dukes back on TV and once again I found the same feeling I had watching it before and as time went on and the more I got into the Dukes, I was even more thrilled when I found that I wasn’t the only one out there that liked the Dukes as much as I do - Cyber Hazzard. Especially when I found that I hadn’t been the only one writing Dukes of Hazzard fan-fic!

Cyber Hazzard seemed about the same atmosphere of Hazzard County on the show when I first came online. Caring and understanding, a great place to meet and talk with friends about the same interest and about writing. I have learned a lot while I was here and I have met some great people through out the several years I have been here. Some that are no longer here in Cyber Hazzard, that I miss talking to, miss reading their stories. It wasn’t just that to me, it was a place where I finally found a place that I felt like I belonged, a place that I had friends that actually took me for who I was.

Tracy Lawrence couldn’t be more right when he had said “The only thing that stays the same is everything changes†("TIME MARCHES ON") Cyber-Hazzard, just like everything, else has changed since I had first made my arrival. Good and not so good changes. I have met more friends who I enjoy talking to and reading their stories. Though through all the change, “Cyber Hazzard†is no longer the place I remember going to a year or so ago where I had felt like I belonged, where I had felt wanted and welcomed. It was a place somewhat like the Hazzard that was displayed through the Dukes of Hazzard with the same feel to it.

I am speaking only for myself with this post when I say that “Cyber Hazzard†is no longer the place I had remembered it being. I no longer feel like I belong, I feel more like an outsider that isn’t welcomed, looking in with a want to belong. Though the Hazzard I see no longer has the same feeling it once had nor the peaceful atmosphere that it had when I first came aboard. I am not saying that anyone is at fault here because it isn’t just one person. I still have a few friends here that I enjoy talking to when I get to talk to them, a few that still seem to be here for me. But for the longest time I have felt like this. . .like I don’t belong, like some outsider that isn’t welcomed. . . that is ignored. Perhaps I am not meant to be ignored or made to not feel like I belong, but none the less that is how I feel. Not only that. . .Cyber Hazzard doesn’t seem to represent Hazzard no longer, but a dimension of itself. Maybe it isn’t meant to represent Hazzard. . .but with all the fighting that has gone on lately, I can’t help but to think that the Dukes would have even resented the reasons of why some fights broke out. Family and Friends had stuck high on their priority list. . .no matter how popular one was or how rich they are or the type of clothes that they wore, they were wanted and welcomed because they were friends or family to those of Hazzard County.

I am sorry before hand if this has offended anyone, but I have been feeling like this for several months now and have kept it bottled in. After last night, I no longer can look the other direction and pretend that I belong, that I am welcomed into “Cyber Hazzard†as I have been. I either do or I don’t belong here. This is the one place I had felt like I had belonged and this is the one place I WANT to belong to. I have enjoyed talking to everyone out there, getting to know you all. You all are very special in your own way. . .very talented people reside here in “Cyber Hazzard†and I want to thank you all for the time you have spent talking to me, listening to me. As I said, you all are very special to me and I am glad that I have gotten to know all of you for who you and I hope that one day, that I will feel like I belong . . .like Kristy belongs in Hazzard County.



Hazzard was just that place here when I first came as well. Hazzard was amazing. The first experience I had was with Daney. She introduced me to everyone. One by one I met the group. The one important person she introduced me was you my dear. You know, You are loved by me. I really enjoyed your company and what you have done for me.

Kristy makes a good point. I too have been having problems with how things have been going. Within the little circles problems have been occuring. Problems between people that would have Uncle Jesse taking all of us over his knee I guess. Hazzard is supposed to be more than just a safe place but a fun place and to me it is slowly going down the tubes.

I have seen a place fall apart. I used to be involved with other sites in writing stories and all of them are now dead. All the people seem to find something to fight about. I am to blame for it as well.

What is Hazzard? Good point. To me, Hazzard was a place you could go to and you would recieve love and care. They would drop anything to help a friend. People are family in Hazzard even if they ain't related. I know that I used to love to come here to see the three people that were sooo close to me they were like sisters. I enjoyed sitting there talking. Sometimes we would have beach parties and play.

Really, it was all about fun. It was about love, fun, friendship. It was about people caring. It was about a joy that couldn't be felt anywhere else.

