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Howdy Y'all....I was recently told by a friend that Ben Jones would be attending a fair around me....I didn't believe her at first, cause I thought boondocky place...but then Luke attended this fair too....So I got on their facebook page, because they ain't known for keepin their website up to date, and whatta you know....He is actually gonna be there!!

Thursday August 2, 2012 at the Garrett County Agricultural Fair in Garrett County Maryland.... He will be driving a General Lee through the Farmers Parade and then later on performing with his band... 8)

Here are the screencaps from the page:




And here is the link for the facebook page:


Sooooo excited.....Thought I would let everyone know!

Yeah Ben Jones is an awesome guy to meet. I highly recommend if you can make it to do so. You will be glad you did!

You got that right. He treats you like you've been his friend for years and looks you in the eye like you're the only person in the room. He's a real class act and you'll definitely enjoy the experience!


Howdy Y'all... Yep you sure are right...he is a great guy, and really awesome to meet....Gosh its been bout 4 years now (GAH! I'm gettin old!) I meet him in Pittsburgh....I had no clue where we were going, my parents said we was going to Build -A-Bear...we got there and I seen a sign that said Henry Winkler will not be appearing due to the flu...so we went up the escalator and I got to meet Shirley Pheeny (Cindy Williams) from Laverne and Shirley and Joanie (Erin Moran) from Happy Days...and this was at a car show....

Then I seen a feller with a General Lee model....so my reaction was "OH MY GOSH IS THE GENERAL LEE HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" And my mama was like I dunno is it? So we walked around and whatta ya know...there it is!! And guess who was standin beside it... COOTER!! I was sooo excited....Stood in line almost five hours....no thanks to everyone cuttin....

But when we got up to him he just chatted up a storm, and like Roger said, like he had been your friend for years...and he took his time and signed everything, and personalized it, and put little hearts on it. He even signed "Woof" for Flash on my one picture....Gosh he was sooo nice....I can wait till August!!! :D:D:D

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