LittleRedVicki Posted July 24, 2002 Author Posted July 24, 2002 Meanwhile, Vicki started moaning as she was being carried out of the General Lee by a frantic Bo & a worried Luke."Oh...I don't feel too good," said Vicki moaning as she opened her eyes slowly as she was being carried out of the General Lee by Bo & Luke."Sh...Sweet Angel. I'm glad you're awake! We just caught up with the ambulance," said Bo worriedly as he lightly gave Vicki a kiss on the cheek.Luke added brushing his hand against her forehead. "Oh...Lord! You're burning up with fever!""How can I be burning up? I'm freezing..." said Vicki drowsily as her teeth start to chatter. "Honey, maybe this will make you feel better," said Bo, gently laying Vicki on the ground. He then took his jean jacket off and gently covered the redhead up with it."I am starting to feel better..." said Vicki moaning as her voice trails off as 2 EMTs approached them."I sure hope so, Sweet Angel..." said Bo, brushing a kiss to Vicki's forehead as she was being placed on the stretcher by one of the EMTs.Vicki smiled at Bo as she grasped his hand. "You're going to be taking me to the hospital?" she asked in a very weak voice as she was being placed in the ambulance."Sweet Angel, I'm going to be with you forever," said Bo as he climbed into the back of the ambulance as the EMT handed him a clipboard to fill out.Vicki smiled at Bo for a second before she drifted out of consciousness."Oh, No! Sweet Angel! Please don't die!" said Bo hysterically as he held Vicki's cold, lifeless hand then added as Luke walked up to them, "Luke! Get a hold of everyone and tell them to meet us at the hospital!" Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted July 27, 2002 Author Posted July 27, 2002 VICKI'S POVI feel like I'm walking thru a maze inside my dreams. I know that something is wrong, I can feel it.I am freezing, even though it is almost 80 degrees today. My lower stomach is hurting very bad. It feels like it could be my appendix, but I had ruptured it several years ago. It feels like it could be something else, but I don't know...I think that I have my eyes closed, but I don't know where I'm at. I think that I'm dreaming, thinking about my last minute working vacation less than a couple of months ago. It was a working vacation because I was working undercover with the FBI at the time. I could feel tears falling down my face when I remember what happened between my husband & I on our way home. We had a bad argument about him deciding to go back out on the NASCAR circuit.I continued walking through this maze. I could feel voices around me, but I don't know where they are coming from.Then out of the blue, I was walking through the shadows of the back of my mind into another dream. I ended up at my friend's apartment in Chickasaw. I can remember that it was only about 2 months ago when my friend Hughie Hogg was trying to make me feel better about Bo leaving for the NASCAR circuit.I remember crying loudly, but Hughie made me feel better. He told me that he would always be there for me, and he told me that I was his closest friend. I remember giving him a hug when he was comforting me about my husband & I separating. I felt better after talking to him, but it was only for a little while, until my husband & I reunited a few hours ago.Even though Hughie doesn't know about Bo returning, I can still cherish his friendship. I continue walking through the foggy maze in my mind. I don't know where I'm heading this time.I think that I see a bright light in front of me. As I continue walking towards the bright light, someone grabs my arm. Then I felt someone gently kissing me on the cheek.I could feel the warmth of flesh against flesh as someone was gently squeezing my hand, then hugging me, but I couldn't see who it was.I thought that I faintly heard Bo frantically trying to wake me up, telling me that our love for each other will turn back into our sweet past, back to when we were crazy teenagers in love. But, that was over 4 years ago...We have now been married just over a year.Frantically, I wanted to reach out and hold Bo against me, so I could feel his heart beating against mine, just like the last night we spent on the road while we were on vacation a few months ago. But as I tried to reach him, Bo disappeared from me, and my eyes were filling up with tears as I collapsed to the floor... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted July 29, 2002 Author Posted July 29, 2002 On the way to the hospital, one of the EMTs did a blood test on an unconscious Vicki, and it turns out that the redhead is pregnant. "This is a surprise," said Mike, the EMT that did a blood test on Vicki."What?" asked Bo, looking up at the EMT as he continued to hold Vicki's lifeless hand.Mike noticed that there were tears falling down Bo's face. "I think that you're in for a surprise, Mr. Duke, but I'll let Dr. Applebey tell you what it is, if this blood test is right," said Mike."Is there something wrong with my wife?" asked Bo worriedly.Mike made a grim face to Bo. "It doesn't look good, considering that she has experienced severe stomach pains."Kissing Vicki's lifeless hand gently, Bo said a silent prayer. "Please, Lord, please let my sweet angel stay with me a little longer...Please Lord with all my heart forgive me of all my mistakes in the past...Don't take Vicki away from me, I love her deeply..." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted August 2, 2002 Author Posted August 2, 2002 VICKI'S POVMy lower stomach is killing me as I keep my eyes closed. I know that there is something wrong with me. I think that I now know what it is, especially after hearing faintly what the EMT said to my husband.I feel like that I am going into a severe shock. If the EMT is right, and I am pregnant, then it must have happened about 7 weeks ago when my husband & I were on our way home from our vacation right before he went back out on the NASCAR circuit.As the ambulance came to a sudden stop, I felt another jolt of pain in my lower stomach.I nearly scream out in pain, but I kept it in.I feel like crying because of the pain, but I don't. Although I do feel a tear fall down my face. But the tear wasn't mine, it was Bo's. I can feel that he is sad & worried about me.Then a stray tear fell down my face. The tear was mine & Bo's sadness as I know now that I probably have lost the baby. I know inside my sad, broken heart that Bo is completely devastated... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted August 15, 2002 Author Posted August 15, 2002 Vicki's POV - through her dreams"Doctor! She's loosing blood! Her blood pressure is dropping!" said the nurse."Something is wrong!" said Doc Applebey, opening Vicki's eyes with his penlight then added, "Get her into the operating room right now!"My stomach continues to hurt very bad as I moaned softly. Just then, I felt someone put a mask over my nose & mouth. I had then fallen back into a deep sleep.*While I was dreaming, I opened my eyes again. The tears were just streaming down my face as I walk through the foggy mist. I'm not sure where I'm going as I continued to walk through the mist.As I continued walking, I come to a fork in the road. Do I go left or right? I go to the right.As I go to the right, I ended up outside the operating room, right into the emergency waiting room.There, I see my mom & dad sitting together talking. "If Vicki pulls through this, let's talk her into quitting her job & move to Oklahoma to help Pam run the ranch," said Dick as he puts his arm around Mary's shoulder.They were talking about my sister's ranch in Oklahoma, and how they were wanting me to go out there and visit her and her family. After what I been through in the last few hours, I will probably take them up on their offer. After all, I think that a different change in scenery is EXACTLY what I need right now. But what will it do to my relationship with Bo? Leaving him temporarily might devastate him. I don't know if I could do that right now. Unless, he is here only temporarily...I walk out, and into the hall. There, by the elevators, I see Sheriff Little confronting Bo, Luke, Coy, and Vance Duke about why I collasped, and why I am in the hospital right now. Noticing an empty chair in the hall, I sat down and listened to their conversation."Hold it, Dukes!" said Sheriff Little angrily then added, "Y'all aren't going anywhere until you tell me why y'all put my best deputy in the hospital!""Sheriff! We didn't put Vicki in the hospital!" protested Bo."Yeah, she collasped on Silver Creek Road. We were just bringing her here!" said Luke."While she was arresting us for reckless driving. Vicki didn't do a thing wrong!" added Bo worriedly as he looked towards the operating room doors."That's an unlikely story. I'm placing y'all under arrest for attempted murder on my deputy," said Sheriff Little as he places one handcuff on Luke's wrist, and the other one on Bo's wrist. He them pushes them back down roughly on the sofa. "We're going to wait here until my deputy comes out of surgery."By the look on my boss's face, I knew that he was pretty angry with them. I look at Sheriff Little again. I was thinking why I took that job in the 1st place. The main reason was because Rosco told me that all he needed was 2 deputies around, not 3 deputies. I didn't get mad that I was being let go of my job, I simply just called Sheriff Little and asked him if that job was still available. When he told me it was, that was when I packed my bags and moved to Chickasaw County.He's been nice to me most of the time until I now saw a side of him that I didn't like. I knew then if I were to stay around him, I might end up with that aggresive & hateful attitude. I choke back a tear, when I realized that I almost ended up there just a few hours ago. Now I know that I'm going to quit being a deputy completely when I get better. It's beginning to take a toll on my behavior & my life. A change in scenery is exactly what I need right now...I sighed loudly as I walk back towards the operating room doors. I am now back in that foggy mist... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted August 16, 2002 Author Posted August 16, 2002 (Author Note: Since y'all didn't really like Vicki's voice while she was unconscious, I figure that this might make it better! 