There has been a lot of fighting. A friend told me, "To vent, you need some fighting." Yes, very true. You can't go anywhere without some disagreements. However, this has become a national event. I don't agree with fighting for fun. I don't think Uncle Jesse would be proud of us for just sitting there fighting with each other. If Bo and Luke were involved, they would be trying to make us make up.

About being ignored, I think the fights have something to do with it. People are so involved with fighting or other things, they forget what's important. Love. I love all of you like family and I adore you more than anything. I think you guys are wonderful as well. At times, I feel pretty ignored myself. Sometimes when I am here in cybarhazzard, I will have a lot of people talk to me at the start and go all silent at the end.

I miss friendships.

Love is important.

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

~Muhammad Ali~

A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely.

~Pam Brown~

The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned.

~Dag Hammarskjold~


8) (((Hugs for everyone))) 8)

To me, Hazzard is a place where you can go and be yourself, not caring what you really are like.

Everyone is treated equally in Hazzard. Everyone like & cared about everyone else, no matter if you are good or bad. Even the bad guys were liked in Hazzard. :lol:

But seriously, Hazzard is a place where I found peace in the beginning, where I can be myself, even though I am pretty shy. I always found a home in Hazzard. In the 2 years that I have been around, Everyone has made me feel welcome, even though I wasn't liked very much in the beginning. :wink:


Like y'all were saying, everything has changed around here. Some people have moved out, and new ones have moved in. This isn't the same rowdy place that it once was in the past. In some ways, I miss it. Especially the round robins. They were the most fun!

Maybe things had a reason for changing. I'll admit it myself. I have changed in the last 2 years, character & out of character. :o

I'm not even on here full time anymore. I'm sorry for that. :-?

I really love being around here.

I'm lucky if I can be on twice a week now. After November 1st, I'll be on-line more during the day than at night, due to having a busy schedule at work, taking care of my family, & going to school to be a nurse.

*Those were some of my thoughts. Hazzard is a place full of love & friendship. I wouldn't be anywhere else! :wink:

Take Care Y'all & Have A Great Night! :wink:



After long thought....it's hard to know what to say.

If any of you don't know what Hazzard means to me, or what this corner of cyberHazzard means to me, or what y'all mean to me...there are no words I can add, at this point, to make a difference.

No, I'm not content playing checkers and doing crossword puzzles. By the nature of my character, I'm edgy and restless...and I fight. A lot. I'm a bad guy. It sort of goes with the territory.

I think I've also shown that I've got a sense of humor, and that I know how to love people. If some of you are feelin' a little less loved because I've been in some showdown or another every time you join a chat....I apologize. Granted, Hazzard gives me something special in the way of an outlet. But I don't own the place and I've got no right to make anyone else uncomfortable.

I also notice that the same people seem to bring up the same complaints. Well, there's a reason I haven't started an RR thread in a while. ( Other than the fact I was temporarily incarerated. ) Invariably, things got too violent for somebody. Awright...so I didn't start any more RR's.

But I did have the gall to get into scraps and dramas in character-chats with various antagonists who pulled my number. Listen ya'll, if you're up late at night on the internet, and the worst thing your seeing is me and the opponent du jour throw insults ( or each other ) around the Boar's Nest.... you've lead sheltered lives.

And God Bless you if you have. In some ways, you have my envy. I've never known what it was like NOT to have demons to purge.

I know the comments were not directed at me specifically. I take responsibility nonetheless. Hazzard is sanctuary to many of us. I respect what it means to those of you who are seeking peace and calm in your chat experience. And anyone feelin' ignored needs to pipe up and start some RR's, or lead a conversation once in awhile in chat. Sorry, but I can't talk about the weather, or make a special effort to seek out the wallflowers, because I've usually got some nut aiming a cannon at my head in another window.




Brian, usually when I want to talk to someone I do. I start the topic. With some, I get conversation. With others, I get the one word answers and it feels like they don't even care. I understand what you're saying though. However, people that are shy may be afraid to start conversations. People like me aren't afraid to start them. Although on occation I have been known to interupt people's busy lives or they just don't talk back.

As I said, a good fight is fine once in a while but not on a day to day basis. I have seen fights, too many. I have a sister that is very aggressive. However, we need to stop doing it all the time. If you want to sit there and do it head to head all the time, you might as well sign up for the WWE, would save the trouble. I know, you need to vent but PLEASE, it's going too far. I don't mind it once in a while but I think that we have enough violence in this world.

Hazzard had it's fights but a lot of times, it was just because they were on the run or they needed to catch the bad guy or the bad guy needed to get away.

I am sorry if I offened anyone.

I don't think that we should be doing it all the time. I know, you'll do it whether I give you my blessing or not. It just sadens me that all we know how to do is fight.

I am taking a class to further myself and to become a better person. I have learned about the basic needs of a human being. They include love and belonging. This constant fighting disrupts that. It also disrupts the secuity and saftey some people need in order to survive.

How can we have all our basic needs met if all we get is war?

Think about it


I would like to say that when I had started this subject with my post, I didn't have one particular person in mind or a group for that matter. Nor do I blame anyone. I am not pointing any fingers at anyone or couldn't if I wanted to. I have been in "Cyber Hazzard" long enough to know who all that is out there and their personalities. I would be the first one to admit that I do play some part in the whole thing myself, I am sure there are things I could have done better. There are always things that I could do better. . .but all I can do is to work to become better.

Another thing, I don't want anyone to change just because of me or what they do when they are on-line. I respect you all for who you are. As I said in my first post you all are very talented people that are special to me, I am glad that I have gotten to know each and everyone of you. If fighting one another is one thing that helps you vent and feel better, something that you like, then go for it. I am not going to stop you or complain further about it.

My original post to the subject was one of my few choices at gaining what I really want; to remain in Hazzard and to belong in Hazzard. I have felt this way for a long while now. . .as if I no longer belong in Hazzard; or at least Cyber Hazzard. I don't want to leave Cyber-Hazzard, but if I no longer belong then maybe I don't have a choice. I have ingored the feeling for too long now, which was why I had to post what I did; to voice how I feel.

I often take things too seriously and perhaps the Dukes is one thing I take too serious - if so I have my reasons. Through my fics and of watching the Dukes as much as I have, I have visions of what Hazzard must be like and all that has been going on on-line is the complete opposite of it - things the Dukes wouldn't do.

I didn't mean to offend any one or to make anyone angry if my post had done so. . .if so I am sorry.


I haven't spoken on this yet because I feel responsible for how some of you feel you don't belong or were ignored. Yet, it isn't my job or anyone else's to make sure everyone is happy around here... we are all responsible for ourselves and actions wether author or character.

There is a consequence for action…

I’d like to run and hide, leave and never come back… I can’t. All any of us can do is try to do better. And not be selfish.

I had alot more to say but sometimes its best to keep it simple.




For the record, I'm not not offended or angry. Just incredibly sad.

Essy, you said..."Hazzard had it's fights but a lot of times, it was just because they were on the run or they needed to catch the bad guy or the bad guy needed to get away."

The bad guy needed to get away....You probably don't know the insight held in those words. You're right, but you're right on a level that's deeper than you know.

Kristy, you said, "I have visions of what Hazzard must be like and all that has been going on on-line is the complete opposite of it - things the Dukes wouldn't do."

Hence, I'm a Coltrane. Rosco did his share of unpopluar behavior, too...but I suppose I take it beyond the reasonable and customary expectation.

The Hazzard Preservation Society has spoken. I regret that despite my abstinence from RR's, and despite restricting my anticts to chats that I'm invited to....somehow, Hazzard has still gone to hell in a dee-luxe wicker basket.

As I've taken pains to avoid offense in the public eye, I was kinda surprised to see the venting that was posted here. Obviously, you want results of some kind, or you wouldn't have mentioned any complaint publically. I know a Cease and Desist order when I hear one. Other enforcement will not be necessary.

I leave you in peace, Kristy and Essy. I won't trouble you in group gatherings; if you're there, I'll leave. I'd also like to think if I ever did offend either of ya, you'd simply say it directly, one on one. For a bad guy, I can be pretty damn reasonable, if given half a chance.

I won't communicate with either of you without permission. Hell, I hardly see either of you now...so again...I'm kinda surprised by the fuss, and I'm also saddened by it. Ruining Hazzard was nevah my goal. Making anyone feel unwelcome wasn't my plan either.