8) )********************About 1 Hour before Vicki was in surgery...The ambulance came to a stop right in front of the emergency room doors at TRI-County Medical Center. The 2 EMTs rushed to the back to open the ambulance doors.Vicki's eyes fluttered for a minute as the pains in her stomach was getting worse as the EMTs were grabbing at the stretcher, trying to get her out."Is she ever going to wake up?" asked Bo, whose voice was quivering as the EMTs were getting an nearly unconscious Vicki out."We don't know. It really doesn't look too good," said Mike as he and the 2 other EMTs rushed Vicki inside the emergency room doors.Doc Applebey was ready to meet the EMTs with an unconscious Vicki."Doc Applebey! Please help me! Vicki collasped while she was arresting me, Luke, Coy, and Vance back at the Chickasaw County/Hachapee County line about 15 minutes ago! She won't wake up!" said Bo in a frantic voice."Bo, just calm down. I'll do my best to make her feel better," said Doc Applebey. "Just please save her, Doc," said Bo worriedly. "All right. Just wait here in the waiting room while we go check Vicki out," said Doc Applebey as he motioned Bo to sit down in a comfortable chair then added, "Don't worry about her. I'll make sure that she's better soon." "Yeah, she'll be all right, cousin. Don't worry about it," said Luke as he was trying to calm Bo down. "The way you've been talking about her, I bet that she has at least 9 lives," said Coy with a grin then added, "That is what I always liked about that redhead.""Yeah, y'all," said Vance as he was walking over towards a pay phone then added, "She is always full of life."A few minutes later, Doc Applebey was looking over Vicki's chart that the nurse handed him. He noticed that the EMT performed a couple of tests to diagonised what was wrong with Vicki. He smiled at first after reading the test, then frowned when he noticed that Vicki had experienced severe pains in her stomach recently.Vicki's eyes fluttered open as she was being jabbed with a needle. "Oh..." moaned Vicki then added, "My stomach hurts.""I know, honey," said Doc Applebey in a soothing voice then added, "Do you know where you're at?""Am I in the hospital?" asked Vicki in a barely audiable voice. Doc Applebey shook his head yes. She shivered, "Why am I so cold?" Vicki then fell back unconscious. "Doc, her blood pressure is dropping, and she has a low pulse. Plus her temperature is up to 104," said Sally, the nurse."Hmmm...I think that she went into severe shock. Get her into the operating room now," said Doc Applebey worriedly as he handed the nurse back the chart then added, "Since she is pregnant, more than likely the baby started growing in the wrong spot. We're going to have to see if we can move the baby down in the right place, UNLESS her tube has already rupptured."Sally frowned. "So that is the reason why she's loosing blood?"Doc Applebey frowned back at Sally. "Yeah, I think that she had a bioptic pregnancy(Miscarriage). It looks like that we'll have to operate to save her life. Take her into surgery.""Does her friends know that she was pregnant?" asked Sally. "No, I was just about to go outside and tell them the bad news," said Doc Applebey as he walked out of the emergency room doors towards the waiting room. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted August 28, 2002 Author Posted August 28, 2002 Several hours later..."Oh..." moaned Vicki as she opened her heavy eye lids.She moved around slightly and noticed that she had an IV needle in her right hand."Honey, it's Mom. Open your eyes," said Mary as she rubbed on Vicki's arm."Mom...the last time I talked to you, you were at Lulu's house," said Vicki moaning loudly."Honey, you've been out for nearly 12 hours. How are you feeling now?" asked Mary."Very tired, Mom," said Vicki yawning loudly as she closed her eyes then added, "The last time I woke up, I faintly heard Doc Applebey tell a nurse that I might be pregnant. Is that right?"Before Mary could answer her, Pam & her husband Shawn walked in the door."How is she?" asked Pam as she and Shawn walked quietly into Vicki's hospital room."Not good. She lost the baby during surgery, and I haven't told her yet," said Mary worriedly as she looked at her sleeping daughter."Does Bo know?" asked Pam to her mother, looking around the room, noticing that Bo was no where to be seen."I think so. Doc Applebey & I went to talk to him about it right after the surgery. Doc Applebey told Bo what happened during Vicki's surgery. He couldn't believe what had happened to Vicki. I think that it completely took him by surprise.""Did Bo run off after finding out? He has to be upset about Vicki losing the baby," asked Pam. "I don't know, honey. When he walked out of the waiting room, he was confronted by Hughie Hogg & Sheriff Little, and that was the last I saw him," said Mary, looking at her watch then added, "He's been gone for at least a couple of hours.""Mom, Vicki's surgery took all of us by surprise. Do you think that Vicki will be all right?" asked Pam.Mary looked again at her sleeping daughter. "Only time will tell, honey. We'll just have to see if Vicki pulls through this okay.""I hope so, Mom," said Pam worriedly then added, "When Vicki finds out what happened to her, she will be completely devestated. I'm going to go find Bo right now, and tell him to talk to Vicki about what happened." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted September 10, 2002 Author Posted September 10, 2002 Just then, Vicki stirred from her restless sleep. "Oh..." moaned Vicki as she tried to shift in her bed."Honey? Are you with us?" asked Mary worriedly, rubbing on Vicki's arm."Princess, It's Hughie. Wake up for me sweetie," said Hughie as he was lightly giving the redhead a kiss on the cheek, trying to wake his best friend up."Hughie? I didn't know you were here," yawning Vicki as she opened her tired eyes, then staring into Hughie's royal blue ones."Princess, I had to come see you. I've been so worried about you. Are you feeling any better?" asked Hughie, as he was gently caressing Vicki's hand."No...It feels like my lower stomach is being pumped out...why do I have this container half full of blood attached to where my stitches are?" asked Vicki moaning bitterly."Honey, I don't know if you want to know the answer. It will break your heart. Bo was completely devastated when Doc Applebey told him," said Mary, giving her daughter a gentle hug."Yeah, sugar. I'm still furious at what Bo did to you, even when y'all were separated at the time," said Hughie with slight anger in his voice then added, "I can't believe that he did that to you a couple of months ago right after you came back from your working vacation."Closing her eyes to hide a tear, remembering what happened a couple of months ago right before Bo left her to go back out on the NASCAR circuit, Vicki said in a sad voice, mixed with anger "Tell me what it is. I have to know!""Hughie, I know that you are Vicki's best friend & co-worker, but I have to ask you to step outside the door so I can tell my daughter what happened to her in the last few days," said Mary as she shooed Hughie towards the door."That's all right. Remembering what happened is rattling my head a little. I need to get some coffee anyway," said Hughie as he walked out the door then added towards Vicki, "Sugar, I'll be back in a minute so we can talk.""Bye Hughie," said Vicki waving slightly at Hughie then added to her mother, "So are you going to tell me what happened to me?"**********************AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry for delays, y'all. This is not a typical Dukes story, but it has potential to be one in the future. Parts of this story is true, (I really did have a miscarriage in August 2000 & a second one in March 2001) and it is hard for me to write out all my feelings to y'all. So y'all bear with me. Take Care Y'all! Have a great Day! Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted October 2, 2002 Author Posted October 2, 2002 Meanwhile, outside the hospital room, the Dukes were talking about the redhead."I can't believe what happened to Vicki. She shouldn't have ended up like that," said Coy as he sat down in a chair in the waiting room, which was close to Vicki's room."I know what you mean, cousin," said Vance, shaking his head then added, "She should be chasing us right now instead of in this hospital right now.""She is a sweet girl. She is so rebellious & brave. She was always helping us out of jams all the time," said Coy."She is also pretty and fun to be around, don't forget that, cousin," said Vance as he was getting up out of the chair then added, "Let's go see if Vicki is awake to talk."***********"Hold it! You're not going anywhere until I have a chat with you!" said Hughie angrily as he blocked Bo's way to the front door of the hospital."Get out of my way, Hughie. I came here to talk to Vicki, not you! You little roach!" said Bo angrily as he & Luke started heading towards the front door of the hospital."She doesn't want to see you, Bo! Stay away from her!" said Hughie angrily then added as he waved at Roger & Torey, his goons, "You've caused enough trouble!""Oh, boy. This doesn't look good, Luke," said Bo worriedly as Roger & Torey were heading towards them... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted October 2, 2002 Author Posted October 2, 2002 BALLADEER: "It doesn't look too good for Bo & Luke does it?? Let see what is going on with Vicki while she is asleep... 8) Moving around in her drug-induced sleep, Vicki moaned softly as she shifted on the hospital bed.While dreaming..."Darlin...wake up for me, sugar..." said a soft deep voice.Vicki's blue-gray eyes popped open after recognizing the voice more clearly. "Coy...what are you doing here?"Coy smiled at the redhead. "I had to come see you, darlin. I'm sorry that I had you chase us yesterday."Vicki yawned as she try to shift slightly in bed. "That is all right. I am so tired.""I know that you are darlin. You lost a baby yesterday," said Coy as he helped Vicki adjust her pillows. "Baby..." thought Vicki to herself then added as she looked Coy directly in the eyes, "So that was what my mom was going to tell me out of an earshot of Hughie before I fell asleep into this nightmare. That means that I did have a miscarriage. If Bo knows, he has to be devastated.""Coy, I had a miscarriage..." said Vicki as the tears start to fall down her face."Darlin, it will be all right. We're going to help you get through this," said Coy as he gave Vicki a tissue."Coy, tell me who is going to help me through this. I can't go through this by myself.""Darlin...I'm going to help you through this. After all, we have been best friends for a long time, before you & Bo even started dating," said Coy, smiling at Vicki."Coy, that's right. We were quite a pair back in the past. You even visit me in Chickasaw nearly every weekend now, since Bo is racing again," said Vicki, sighing loudly. "That's right, darlin. But the question is will it work out between you and Bo," said Coy, as he looked outside the window."I don't know, Coy. But you did make me realize something," said Vicki, getting up off the bed slowly and walked over to Coy."What Darlin?" asked Coy, looking into the redhead's eyes. "That love hurts to much," said Vicki, wincing in pain as she gives Coy a gentle, but friendly hug. "That's for sure, darlin," said Coy as he carried Vicki back over to the bed. Vicki falls back on the bed unconscious...********Just then Vicki's blue-gray eyes popped open as she heard Coy's & Vance's voices outside in the hall, knowing that everyone will help her through this... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted October 4, 2002 Author Posted October 4, 2002 As Vicki was drifting back into a light sleep, Coy & Vance walked inside the hospital room. Vicki barely opens one eye just to see who walked inside her room. Smiling slightly after recognizing her two old friends, Vicki shuts her eyes, pretending to be asleep, but she is really awake, listening to Coy's & Vance's conversation."Vance, I'm worried about Vicki. I don't want her to die on me," said Coy worriedly."I know, cousin. I know that you're worried about her, but she'll pull through this," said Vance as he glances over at the sleeping redhead."Vance, she's my best friend. We do practically everything together," said Coy as he sat down in a chair close to Vicki's bed."Bo told me exactly the same thing last night, Coy. He told me that he doesn't want to lose her," said Vance."Vance, Bo has already lost her when he went back to racing a few months ago. Vicki told me that it broke her heart in two when Bo told her what he was going to do when they got back from vacation," said Coy, looking at Vicki sleeping then added, "Last weekend when I visited her in Chickasaw-well, she arrested me for reckless driving and threw me in jail..."Vance laughed. "Yeah, Vicki was on patrol for Sheriff LIttle then. Go ahead, cousin.""Well, anyway, Vicki told me last weekend that she was thinking about moving back to Oklahoma to help her sister run her horse ranch. She wanted to think long & hard about her relationship with Bo, and about ours since we started going out together.""But y'all are only going out as friends, right Coy?" asked Vance, rolling his eyes at his cousin. "Yeah, I'm only keeping her company until her & Bo work out their differences," said Coy as he grabbed a hold of Vicki's cold hand."Cousin, I wouldn't worry about Vicki. She'll pull through this. She's a Duke," said Vance, getting up out of the chair to stretch his long legs."I know she is a Duke, but sometimes I wish the timing would have worked out different for us. I still have strong feelings for her," said Coy."Cousin, you'll get through this, just like Vicki will," said Vance, looking worriedly at Vicki then added, "Bo told me last night that he wanted to work things out with her so they can get back together."Coy laughed. "Only because it was his fault to start with. If it does work out between them, I hope that it won't jeapordize my relationship with Vicki.""Coy, don't worry about it. Everything will work out," said Vance smiling as Vicki began to stir slightly. "Darlin...please wake up for me," said Coy as he gently started rubbing Vicki's cold, lifeless hand. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted October 11, 2002 Author Posted October 11, 2002 While Coy & Vance were talking quietly, Daisy & Enos walked into the room."Possum on a Gumbush! What happened to Vicki?" asked Enos in shock as he walked over to the sleeping redhead."Daisy, has Uncle Jesse told you what happened to Vicki?" asked Vance."Yeah, honey. I can't believe that it happened to her & Bo. Uncle Jesse said that Bo was completely devastated about it," said Daisy as she sat down in a chair next to Vicki's hospital bed."That's what Mary told us too," said Coy, grabbing Vicki's cold hand then added, "Why won't she wake up?""She will, Coy. You just have to give her time. She's in a drug-induced coma right now," said Vance, placing his hand on Coy's arm then added, "Let's go outside and get some fresh air and find Bo & Luke.""Okay," said Coy, sighing loudly then added to Daisy & Enos, "We'll be back later.""Okay, honey. We're going to stay here and see if Vicki will wake up enough to talk to us," said Daisy."Man...I can't believe that about Vicki having a miscarriage. Everytime I was around her, she was always happy," said Enos in shock several minutes later as he was gently squeezing Vicki's cold hand. "Yeah, she was always happy out at the farm too. Her & Bo made a perfect pair," said Daisy as she was looking at the sleeping redhead."She has to wake up. She has family & friends here worried about her," said Enos, worriedly."Not to mention her husband as well," said Bo with a grim face as he was being forced into the room by Hughie & his goons... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted October 25, 2002 Author Posted October 25, 2002 "Oh..." moaned Vicki as she stirs slightly."Honey, are you with us?" asked Bo, grabbing the redhead's lifeless cold hand."Bo...the last time I saw you, I was arresting you," moaned Vicki, as she was trying to sit up in bed."Hughie," said Bo as he was trying to struggle in Roger's & Torey's hold then added, "Tell your goons to let me go so I can help Vicki sit up in bed.""No, way! You & your cousins caused Vicki to be in the hospital. I'm not about to let you go, plowboy!" said Hughie angrily to Bo then added to Vicki, "Are you all right, Princess?""No, Hughie. My lower stomach feels empty...tell Roger & Torey to let him go so I can talk to him for a minute," said Vicki, as she gave Hughie a slightly dirty look."Oh, all right. We'll be right outside if you need us, Princess," said Hughie, snickering meanly as he watched Roger & Torey pushed Bo roughly towards the redhead."Thanks, Hughie. I'll talk to you in a minute," said Vicki, slightly waving at her friend as she watched Hughie walk outside the door."Thanks, Sweet Angel. Hughie & his goons were going to arrest Luke & me because they think that we put you in the hospital by accident," said Bo.Vicki didn't say anything to Bo as she looked the other way out the window... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 5, 2002 Author Posted November 5, 2002 About a week later...All things were not looking too good for anyone, especially Vicki. She was going in and out of consciousness, and when she is awake, all she keeps mumbling is that she wants to see her baby.Bo was there for her, never leaving her side, except when Doc Applebey was in the room with her. That was the only time that Bo has been out of the room in the past few weeks.********Early one morning, Bo was getting himself a cup of coffee as he notices Doc Applebey walking out of Vicki's hospital room."Doc, how is she?" asked Bo as he approached the doctor."Not looking too good, Bo. She's very depressed and unresponsive. She started crying a minute ago when she was asking me that she wanted to see her baby," said Doc Applebey with a grim face then added, "I wanted to tell her that the baby is gone, but I'm sure that she doesn't want to hear it from me.""Will Vicki be all right, Doc?" asked Bo worriedly.Doc Applebey made a grim face. "I don't know, Bo. She's very sad right now. More than likely, she's still in shock. I gave her shot to make her more relaxed. She's probably groggy by now.""Thanks, Doc for all your help," said Bo, shaking Doc Applebey's hand."No problem, Bo. Vicki was asking for you a few minutes ago, and after the nurse gets done with her, you can go in and see her," said Doc Applebey."Well, that's good. I haven't left her side in nearly a week," said Bo as he sat down in a chair that was the closest to Vicki's hospital room."I'm sure that Vicki will be okay again maybe in the next few days perhaps," said Doc Applebey."Yeah, right," said Bo sarcastically as an angry tear fell down his face. He pulled himself together, hoping that Vicki would be too fuzzy to see how disappointed and sad he was.He decided that if Vicki was feeling okay later, that they would talk this out. They had just lost a baby, and he wanted to talk out all his emotions with her. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 5, 2002 Author Posted November 5, 2002 Squaring his shoulders, Bo walked back into Vicki's hospital room just as a nurse named Annie was finishing tucking Vicki back in bed with a clean sheet."Hi. She keeps asking for you." Annie turned towards Vicki, as the redhead was staring at them, she then added, "Here he is, Vicki."Vicki slightly smiles as Bo approaches her.Annie walked towards the door, stopping to touch Bo's arm. "I'm so sorry."Bo whispered his thanks, but his tear-stained dark blue eyes were on Vicki. She looked so very pale, like the blood had seeped out of her face. It was a total shock to Bo seeing Vicki that way. Bo tried not to react to Vicki's paleness as he bend over her. "Hi, Honey."Vicki blinked, tears leaking and tracking into her ears. "I now realize that the baby's gone, Bo. I didn't do anything wrong, yet, it's gone." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 6, 2002 Author Posted November 6, 2002 Bo took Vicki's cold hands between his and tried to rub some warmth back into them."I know how you feel, honey. I know.""Bo, I didn't even know that I was pregnant, and yet, I lost a baby! I feel so lost and lonely," said Vicki as the tears start to fall down her face. Bo reached up to brush away her tears. "The main thing is, sweet angel, that you're okay. I'm so sorry that it happened to us.""The last thing that I remember was that Katie and I were walking towards you, Luke, Coy, and Vance. We were going to arrest y'all for reckless driving and evading us. That was when a sharp pain caught me, and I doubled over. I--I think that was when I passed out," said Vicki as she began to sob softly."Sh...honey. You don't have to go over it. It's going to be all right. Please rest now," said Bo as he was cradling Vicki in his arms.Vicki's lifeless hand curled around Bo's and held on tightly. "It wasn't my fault, was it, Bo? I didn't do anything wrong, except that I want my baby..." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 6, 2002 Author Posted November 6, 2002 "Sweetheart, our baby doesn't exist anymore. Don't you remember? You lost the baby during surgery," said Bo sadly as he continued to cradle Vicki in his arms."So it was my fault," said Vicki as she started to wept uncontrollably."Sh...honey. You didn't do a thing. It was spontaneous. These things happened sometimes without warning, and nothing you can do or don't do can prevent them," said Bo as he gently kissed her forehead & cheeks."Bo, I know that you are devastated. I am too. I know that I let you down," said Vicki as the tears continue to fall."Sweetheart, you didn't let me down. You have to believe that," said Bo."I know how much deep down that you wanted this baby. I did too," said Vicki, looking away from Bo as the tears continued to flow."Honey, this wasn't your fault. Please stop blaming yourself. You need to rest," said Bo as he continued to cradle Vicki in his arms.Hadn't Doc Applebey said that he gave Vicki a shot? Why wasn't she drifting off? Maybe she was too agitated to go to sleep."Bo, I don't think that I can stop blaming myself. I let you down, and it's all my fault. Sometimes I wish that things would have worked out differently," said Vicki sadly as her heavy blue-gray eyes finally close."Sweet Angel, if you're still awake, we will work everything out. I will help you overcome our loss," thought Bo as he brushed away the tears off his face, continuing to cradle Vicki in his arms until the redhead finally fell into a deep sleep... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 13, 2002 Author Posted November 13, 2002 AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry I haven't been online much, due to my computer being down at home, but I will be working hard to finish up this storyline so I can start a new story in the next few days. *********A few days later...A few days later, Vicki was somewhat better. She was still in a deep depression and very sad, but she knows now that she did lose the baby."Katie, can you help me?" asked Vicki as she was pushing the buttons on her control pad so that she can sit up in bed."What do you want me to do?" asked Katie, a bit startled as she noticed the redhead sitting up in bed."Just help me out of bed. I want to take a walk outside. I've been in bed long enough," said Vicki in an sad, shallow voice."Are you sure? You still look real pale. Your face is white," said Katie as she put a protective arm around the redhead."Katie, I'm postive!" barked Vicki then added, "I need to start walking around so I can go home soon.""Okay, okay. I think that you are feeling a little better. Where do you want to go?" asked Katie as she opened the door for a shaky Vicki."Just a walk down the hall, Katie," said Vicki, taking a few shaky steps as she & Katie walked outside in the hall of the hospital.Meanwhile, Pam & Mary came to visit Vicki in the hospital, but when they arrived, the redhead was gone! Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 20, 2002 Author Posted November 20, 2002 "Mom, I wonder where Vicki went? She's in no state to be by herself right now," said Pam as she looked around the hospital room."I know, honey. She's very depressed right now," said Mary as she looking around the room. She noticed Katie's purse on the floor next to a chair by the bed. "She's not by herself. Katie is with her.""Well, that's good. I was afraid that Vicki might have left the hospital," said Pam worriedly then added, "Maybe we better go look for them."********"Vicki, are you ready to go back to the room? We've been walking for over an hour," said Katie as she followed the redhead down the hall."I guess so, Katie," sighed Vicki loudly."Are you all right?" asked Katie."I'm better than I was earlier when Bo was here. Do you mind if we stop at the nursey for a minute? I want to take a look at the new babies," said Vicki as she sat down in a chair in the hall of the hospital."If you're feeling up to it, Little Red. I'll be there for you," said Katie as she and Vicki were walking slowly towards the nursey. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 22, 2002 Author Posted November 22, 2002 "Little Sister, we finally found you!" exclaimed Pam as she caught up with Vicki & Katie."Is it good or bad that you found me?" asked Vicki, looking in the nursey at the new babies."It could be good, if you want to hear it," said Pam, looking in the nursey window."I could use some good news to make me feel better about myself," said Vicki, sadly brushing a tear away from her face."Anything can be better news than Bo going back out on the NASCAR circuit," added Katie. "Vicki has been crying off and on ever since he left again.""As soon as Doc Applebey can let you leave, Vicki, would you like to move to Oklahoma temporarily and help me run my horse ranch?" asked Pam, smiling at her sister.Vicki just stared back at her sister speechless... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 5, 2002 Author Posted December 5, 2002 AUTHOR NOTE: Yay! I'm finally out of Dukes writing withdrawals! Thanks to Hazzardnet being back! **********"Pam, I don't know what to say to that," said Vicki sighing loudly as she & her sister were walking back towards the room."Just think about it, Little Sister. It might do you some good to move to Oklahoma for a while," said Pam, placing her hand on her sister's shoulder as they walked back inside the hospital room."Yeah, some good it will do me especially with my husband being gone right now," said Vicki sarcastically as she sat back down on her hospital bed."You're pretty bitter right now, aren't you?" asked Katie."You were acting the same way when Luke was gone to Atlanta for a few days," said Vicki as she stared out the window as she watched some clouds start to form."Yeah, I was, Little Red. And I know that you can overcome this. What you need is a fresh change of your bitter attitude and your life," said Katie, smiling at her best friend."And with our help, we will help you overcome this," added Pam."So you can be happy again," said Katie."We're only doing this because we all love you and we want to see you happy again," said Mary, placing her hand on her daughter's shoulder.Vicki stared outside at the clouds and sighed again. "You know, maybe y'all are right. Maybe what I need right now IS a change in scenery and a new attitude on my life in general." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 11, 2002 Author Posted December 11, 2002 THE NEXT MORNING:Early the next morning, Vicki awoke as the sun was coming up over the horizon.She was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon, but was told to take it easy for the next few weeks."This is a beautiful morning," thought the redhead sighing loudly as she looked out the window then added, "There isn't a cloud in the sky. It just looks so peaceful. This is one reason why I can't leave these peaceful Georgia mornings."As Vicki was looking out the window overlooking downtown Chickasaw, there was a knock at the door. KNOCK! KNOCK!Sighing loudly as she grabbed her long pink robe then walking to her door, Vicki opened the door cautiously. She gasped in shock who she saw at her door."Hughie! It's nice to see you!" said Vicki excitedly as she gave her old friend a hug."It's nice to see you too, Princess," said Hughie grinning at the redhead then added, "How are you doing this morning since you're not in the hospital anymore?""I'm doing much better. Doc Applebey told me that I can still have a baby in the future," said Vicki."That's good, Princess. I hope that everything works out for you," said Hughie as he sat down on the sofa."Hughie, what's wrong? You seem a little sad," said Vicki as she sat down on the sofa next to Hughie."I am a little sad in a way. I spoke to your sister last night after she brought you here. She said that you were going to move to Oklahoma for a while.""Hughie, I am going to start my life back over. Bo & I are separated now. I can't stay here. If I did, it would bring back bad memories," said Vicki as a tear fell down her face."Yeah, I know what you mean. Those Dukes were nothing but trouble to you," said Hughie as he gave Vicki a tissue."Especially in the last few months. I have to do this. I'm going to be a fresh new person," said Vicki as she looked out her window."You do seem better, Princess," said Hughie as he walked over to where Vicki was standing by the window."And I already feel better too about myself thanks to your encouragement in the last few days. But you know what, Hughie?" asked Vicki as she gave Hughie a hug."What Princess?" asked Hughie, looking into Vicki's blue-gray eyes."Thank you for being there for me in the last few months. It means a lot to me that you are my best friend and my confidate. I will always treasure our time together.""Princess, I feel the same way. I will always be there for you even when we're 800 miles away from each other," said Hughie, giving Vicki a hug."Which is not that far away when you call me or come visit me in Oklahoma," said Vicki as she broke away from Hughie."That's right, Princess. I'll come visit you every chance I get. Afterall, we're best friends," said Hughie, wiping Vicki's tears away from her eyes.Vicki smiled at Hughie as she pulled away from him. "After I get dressed, I guess that we need to go pack my suitcase and all my things if I'm moving to Oklahoma with my sister." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 11, 2002 Author Posted December 11, 2002 BALLADEER: Are things looking better in Hazzard? Who knows! A couple of hours later after saying good-bye to Sheriff Little and her best friend Katie, Vicki crosses her black mustang across the Hazzard County line. Hughie Hogg was following the redhead in his white convertible."Princess, are you sure that you want to do this?" asked Hughie into the CB mike watching as Vicki turned onto Old Mill Road."Well, not really. But I need to tell everyone else that I'm leaving town for good," said Vicki back into the CB mike."All right, Princess. I hope that everything works out," said Hughie back into the CB mike."Hughie, it will work out. I already called my mom to tell everyone to meet us at the Boar's Nest. That is where I'm going to tell everyone goodbye forever," said Vicki as she drove by the Duke farm slowly, not knowing that Luke was watching them drive by through an open window... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 16, 2002 Author Posted December 16, 2002 Inside the farmhouse, Luke was looking out the open kitchen window as a black mustang and a white convertible drive by the farmhouse slowly."Well, it's about time that she made it back to Hazzard," said Luke sarcastically as he looked out the open window."You don't sound too thrilled about Vicki returning to Hazzard, Luke," said Vance, taking a drink of his coffee."I'm not too thrilled about her returning to Hazzard with that little twerp Hughie Hogg," said Luke as he sat back down at the kitchen table."Luke, you should be glad that Vicki is returning to Hazzard," added Coy, pouring himself a cup of coffee then added, "Now she & Bo can talk everything out.""It's probably only temporary that Vicki is here anyway," said Luke, taking another drink of his coffee as he looked out the open kitchen window. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 19, 2002 Author Posted December 19, 2002 "Luke, maybe Vicki being here might not be temporary," said Coy."Yeah, her mom called last night to invite us to the Boar's Nest for a formal lunch this afternoon. She said that Vicki wanted to talk to us," said Daisy, smiling at Luke then added, "Maybe it's good news.""Yeah, maybe. Did Mary say that Vicki wanted to talk to us or to Bo?" asked Luke as he walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa."I really don't know, Luke. She didn't say," said Daisy as she sat down next to her cousin."Maybe I should call that redhead on the CB and ask her," said Coy, laughing."Coy, don't be too pushy right now. Vicki is still very emotional. If you call her, she may not talk to us at all," said Jesse as he added his imput into the conversation then added, "If y'all want her back home with us, we have to do it slowly." Quote
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