I never said anything about Hazzard being ruined. . .there is still plenty good about it and the people in it. I dont' want anyone to leave or feel like it's their fault. . .I share my own faults that I have been dragging with the past week or so. I just had to let my feelings be known. . .myself be known. Hell, if you want to talk to me when I am on, then talk. I don't have a problem with anyone on-line. . .especially not you Brian and Daney. I may have keyed in on the fighting, but if that wahat satisifies you, then fight as long as no one gets hurt. It is actually interesting to watch if I was to be involved in one way or another. I enjoy talking to anyone that wants to talk to me while I am on-line so for that matter everyone has my permission to talk to me IF they want to.

I can go on and on how I wasn't talking to either one of you when I posted wh at I had, but I know that wouldn't do any good. I have made the mistake of starting this post, because I really don't want anyone to feel bad or to change because of me. I am not worth it. Y'all have your own unique personalities both character and author wise and none of that should change. I never expected anything or anyone to change with my post, I just had to voice how I have been feeling lately.

It may not the exact Hazzard that I envision, but it is the Hazzard that is out there in Cyber Hazzard. It has changed throughout the years. . .change is unavoidable, but sometimes hard for me to accept.

With all that said - I would like to say that I am grateful to have gotten to know y'all for who you are. I am glad to have the time I had with people on hnet or cyber Hazzard - it is a great place to be.


Good point Kristy. Now I would like to have my own say in this. I believe this post just says to take a long hard look at yourself. It doesn't refere to anyone, or point anyone out in the crowd. All it means is to take a look at yourself, and change things you do not like. You all act like you were refered to in the post.

Things like this shouldn't make you upset, they are meant to help make you a better person and improve relationships between friends, but some of you are taking this a little too personally. You need to lighten up for those who are taking it that way. Thses were not direct references to you, I mean, it could be almost anyone and anyone's conflict!


I don't want to stop being talked to either. I just want peace. No, I wasn't really directing the fighting part at just you Brian. No, I don't think that it is all your fault. Yes, I am not around as much but that's because it is hard to be online and be in college at the same time as some people know. This was a hard thing for me to mention as well. This was hard to talk about because really, I was keeping it in my head. I like to be talked to and it probably is what kept me coming back to CybarHazzard!!!! I have people here that couldn't be relpaced. I am scared I am gonna loose that. I always seem to loose the best things in my life. I always seem to loose when all I want is to win. I don't get things because someone doesn't care enough to give. I fight for what I need and I need friendship. I miss it, I want it. At least when I can be on, I don't want to be ignored. I know that this is something that I have to take ownership with too. I know that it isn't everyone else's fault because it ain't.

Brian, you have been a friend for a long time now. To loose you would be like loosing a part of myself. You have always been a good friend to me.

Daney, You already know how I feel about you. I wanted to tell you the other night what I told my two other friends. I wish you didn't leave. I love and adore you as any full fledged sister would. I don't want you to leave because of my hurt either.

I want you both to know that you are my friends. I don't want to live without you.

I am worried all this fighting will split up yet another site and again I will be all alone. It's been known to happen. People have said the same thing, "It won't happen." or "It's all in fun." In the end, the site becomes dead.

No emotion, no love, a whole lot of nothing.

It is like I was standing in a desert where the whole world was dead. Nothing was left but some old posts and a wind that seemed to be passing through there.

I don't want a Hazzard like that. This is my fear.

I'll come back after doing my course and find all my friends have left. All of them have moved on and left me behind to look at this board. No one comes online or if they do, they'll ignore you.

That's what has happened to me on other boards. They were just as tight knitted as this bunch started out. Now, they have all gone their own sepperate ways never to be a family again.

I am scared, I don't want it to happen.


Awright....I'll admit I did take all this personally, but that's 'cause I've been smack dab in the middle of the fights in question. Kristy and Essy, you two weren't the only ones who grew weary of it....I've heard it from other folk, here n' there. Therefore, I dee-parted the RR's as to not offend anyone with my usual behavior. Of course, I carried on with my bad self in the streets of cyberHazzard, and it seems even tho' y'all weren't always there to witness everything....every damn word got back to you. An' it felt like y'all drew conclusions to it an' decided to speak out. As I couldn't dig your motive, or understand what brought this all on...it hit me like a punch in the gut. ( pardon the expression.)

I do consider both of ya'll good friends. Honestly. These posts, though, made me unsure of everything. It was with a heavy, black-clad heart that I contemplated a future where I did nothin' but sit around on the porch and drink lemonade. What could I do?

I've been at the verge of a decision ever since this discussion started. Do I complete my reform, put on a white shirt, ditch the jacket, and just hang around town and watch the paint crack? No fightin', no cussin', no gun play, no smartassin'....

Or, do the scales tip in the opposite direction? Do I abandon the reform that's done nothin' but box me in? Do I throw away all the good...to be free of the constraints that genteel society would place upon me?

Essy, you mentioned about how dead a place feels when there's no emotion, no feeling, no love. Well, if there's no activity, period...that kinda starts things towards rotting away. If there's nothin' goin' on, what is there to get involved in, and care about? Sooner or later, folks just quit showin' up.

Love ain't instant pudding, either. It's a recipe that's got to be made from scratch every time. Nobody can just arrive somewhere and get love....it's earned, in degrees, by what ya do or say, and how you make other folk feel. I know this from firsthand experience. I've been both hated and loved in Hazzard. I definitely prefer the latter...but I'm a bad guy, so I can't admit that.

I suppose we all have our own idea of Hazzard. Mine's a little twisted, I'll admit, and frankly, I should move on and go hang out as a bad guy in Knight Rider circles...or lend myself to Starsky and Hutch fics and be constantly reincarnated as the villain du jour.

In fact, I should go right now. Pack up Diablo and head off, nevah to be heard of in Hazzard again. Give Hazzard back to the Dukes of the world. Let the good guys sit around and stare at each other. If y'all want a bad guy, I suppose you can invent one, and have 'em around just long enough to get blamed for some heinous act and then put in jail for it. Then, it's milk and cookies for everyone, and the bad guy is gone, tra-laa-laa.

Well, y'all would go soft if that happened. I think it's mah social ree-sponsibility to stick around and cause as much ruckus as possible. And I'm notoriously difficult to jail, or destroy, or chase off with a broom.

In fact, I should jail all the good guys and keep all the milk and cookies to mahself. KHEEHAHA!



All right, now its my turn to get into the mix of this...

I've kept silent until now but seeing Brian's post made me decide to throw my two cents in.

First off....We all have our own interpretations about Hazzard, but one thing the show made perfectly clear is that Hazzard isn't Lollipop Land where we all get together in Hazzard Square, join hands and sing Cumbaya or Michael Rowed the Boat Ashore.

Never has.. never will be.

But if thats the way some of you see it then thats fine, more power to you but as I said, the show CLEARLY showed that the streets of Hazzard weren't paved with chocolate and gumdrops.

Now.. as for fights and what not. That's a part of life, in Hazzard or NOT we all squabble, disagree and occassionally resort to fistacuffs. Hazzard is no exception to this rule, I mean look how many times the Boars Nest got busted up? AT LEAST once a episode!

But just like the patrons in the Boars Nest we all have two choices when a fight breaks out... either walk away or JOIN IN!

If anyone in a chat or anyplace else doesnt like someone or something, FEEL FREE to use the door marked EXIT. It's clearly MARKED.

After all, how fair is it to demand or ask that we all put on white robes and wings? Not one bit I'm afraid.

Hazzard is just like any other typical town.. its got good guys and bad! The balance of good and bad must be maintained and I for one don't want to see a bad guy thats NEEDED in this town to pack his bags and go.

It all comes down to a very simple choice...

Either play or don't.

VERY VERY SIMPLE...if you dont want to play thats cool but don't spoil it for the rest of us that DO!


PS. This is just my opinion...feel free to take it as you all see fit.


It's awright, Jax. I think I mighta over ree-acted. (The hell of reform is the guilty conscience that comes with it. )

I care about Hazzard and don't wanna see the place evaporate. So I dig where Essy n' Kristy are comin' from. I just heard the objections about fighting and more or less freaked out. But then I realized there's two kinds of fighting, and I did some reading between the lines. I don't think anybody's lookin' to drive anybody out of town, here. ( I wouldn't leave anyway. Khee.)

There's also the point that whereas Hazzard may not be candyland, it IS a place where good guys are good guys, and families stick together, and all that. An' yet, this small, unassumin' town was a magnet for criminals, some of bein' connected with organized crime, and some of 'em bein' freelance drifters who figured Hazzard for easy pickin's.

I don't believe Kristy and Essy meant any harm in thier comments. At first, I was wonderin' if I was the one out of place who didn't belong, and that maybe I was messin' with the Order Of The Universe whereas Hazzard was concerned. Hence my carryin' on. I'm always gonna wonder if my impact to this place, in the long run, was a plus or a minus in the grand total.

I've decided to leave such accountin's to the saints, and continue to find my path among the rocky footing between reform and recidivism. And which way I step, one day to the next, may always change.

For as surely as I've had my influence on Hazzard, it's had it's influence on me. Tho' I think it's safe to say, Jax, that I won't be sportin' a white robe and wings anytime in the near future. But if I was...I'd probably have 'em hid under that black jacket....


A little bit of trouble is fun. Too much and folks get mad. Gotta keep it right in the middle (n the middle does not include everynight fights, but occassional ones are fine!).And Brian, might i make a suggestion? Join an RR! they sorta died out :-? we need you to help us keep them going, to help us have fun, to help inspire us during them! We need a bad guy in them, helping the good guys. That is always an interesting story. We miss you doing them with us. If only we could get one going that would stay going though. :-? You're a great writer and we love you in our RRs. So you made a mastake in some of them, so what? As a country singer says,

"Been knocked down by the slammin' door

Picked myself up and came back for more"

John Michael Montgomery - Life's a Dance

He means don't give up. None of us should.


Well... I know I've been kind of absent from the forums lately and I figure I should put my two cents in. Frankly, I've been kind of ABSENT period. *chuckles*

My lesson of the month this month is balance. How balance is needed to keep everything in place. Frankly, I know, it's needed around here. Even I need it.

I'm sorry I haven't been around that much, but real life stuff is coming up for me. So my time when I'm on is limited.

I pretty much agree that we need bad guys as well as good guys. I also agree that we all have our own interpetations of Hazzard. Which, in fact, alot of us don't know what some of the others interpetations are. Like, with me... one would presume that I would want a Hazzard that is Lollypops and Gummy Bears with S'mores every night and chocolate milk to drink! However... I know that is a fantasy. Even though, yes this is a bit of fantasy it would get boring. We all need some type of drama in our lives. For some, somethings are considered more dramatic than others. Also, I mean yes, I am a Strate and I do like Gummy Bears, Lollypops and S'mores.... but if ya eat too much of'em ya get a tummy ache. Then you have to go to the hospital... and who know's maybe they might have to get your stomach pumped while you're there because you had so many, and maybe while they X-ray your stomach they find a cancerous tumor and then maybe the doctor tells you, you only have six months to live, and maybe you find out your Aunt Tilly had a sex change and is now yer Uncle, and maybe.... Ok, ya see where I'm going with this?

We all need balance. It's apart of life. As far as the fighting... if you need to do so. Just leave me out and try not to tear yourselfs apart and the whole wide universe with it, unless I tell ya I want in, (and that's pretty rare but it does happen).

I will say though, that actually at first I dreaded this post but now that I look at it. I'm proud that it was brought up. We need to evaulate ourselfs, our jobs, our lives, everything around us once in a while. It's needed. Why do you think the government has so many regulatory commisions? To just give people jobs? *chuckles* Sorry that's a inside EPA type joke. No seriously, it's because we all need balance. Thank you, Kristy for giving us this post to reflect. It's help me, I hope it has helped others.

Now... as far as Hazzard, I hope we can grow from this and become better inside. No one person is to blame for the problems here. It's as much everyone's fault as it is nobody's fault. Move on...



Hello all & Greetings from Central Oklahoma Tech Nursing School! LOL! :D

Sorry for posting twice, but I've looked at everything that y'all said, and you're right.

We need to find a common bond of friendship. We have all been through a lot in character and out of character in the past few months.

A definition of friendship is a group of people with similar interests & backgrounds, which shares affection towards each other, who acts kind towards each other, who doesn't say anything bad towards each other, who has reciprocal, warm feelings towards each other, who shows love & affection towards each other.

I can go on, but I'm not at this time. However, I hope that y'all get what I'm saying... 8)

Let's keep this friendship alive until we get old, inside character & out. Y'all think about what friendship really means... I have a strong friendship with all of y'all, character and out of character.

I need to get back to studying CPR. Maybe I'll be doing it on Bo or Luke sometime in the future. LOL :lol:

Take Care Y'all! Have a Great Night! Talk to y'all soon! :)

Vicki :) aka Chickasaw Redhead :)


I will admit that it may have been a mistake to start this post, but I had been feeling that way for a while and felt like I should let it be known. I never had anyone in mind when I posted it or thought it would make people feel like it is their fault. Guess I was wrong. Though I also do admit that I do feel better to let how I really feel out plus I have learned a great deal through all of this. It is none of you at fault for me feeling left out or ignored, but my own fault...guess it took me to see it posted for me to finally realize it all. I just wish it wouldn't have made y'all feel the way you do.

I don't want anyone to leave. . .I would miss you all way too much. If someone had to leave because of my post, it should be me for posting it. As I said, I didn't mean no harm by posting it - it was a post to let out my feelings and along the way I learned the hard way that I myself had ALOT to do with how I felt. It is up to me to make myself happy as Daney had put it.

And I never imagined Hazzard to be filled with lollipops and gummy bears -Hazzard does need it's good bad guys out there and you are it Brian. You do a great job at it. I never meant to offend anyone by mentioning fights. Hazzard had it's share of fights at the Boar's Nest or on the streets - a way of survival in Hazzard - or perhaps freedom at least. I don't have a problem with a good fight here and there - it was that I felt left out in them; and as I had said above, that too was my fault. I should have spoke up, put myself in the fight. There is a lot of things that I should have or could have done before posting this post, but it took this for me to realize how big of a part I played in the whole thing. -I may not be the only reason for how I felt or all that is going on here, I won't take credit for it all, but I do play a big part in why I felt the way I did.

As I had said, my original post wasn't to be pointing fingers because it isn't ONE person's fault or anyone's fault as it has been said. I had no one in mind when I posted what I had - it was only a post to actually voice how I felt and have been feeling. I am sorry if what I had wrote or post had caused any hard feelings with anyone -that is the last thing that I want. I enjoy all your friendships that I have had in the past and I don't want to loose them.

Thank-you for listening to me rant and rave over how I felt and once again I am sorry if I had caused any hard feelings with anyone.


I don't want gummy bears either, as I said, I was scared. After all that's said and done it was me who was most afraid of loosing Hazzard because it has been dead around in this portion. I hear less and less from the people I love.

I don't think you should leave Kristy. You are loved by all. You just have to get into this.

I don't feel a part of this because I am busy Monday to friday in school. There have been more than a couple of times when I have thought, "I shouldn't be here." And maybe I shouldn't. I am not exactly a good seed either.

I told ya that fights are okay...just not constantly, and that's my opinion. You are a good bad guy Brian and to have you any other way would just be wrong.

I don't know if it's hit the road Essy or what but I guess I have stirred up my mess of trouble with my opinion as usual. Sorry everyone. I guess I too was worried if I fit in the puzzle and was scared of more character deaths or disagreements that took people away from Hazzard. I am a worry wart.

Case closed.

:oops::oops::oops: Sorry :oops::oops::oops:

I will try to keep out of things and keep my gums closed so I don't stir up anything else.

Kristy, it ain't really your fault. I was feeling the same way and I pushed for you to write that post. I am sorry.

So in all reality, it would be me that needs to leave and not you.

Maybe it is best.

None of you guys should leave, you are awesome but if you want me to, I understand.


Okay, I think we've exhausted this subject enough here people... Once again this is all about choices... if you choose to stay or go is ENTIRELY up to you. Life DOES have a way of getting in the way and interferring with writing time or online time. This is a fact of life that cannot be changed, sometimes STUFF happens...

But I frankly have had enough of this particular topic, its caused enough problems and would like to move on.


  • 2 years later...

:) Hello all...

This might be a bit off topic, but oh well...

I have moved on & moved my character into the next horizon or so to speak...but I have ONE problem...

What do y'all do when you are completely burned out on writing? Technically, I have not writen anything completely fresh & new in a Long time, that I think that I have forgotten what it was like to be a fresh new kid in Hazzard! :-?

It was just a thought anyway...

Take Care & Have a Great Day!

Vicki & her author Vicki

:) Hello all...

This might be a bit off topic, but oh well...

I have moved on & moved my character into the next horizon or so to speak...but I have ONE problem...

What do y'all do when you are completely burned out on writing? Technically, I have not writen anything completely fresh & new in a Long time, that I think that I have forgotten what it was like to be a fresh new kid in Hazzard! :-?

It was just a thought anyway...

Take Care & Have a Great Day!

Vicki & her author Vicki

Hmm, good question Vicki. I've seen some authors develop another character, start a new hobby or take a break. The answer is probably as indivdual as each of us are. =)


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